
  • 网络Marketing;Marketing mode;marketing tactics;sem
  1. 营销方式新进展:从CRM到交叉销售

    New Development in Marketing : From CRM to Cross-selling

  2. 本文介绍了Internet的由来与发展,并阐述了由此而产生的对商业企业、营销方式、生产管理及对会计处理模式的影响。

    This paper introduces the origin and development of Internet , and states its effect on commercial enterprises , marketing styles , production management and accounting modes .

  3. 应用SNS的电子商务营销方式探讨

    Discussion on Applying SNS to E-commerce Marketing

  4. 第三,Internet的广泛应用,电子商务的兴起与快速发展,使企业的销售渠道、营销方式、客户服务模式等面临着新的变革与创新。

    Thirdly , because of the wide use of internet and high-speed development of e-commerce , the sale channel , marketing model and consumer service pattern of enterprises are faced with a change and new ideas .

  5. 信息技术的发展促进了营销方式的创新,加速了营销自动化的进程,而CRM和交叉销售作为一种新兴的营销方式,在国内外金融营销中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    The development of information technology facilitates the innovation and speeds up the automation process of marketing , and CRM and cross - selling as a newly developed method plays an increasingly important role in the marketing of financial products both in China and abroad .

  6. 但DSK在中国以销售代表处的形式来进行产品的市场开拓和技术服务工作,营销方式以经销代理商渠道销售为主。

    But DSK function in the form of a sales representative in China for product market development and technology services , distribution agent channel sales-oriented for marketing .

  7. 而我国各行业的广大企业在B2B应用过程中,暴露出从企业自建网站的第一代网络营销方式,到拥有庞大数据量的综合性第二代电子商务网站的诸多问题。

    But in the B2B the application process , the large business enterprise of our country expose many problems from setting up a first generation marketing website to next generation electronic commerce of the website that have a huge and comprehensive data .

  8. 新的时代呼唤新的营销方式。

    New ways of marketing are required in the new age .

  9. 用原始的营销方式创出骄人的营销业绩&记湖北安琪酵母股份有限公司酵母下乡的成功实践

    Create the marketing achievement of proud people in original marketing way

  10. 现代流通和营销方式不断拓展。

    Modern methods of distribution and marketing continued to spread .

  11. 但考虑涉足口碑营销方式的公司应谨慎行事。

    But companies thinking of dabbling in word-of-mouth methods should be wary .

  12. 中国汽车营销方式路在何方?

    Which way of China automobile sales mode should go ?

  13. 为什么共享比其他任何营销方式?

    Why is shareware better than any other marketing method ?

  14. 看起来,似乎是非常传统的营销方式。

    That may seem a very traditional kind of marketing .

  15. 与传统营销方式相比网络营销具有明显的优势。

    Obviously , networks promotion has advantages over traditional ways of promotion .

  16. 因此,面向客户的市场营销方式成为了营销的主流。

    Customer-oriented marketing style became the mainstream of marketing .

  17. 营销方式和营销体系不健全;

    The mode and system of marketing are unsound .

  18. 新世纪营销方式的新发展

    A New Development of Marketing in the New Century

  19. 一个所谓的设计签名网站所做的营销方式!

    Feng-Ju Dan , a so-called signature web site design done by marketing !

  20. 但在日本,它可以被视为微妙而有效的营销方式。

    But in Japan it could be seen as subtle and effective marketing .

  21. 而创新的销售方法,营销方式和公共关系则是开拓利基产品的关键。

    Innovative sales , marketing and PR are vital to exploit these niche products .

  22. 长安汽车(微型客、货车)内部协同营销方式研究

    Research on Changan Automobile ( Compact Passenger Car and Truck ) Internal Coordination Marketing

  23. 租用展位并参加展览是企业的一种重要营销方式。

    Participating in exhibition is an important kind of marketing method by business enterprises .

  24. 信息科技革命颠覆了传统的营销方式,其变化之深刻很少有其他行业可以相提并论。

    Few fields have been disrupted by the InfoTech revolution as profoundly as marketing .

  25. 最后本文对网络团购的营销方式提出了一些营销建议。

    Finally , marketing proposals about marketing patterns of online group-buying are put forward .

  26. 企业通过使用电子营销方式来代替原来的人工操作方式,产生了新型交易模式。

    Enterprises began to use electronic marketing methods to replace the original manual operation mode .

  27. 此应用程序是理想的个人和企业使用的直接营销方式上网。

    This application is ideal for individuals and companies that use direct marketing approach online .

  28. 面对这种情况,汽车厂商已通过创新营销方式来积极应对。

    Carmakers have responded in innovative ways .

  29. 第五部分简要分析了早期和当代中国内地恐怖片主要的市场营销方式。

    The fifth part analyses the early and contemporary marketing mode of Chinese horror film .

  30. 经营方式单一,营销方式简单是我国家装企业普遍存在的问题。

    Operation of a single , simple way of marketing our home business is widespread .