
qǐ yè jīnɡ yínɡ zhě
  • business operator;enterprise operator
  1. 作为一个经理人或企业经营者,您怎样提高生产效率和利润率呢?

    As a manager or business operator , what would you do to increase your productivity and profitability ?

  2. 从企业经营者和会计从业人员的角度阐述分析了我国企业会计信息失真的原因和防范措施。

    Form the standpoint of business operator and accountant , the article expounds the cause of the distortion of business ac - counting information in China and its preventive measures .

  3. 对影响企业经营者报酬的一些因素董事会控制、经理个人特征、公司经营绩效进行了分析,探讨了董事会在对企业主要管理者经理(CEO)的激励约束机制控制中的作用。

    This paper examines the role of board control , chief executive officer characteristics and firm performance in determining management compensation .

  4. 在引进ERP系统时,企业经营者所要作的第一件事,是检查公司内部所有的相关业务流程,进行流程改造或企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineeringBPR)。

    When introduce the ERP system , the primal work the operators of the enterprise should do is checking all the related business process of the enterprise and do Process Reconstruction or Business Process Reengineering BPR .

  5. 我国企业经营者委托CPA审计的主要目的是为了应付政府部门和相关法规的要求,对高质量审计缺乏自愿性的需求。

    The business operators commission CPA Firms to audit in our country . Its primary purpose is to walk through the requirements of governments and associated regulations . The demands for high-quality audit are out of the voluntary aspect accordingly .

  6. 其中重点讨论如何通过OLAP对大量的销售数据进行分析,进而获得各个门店、各种商品的销售情况及规律,为企业经营者合理调配库存以及使用有针对性的营销策略提供依据。

    The thesis focuses on how to get sales status and rules of different stores and commodities by using OLAP technologies for analyzing large amount of sales data , which provides the basis to the enterprise operators to allocate the inventory reasonably and make the marketing strategy accordingly .

  7. 本文着重介绍海尔C-MRV中央空调中的独立计费系统的原理、组成。并具体阐述了该系统在青岛企业经营者评介中心中央空调配套工程中的应用。

    This article specially introduce the principle , composing of Independent counting system in Haier C-MRV system , and take the centralizing location for enterpriser as an example , detailed expatiate the application of Independent Counting System in Haier C-MRV system .

  8. 国有企业经营者的选任、激励和监督机制

    Mechanism of appointment , incentive and supervision of state owned enterprises'managers

  9. 关于建立地勘企业经营者年薪制的思考

    Thought on establishing manager 's annual-salary system in Geological Prospecting Enterprises

  10. 企业经营者薪酬激励治理的演变与效应

    Governance Evolution and Effect on Operators ' Compensation Incentive in Enterprises

  11. 国有企业经营者股票期权会计计量研究

    The Research on Stock Options Accounting Measurement of State-owned Enterprise Managers

  12. 我国企业经营者投资决策模型研究

    A Study on the Investment Decision-making Model of Chinese Business Managers

  13. 企业经营者报酬契约设计与激励强度分析

    Analyses on Design of Payment Contract and Encouraging Intension of Managers

  14. 成长型企业经营者激励机制创新研究

    Studies on the Incentive Mechanism Innovation of Growth Enterprise 's Operator

  15. 国有企业经营者选拔中的难题及解决思路

    Problems and Solving Means of Selection of State-owned Enterprise 's Operators

  16. 对国有企业经营者腐败及其遏制的经济学思考

    Economic Analysis of the Corruption and Containment of State-owned Enterprise Executive

  17. 浅议中小民营企业经营者知识资本量化问题

    On the Quantification of Knowledge Capital of Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises

  18. 二是规范国有企业经营者收入管理办法,研究确定经营者与职工收入的合理比例。

    Second , regulate the income of state-owned enterprise management .

  19. 加快企业经营者职业化进程的研究

    Research in Speeding up the Vocational Process of Enterprise Managers

  20. 国有企业经营者最优报酬激励机制之研究

    The Study of the Maximum State-Owned Enterprise Operaters ' Income Motivation System

  21. 浅谈国有企业经营者队伍的素质建设

    On quality construction of managers ' team in state-owned enterprises

  22. 企业经营者激励与制约理论研究进展

    Research Progressing on Enterprise Managers ' Incentive and Constraint Theories

  23. 年薪制与国有企业经营者激励机制的研究

    Yearly Salary System and Manager Motivation Mechanism in State-run Businesses

  24. 国有企业经营者的人力资本分析及激励问题

    Analysis on Human Capital of Stated-owned Enterprise 's Manager and Excitation Problem

  25. 我国企业经营者股权激励的运作研究

    The Study on the Operation of Ownership Incentive for Entrepreneurs in China

  26. 试论民营企业经营者自身素质建设

    Exposition on the Self-quality Construction of the Managers in the Private Enterprises

  27. 第一章对企业经营者行为进行分析。

    The first chapter researches on analyzing the behavior of the managers .

  28. 对国有企业经营者激励机制的探讨

    Discussion on Stimulation Mechanism Implemented on State-owned Enterprises ' Managers

  29. 农业类上市公司权益融资的道德风险解释&基于代理成本理论的企业经营者行为分析

    Discussion on the Moral Risk of Equity Financing of Agriculture Listed Company

  30. 国有企业经营者违法行为的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of the crime of the Managers in the State-owned Enterprises