
  • 网络operation mileage
  1. 通过关联分析得出的结论是:在我国玉米加工品国际物流需求中,影响最为紧密的是港口泊位数的数量和公路的营运里程这两个因素。

    Through association analysis , the conclusion got is that : in the international logistics demand for processed corn products , the most closely two factors are capacity of the port berth and operation mileage of the highway .

  2. 到2020年,我国铁路营运里程将达到10万公里,计划总投资超过2万亿元。

    Chinese railway operating miles will achieve 100,000 kilometers ;

  3. 远景规划的轨道交通线路达到20条,营运里程突破880公里。

    The long-term plan is to achieve 20 rail transit lines , attaining 880 km in length .

  4. 但28年后,春运不再是难题。到2020年,中国铁路营运里程将达到到12万公里以上,形成一个覆盖全国90%以上人口的快速客运网。

    But in 28 years , Spring Festival travel may not be a problem at all . China plans to have more than 120,000 kilometers of railway and a rapid transportation network that will serve 90 percent of the population by 2020 .

  5. 利用经济计量模型分析发现:工农业总产值、公路营运里程以及居民消费价格指数是影响中国公路货物运输市场的主要因素。

    By using econometrics model analysis , it is found that the major factors , consisting of Length of Road , Regulated Industrial and Agricultural Production and Consumer Price Index , play important roles in the development of market of highway freight transportation in China .

  6. 新建铁路交付营运里程896公里,电气化铁路1916公里,复线551公里,新增公路里程35000公里,其中高速公路1313公里,公路旅客周转量达到5118亿人/公里,大幅度超过了铁路的周转量。

    Newly built railways open to traffic totaled 896 km , electrified railways to 1916 km and double track railways 551 km . A total of 35000 km of new roads was added , including 1313 km of express ways . The passenger transport of high ways was 511.8 billion passenger km .

  7. 到2020年,中国铁路营运里程将达到到12万公里以上,形成一个覆盖全国90%以上人口的快速客运网。到那时,中国大部分地区都已经是城市,人们不必到别处就业,这样一来就不会出现这样大规模的人口流动了。

    China plans to have more than 120000 kilometers of railway and a rapid transportation network that will serve 90 percent of the population by 2020 . And because most of China will be cities , people will not have to go to other places to find a job , so migration will no longer be so large-scale .