
  • 网络scientific and technological enterprises
  1. 民营科技型企业公司治理结构研究

    A Study on the Corporate Governance of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises

  2. 科技型企业实现股份制改造的探讨

    A Research into The Shareholding System Reform for Scientific and Technological Enterprises

  3. 随着中国加入WTO和国内资本市场的建立与完善,国内涉及科技型企业的并购整合也逐渐提上日程。

    With China joining WTO and the building and consummating of internal capital market , the M & A and integration of science and technology enterprises is taking into daily course little by little .

  4. 各种科技型企业涌入曼哈顿的Flatiron区及布鲁克林的Dumbo区,从家庭式企业到公司如STELLAService和Etsy。

    Tech clusters have emerged in Manhattan 's Flatiron District and Brooklyn 's Dumbo , home to firms like STELLAService and Etsy .

  5. XD公司刚由一个从事分析技术研究、开发、应用并提供分析测试技术服务为主的纯科研机构转制为自负盈亏的科技型企业,有着自己独特的情况。

    XD Company , a hi-tech enterprise that has just changed system from a scientific research institute engaged in research , development , apply and service on analysis technology , has special condition .

  6. 科技型企业中新进员工组织承诺的预测研究

    A Predictive Study on Organizational Commitment of Newcomers in Technology Enterprises

  7. 科技型企业创生资源整合研究

    A Study on Assembling Resources for Emergence of New Technology-based Firms

  8. 南通市科技型企业发展的调查与思考

    Investigate and Think about the Development of Nantong 's technical enterprises

  9. 论农业科技型企业的核心竞争力

    Discussion on the Core Competitiveness of Agricultural Sci - tech Enterprise

  10. 民营科技型企业是民营经济的重要组成部分。从产权形式上看,有四种主要类型:创业人员以技术入股带动的私营科技企业;

    Private technological enterprises are an important part in private economy .

  11. 探索科技型企业创新自强之路

    Probe into innovation and strong-minded way of science and technology enterprises

  12. 人才是科技型企业发展的决定性因素。

    Talent is key to the development of technology-based companies .

  13. 武汉科技型企业融资模式创新

    Innovation of financing pattern among scientific & technological corporations located in Wuhan

  14. 科技型企业财务预警实证研究

    Early Warning Case Study on Financial Affairs of Scientific and Technologic Enterprises

  15. 我国民营科技型企业对外投资机制分析

    The Analysis on Foreign Investment Mechanism of China 's Nongovernmental Science-technologic Enterprises

  16. 科技型企业创生要素的系统分析

    Systematical analysis on the elements for creating startups based science and technology

  17. 对印度科技型企业来说,难得一见的亮点是卢比汇率的不断走低。

    A rare bright spot for the companies is the weakening rupee .

  18. 西部地区科技型企业多元化发展战略研究

    Research on China 's Western Areas Technology-based Enterprise Diversification Strategy

  19. 融资模式与科技型企业创新绩效的关系研究

    Research on Relations between Financing Patterns and High-tech Innovation Performance

  20. 试论科技型企业价值评估的新思路

    Discussing the new mentality of the science and technology enterprise value appraisal

  21. 科技型企业人力资源管理与开发研究

    Human Resource Management and Development of the Sci-Tech Enterprise

  22. 科技型企业加强技术创新浅议

    Preliminary Discussion of Enhancing Technology Innovation for Science-technology Enterprise

  23. 农业科技型企业人力资源管理存在的问题及其影响

    Problems and Influence of Human Resource Management in Agricultural Science and Technology Enterprises

  24. 科技型企业安全性预警模型分析&灰预测模糊识别模型的构建

    Analysis of Security Forewarning Model of Tech-Oriented Enterprise

  25. 科技型企业核心竞争力研究

    Study on Core Competitiveness of the Sci-Tech Enterprises

  26. 环境主体搭建起科技型企业和外部环境之间的桥梁。

    Actors of environment establish the bridge between technology-based firms and the external environment .

  27. 面向柜台交易市场的科技型企业政策促进体系研究

    Research on Policy Promotion System of OTC Market for China Science and Technology Enterprises

  28. 民营传统企业向科技型企业转型的类型与障碍分析

    How to Transform Civilian-run Enterprises into Scientific Ones

  29. 科技型企业创业环境研究

    Research on Entrepreneurship Environment of Technology-based Start-ups

  30. 直接针对科技型企业设计师系统的研究,更是接近于空白。

    Proximity Photolithography There is almost nothing on the study of " designer system " .