
  • 网络Business Loan;Corporate loans;corporate lending;SBA Loan
  1. BP表示:这种融资形式为BP提供了更多的灵活性,作为更传统的债务融资(如企业贷款或项目融资结构)之外适当场合的另一种融资形式。

    This form of financing creates further flexibility for BP as an alternative form of financing in addition to its more conventional debt financing such as corporate lending or project finance structures where appropriate , BP said .

  2. 过去两年来,这家咨询公司为中国本土银行提供的咨询,主要围绕着如何在遵循《新巴塞尔协议》(baselii)等国际基准的同时,评估和限制企业贷款风险。

    For the past two years , the new York-based consultancy has mostly advised domestic banks on how to evaluate and limit corporate lending risks , while complying with international benchmarks such as the Basel II standard .

  3. 政府需要设立专门机构来为小企业贷款作担保。

    The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans

  4. 一定要让中小微企业贷款可获得性明显提高,一定要让综合融资成本明显下降

    Ensure that micro , small , and medium businesses have significantly better access to loans and that overall financing costs drop markedly .

  5. 中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)也在去年底发行了由企业贷款支持的资产支持证券,并在今年早些时候进行了类似交易。

    China Development Bank has also issued asset-backed securities , supported by tranches of corporate loans , and followed with a similar transaction earlier this year .

  6. 你已经看到P2P在消费贷款和企业贷款领域起飞,现在房地产和抵押贷款是下一个重要业务领域,他说。

    You have seen peer-to-peer take off in lending to consumers and businesses , and now property and mortgages is the next big thing , he said .

  7. 实际上,自1950年以来,在经济复苏的第一年里,美国私营部门贷款(不包括抵押贷款)占GDP的比例平均下滑0.1%,非金融企业贷款所占比例下滑0.6%。

    Indeed , since 1950 , US private sector borrowing ex-mortgages has declined an average 0.1 per cent of GDP in the first year of recovery , with non-financial business borrowing declining 0.6 per cent of GDP .

  8. 欧元区银行企业贷款业务7月份进一步萎缩,尽管整个地区经济均呈现明显的经济复苏迹象,且欧洲央行(ecb)也正努力重新激活信贷市场。

    Eurozone bank lending to business was squeezed further in July in spite of clear signs of an economic recovery across the region and European Central Bank attempts to kick-start credit markets .

  9. 周二联储发布了等候多时的旨在提振个人消费者和企业贷款市场的定期资产支持证券贷款工具的TALF计划。

    The Federal Reserve launched the much-awaited TALF , a lending program aimed at consumers and small businesses Tuesday .

  10. 市场参与者表示,在债务抵押债券(CDO)市场正出现清算潮。CDO是指由抵押贷款、企业贷款和其它债务支付支持的复杂证券。

    Market participants say the unwinding is occurring in the market for collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ), complex securities backed by the payments on mortgages , corporate loans and other debt .

  11. CIT集团昨日透露,已赢得更多时间重组,并避免了在近期内陷入破产保护。这家陷入困境的美国小型企业贷款机构表示,勉强完成了10亿美元的债券回购招标。

    CIT Group yesterday revealed it had won more time to restructure and avert a near-term bankruptcy filing , saying a tender offer for $ 1bn of the troubled US small business lender 's debt succeeded by a small margin .

  12. 亏损的NovoBanco已经被解除了70亿欧元的不良资产,并从必利胜银行承袭了400亿欧元的贷款组合其中70%是企业贷款这被认为是其最具吸引力的资产。

    The lossmaking Novo Banco has been relieved of € 7bn in toxic assets and has inherited a € 40bn loan portfolio from BES of which 70 per cent is corporate lending considered one of its most attractive assets .

  13. 二是中小企业贷款信用风险决策。

    Secondly , credit risk policy making of SMEs ' loan .

  14. 中方不宜单方面为合资企业贷款担保

    Inadvisability for Chinese Side to Soley Guarantee Joint Venture Loans

  15. 小企业贷款未解之题国际银团贷款争议与国际商事仲裁的勃兴

    The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration

  16. 招下岗工企业贷款可贴息50%。

    Enterprises employing laid-offs can borrow at50 % interest discount .

  17. 国际和国内的许多金融机构对小企业贷款都进行了深入的研究。

    Many international and domestic financial institutions had deeply researched micro-loan business .

  18. 楼市和企业贷款也在增长。

    The housing market and business lending are also up .

  19. 但是诸多证据显示银行对企业贷款仍是小心翼翼。

    Yet evidence abounds that banks are still gun-shy'about lending to business .

  20. 《新资本协议》将中小企业贷款划入更高的风险类别

    Basle II puts SME lending into different higher risk category

  21. 中小企业贷款利率定价的计算实验方法

    Loan rate pricing of SME financing based on agent-based computational finance approach

  22. 创业企业贷款组合风险管理研究&基于不同生命阶段的视角

    Loan Portfolio Management on Enterprises in Different Business Life Stages

  23. 首先,银行对企业贷款数额大幅下降。

    First , bank lending to companies has fallen dramatically .

  24. 信息不对称、信贷配给与中小企业贷款

    Information Dissymmetry , Credit Admeasure and Loan-applying of the Small / Medium-sized Enterprises

  25. 银行中小企业贷款的效益与风险分析

    Economic Returns and Risk from Loans for SMS Enterprises

  26. 因此,国家已经限制了对房地产开发企业贷款的发放。

    So country has already limited the loan of development of real estate .

  27. 不同生命阶段创业企业贷款组合模型研究

    The Study of Loan Portfolio Model for Start-up Enterprise in Different life Stages

  28. 微小企业贷款:城市商业银行的蓝海战略

    Microfinance : Blue Ocean Strategy for City Commercial Banks

  29. 关于以小企业贷款产品的价值基础定价的思考

    Research on Loan Pricing According to the Basic Value of Small Enterprise Loans

  30. 第四章对微小企业贷款业务的业务和管理特点进行了总结。

    In Chapter IV , the characteristics of micro-credit operation and management are summarized .