
  1. 因此,放宽专利方面的规定,应被视为一项有助于发展中国家和最不发达国家努力实现科技发展目标的政策选项。

    Relaxation of patent rules should therefore , be considered as a policy option for developing and least developed countries to facilitate their drive towards technological and scientific development .

  2. 提出了江西省2020年科技发展目标体系是:增长、强省、富民、提高竞争力、可持续发展。

    Also , it advances the goal system of the scientific and technological development of Jiangxi province in 2020 , that is ," growth , strengthening the province , enriching people , improving competitiveness and sustainable development " .

  3. 最后,从四川省科技发展目标和重点、科技创新投入、原始创新能力、产学研一体化和科技创新环境五个方面提出提高四川省科技创新能力的对策及建议。

    Finally , this paper proposes some countermeasures how to enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation in these aspects : the development goals and priorities , innovation input , original innovation ability , industry-university-institute cooperation and environment of scientific and technological innovation .

  4. 提高计算机智能化水平,一直是科技发展的目标之一。

    Intelligent computation is one of objectives of science development .

  5. 大型科技企业发展目标及管理模式的探讨

    Approach to development goal and management mode of large scientific and technological enterprises

  6. 根据贵州省林业发展总目标,提出了林业科技的发展目标;

    According to the goal of forestry development in Guizhou , it is put forward that the goal of forestry science and technology .

  7. 我国作为镁资源大国,镁合金的产业化应用已成为国家科技战略发展目标之一。

    As a country with abundant Mg resource , the industrialization of Mg has been become the one of tactic aims of science and technology in our country .

  8. 强调处理好上述重大问题才能确保“十一五”和中长期林业科技发展总目标的实现。

    Stressing that the proper handling of these important issues to ensure that the 11th Five-Year Plan and the overall goal of achieving long-term development of forestry science and technology .

  9. 中国未来15年科技发展的目标为:2020年建成创新型国家,使科技发展成为经济社会发展的有力支撑。

    The coming 15 years target of Chinese science and technology development is : Establish the innovative country in 2020 , Make science and technology development become forceful support of economic and social development .

  10. 审美轴心说揭示,审美意识决定道德追求和科技发展的目标,引导科技伦理的进步,指引科学技术发展的方向。

    Theory of aesthetic oriented discovered : Aesthetic consciousness decides the pursuit of morality and the development goal of science and technology , decides the advancement of scientific ethic , decides the orient of science and technology .

  11. 对当前美国林业管理机构的设置、有关林业政策的制定、经费财政预算等问题进行了述评,这些方面构成了实现美国林业科技未来发展目标的基础。

    The organization of forest management , research institution , policies making related to forestry , financial budget and research funds in USA were reviewed , all of which are the basis for their future developing objects in the forest science and technology .

  12. 针对客运专线的特点以及中国铁路科技发展的目标,提出了集监测、控制和管理为一体的基于安全网络信息平台的安全监控系统的模型。

    The paper , in view of the characteristic of railway line for passenger traffic and the development target of the Chinese railways , proposes a security monitoring system model , which is based on the security network information platform , which integrates monitoring , control and management in one .

  13. 前者以促进科技发展为主要目标,而后者以促进技术创新为主要目标。

    The former aims at developing science and technology while the later focuses on the innovation of technology .

  14. 随着科技的发展,目标跟踪系统越来越多地采用多传感器网络来对目标进行探测和跟踪。

    Nowadays , more and more target tracking systems begin to adopt multi-sensor network to detect and track the targets .

  15. 我国已把建立二代卫星导航系统作为我国航天科技的近期发展目标。

    Therefore to establish a new generation navigation satellite system is development goal of our space technology in the near future .

  16. 确定公司未来科技发展的总目标,随之对此目标进一步分析,认为公司科技发展目标的实现过程实际上是企业做强、做优的过程。

    This goal further analysis indicates that the company to achieve the goals of the development of science and technology process is in fact the process of enterprise growth .

  17. 我国功能食品科技发展的战略目标:到2020年,实现功能食品科学技术的跨越发展,推进新的科技革命;

    The strategic objective of functional food development in china in 2020 : realize the of functional food science technology and push forward the revolution of new science and technology ;

  18. 随着科技的发展,红外目标模拟器已然成为导弹半实物仿真系统的重要组成部分,该系统由干扰源、复合物镜、扩束元件以及准直物镜四部分组成。

    With the development of science and technology , infrared target simulator has become an important component of the missile simulation system that consisting the interference source , compound lens , the beam expander and collimating lens of four parts .

  19. 全面回顾了华东电网有限公司2005年的科技工作,介绍了公司十一五科技发展的总体目标和要求,提出了公司2006年科技工作的重点任务。

    , Ltd. ( ECGC ) in 2005 is reviewed , and the overall goals and requirements of ST development during the " 11th Five-Year " period are presented . The key tasks on the ST work of ECGC in 2006 are also put forward .

  20. 高校科技统计是国家整体科技统计的一个重要组成部分,是制定国家和高校的科技发展目标和政策的重要依据。

    Science and Technology ( S T ) statistics for universities and institutes , as an important part of the national S T statistics , is the basis of making strategic goal and policies of science and technology .