
  1. 管理会计信息系统与企业文化系统的关联与协调

    Relationship and coordination between management accounting information system and business culture system

  2. 企业文化系统的机理与塑造研究

    Study on the Mechanism and Construction of Corporate Cultural System

  3. 企业文化系统及其塑造研究

    Research on corporate culture system model and its construction

  4. 中国人寿保险公司企业文化系统构建设想

    Business Culture Design for Chinese Life Lnsurance Company

  5. 论企业文化系统的自适应性

    Self - adaptation of Enterprise Culture

  6. 建筑企业文化系统观

    Systematic Prospective of Architecture Company Culture

  7. 心理契约视角下的企业文化系统测量评估研究

    Studies on the Measurement and Assessment of the Enterprise Culture System from the Perspective of Psychological Contract

  8. 运用数学方法提出了企业文化系统的两个维度,即员工心理契约与企业激励机制;

    CCS has two dimensions in mathematics method , that is , psychological contract and incentive mechanism .

  9. 论文填补了珠江三角洲民营企业文化系统研究的不足,对民营企业文化理论研究和实践具有一定的指导意义。

    The paper can contributed to the research of Pearl River Delta private-owned enterprise culture , has guiding meaning to theory research and practice .

  10. 本文在阐述企业文化系统的基础上,论述并提出了构建盐业企业文化建设的措施。

    Based on the elaboration of corporate culture system , this paper expounds and proposes measures to construct corporate culture in salt making enterprises .

  11. 最后,通过建立相匹配的组织管理、资金运作、市场营销与企业文化系统来支撑公司发展战略的顺利实施。

    Finally through establishes the organization and management system , the fund application system , the market marketing system and the enterprise culture system to support corporate growth strategy to smooth implement .

  12. 本文运用复杂适应系统理论,论述了企业文化系统中文化主体、企业营销方式、企业对环境以及文化个体与整体的自适应性问题。

    Applying with Complexity Adaptation System Theory , these problems are discussed in this article , such as subject and marketing form of enterprise culture system , self-adaptation question in enterprise between environment and culture part and culture whole .

  13. 并探讨了塑钢门窗厂生产管理、装饰工程施工管理、公司成本管理等方面的内容,最后提出了构建新纪元公司企业文化系统的思路。

    And probed into production management of PVC door & window , decoration engineering constructing management , company cost management , and so on . At last , brought forward idea to constitute New Century Company 's enterprise culture system .

  14. 为此,本论文从员工心理契约着手,借用激励机制的手段系统而深入地研究了企业文化系统的构建与塑造,是运用定量方法研究的一种尝试。

    The paper has a deep going and systematic study on the construction of corporate culture involving employee psychological contract ( EPC ) under incentive mechanism , and tries to research corporate cultural systems ( CCS ) in quantitative method .

  15. 面向全过程的发电企业文化评估系统研究及应用

    Research and Application on Whole Life-cycle Oriented Power Generation Enterprise Culture Evaluation System

  16. 企业文化运营系统及其投入产出分析

    Research on the Cultural Operation System of Enterprise

  17. 在企业文化这个系统结构中,主要包涵物质层、制度层、行为层和精神层。

    Enterprise culture includes mainly material layer , regulation layer , behavior layer and spirit layer .

  18. 接下来本文从五个方面初步构建了舜和酒店实习生管理制度,分别为企业文化渗透系统、培训开发系统、激励系统、职业生涯规划系统及情感管理系统。

    The thesis initially established the intern management system from five aspects . They are infiltration system for the corporate culture , training and development system , the incentive system , a system of career planning and the emotional management system .

  19. 得出:煤矿企业安全文化系统演化的核心是观念文化;强制演化和自然演化的根本区别在于先确定强制安全观念还是最后自然形成安全观念。

    The conclusion is : the core of safety culture evolution in coal mining enterprises is the concept culture ; the fundamental difference between mandatory evolution and natural evolution is the evolution of safety concept system and the improvement of safety concept level .

  20. 从内部优化视角分析,企业安全文化系统应包括企业安全文化领导系统、企业安全文化动力系统、企业安全文化传播系统三大子系统。

    From the internal optimized angle to analysis , the system of security culture in enterprises should include the leadership system of security culture in enterprises , the dynamic system of security culture in enterprises disseminated of security culture in enterprises-three big subsystems .

  21. 目前,我国煤矿安全生产形势较为严峻,煤矿企业安全文化系统的影响因素是什么,怎样才能控制事故的发生,是目前实施安全管理亟待解决的首要问题。

    At present , the safety situation in coal mine is rather complicated in my nation . What is the factors influencing the system safety culture in coal mine enterprises , how to control accidents , the problem about safety management is the most important issue to be solved .

  22. 人工神经网络在电力企业安全文化评估系统中的应用

    Artificial Neural Networks Application to Safety Culture Evaluation for Electric Enterprises

  23. 浅析企业文化建设的系统原则

    Analysis on the Systematic Principles Used in the Construction of Enterprise Culture

  24. 中国民营企业企业文化的系统研究

    Research for Corporate Culture of Chinese Private Enterprise

  25. 其次,运用概念性研究的方法,从四个文化维度深入地分析,企业文化对信息系统实施过程中的关键成功因素的影响,并提出企业文化对信息系统实施的影响模型;

    Secondly , the influence of corporate culture on the CSFs of IS implementation in China is analyzed from four cultural dimensions , and the influence model is produced .

  26. 本文主要从知识管理、组织网络化重构、企业文化和信息系统的发展等方面探讨了在知识经济时代企业管理创新的动态进程与发展趋势。

    This article mainly researches the trend of enterprise control innovation and development , starting from knowledge control , reconstruction of organization network , enterprise culture and development of information system .

  27. “现代企业文化”是管理系统的新的序参量,其第一要素&科学文化的动力功能;

    Modern corporate culture is a new parameter in management system .

  28. 论文从管理学的角度对高新技术企业集群文化进行了系统的探讨,对于企业集群文化的研究提供了一个较为完整的分析框架。

    This paper tries to inquire into culture of high-tech enterprise clusters systematically from the poit of managing and it provides more or less a basic for cultural research .

  29. 接着,围绕着企业文化重塑的战略目标,对康恩贝的企业文化体系进行了系统的结构设计;

    Secondly , we had designed the system of Conba 's corporation culture according as the target .

  30. 企业文化形成的结果将引发相对封闭、相对孤立的企业文化系统形成,从而导致系统的熵不断增加的自然发展过程发生。

    The formation of enterprise culture results in the establishment of isolated enterprise culture system , and it leads to the natural process of the increasing entropy of the system .