
  1. 如果我拿到这个奖学金,猪都会飞了。

    I get the scholarship , and pigs might fly .

  2. 我要是能说好英语,连猪都会飞啦。

    If a pig can fly , I can speak English well .

  3. 如果他当科学家,猪都会飞了。

    Pigs will fly before he 'll be a scientist .

  4. 在美国几乎所有的猪都是以这种方式饲养的。

    Nearly all pigs are raised this way in the United States now .

  5. 玉米和大豆,牛和猪都不能杂交。

    Corn could not be crossed with soybeans , nor cows with pigs .

  6. 在英国这些猪都在野外,离易普威治并不远。

    These pigs are outdoors in England , not too far from Ipswich .

  7. 大多数商业化养殖的猪都是杂交种。

    Most commercial pigs are crosses or hybrids .

  8. 猪都打不赢他们。

    Even the pigs can 't beat them .

  9. 等猪都会飞了你就会得到泰勒.斯威夫特的约会邀请。

    You will get Taylor Swift to ask you on a date when pigs fly !

  10. 当晚,山羊和猪都回到屋外自己的住处。

    And that night the goat and the pig returned to their own places outside .

  11. 日本人和猪都很幼稚!

    Japanese and pigs are naive !

  12. 你要是也喝酒,他们连猪都招待。

    Serena : And if you get a drink , they 're also serving pigs . -

  13. 我遇到的猪都在结网了,却还是没有没遇到你。

    I came across a pig that was netting , but didn 't come across you yet .

  14. 例:你要是能那些事做完,那猪都会飞了。

    Example : The things you want to create is can only be complete when pigs fly .

  15. 病毒的名字来源于一种现象,就是被感染的猪都会不定时的出现耳朵颜色的异常。

    The name for the virus comes from the fact that infected pigs can temporarily develop discolored ears .

  16. 他喜欢说一句话:台风来的时候连猪都可以飞。

    Even a pig will fly when it is hit by a tornado , he is fond of saying .

  17. 天气太热了,猪都跑到泥沼里打滚,让自己能凉爽一点。

    Because the weather was so hot , the pigs were wallowing in the mud trying to cool off .

  18. 你知道任意一天,你的猪都有可能感染流感,猪流感。

    You know that any day , one of your pigs can catch the flu , the swine flu .

  19. 每头送到屠宰场的猪都戴着一个塑料耳标,耳标上的编号可以追溯到它所在的农场。

    Each pig shows up at the slaughterhouse wearing a plastic ear-tag with a number traceable back to its home farm .

  20. 大多数猪都有多处骨折,但狗和猴没有发生肋骨骨折。

    There were multiple rib fractures in most of the pigs , while no fracture was observed in dogs and monkeys .

  21. 不过这里虽然也有小孩,狗却很罕见,而你碰到的任何猪都只会是某种油炸食品。

    But though there are children , dogs are scarce , and any pigs you encounter will be of the fried variety .

  22. 表现为不同年龄和体重的猪都能感染,感染猪群表现为高热(41-42℃),昏睡,呼吸困难。

    Different ages and weights swine can be aggressed and the performance of infected swines were high fever ( 41-42 ℃), drowsiness , difficulty in breathing .

  23. 李解释说:“两张嘴并不占什么优势,因为这使它的头非常重,别的猪都对它推来搡去的。”

    Li explained : " The mouths aren 't much of an advantage because his head is very heavy and he gets pushed around by the others . "

  24. 每头猪都用特别的橡果和树根制成的特别膳食饲养,使火腿具有特别的风味,而且每头猪都有10公顷牧场的活动范围。

    Each pig has been fed on a special diet of acorns and roots to give the ham its distinctive flavour , and given a pasture of ten hectares each to live in .

  25. 狗和猪都同样能感受到痛苦,但基于种类上的偏见却允许我们把一方视为伴侣,另一方则作为晚餐。

    Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain , but it is prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner .

  26. 当时这四只猪都买了新外套。因为它们都很有钱,它们想要多少漂亮衣服就可以拥有多少。

    Now it happened that just about this time the four pigs had bought them beautiful new coats , for they were so rich that they could have as many beautiful clothes as they wanted .

  27. 不是每一朵鲜花都能代表爱情,但是玫瑰做到了;不是每一种树都能耐住干渴,而白杨做到了;不是每一头猪都能看短消息,但是你做到了。

    Not every flower symbolige for love , but rose can do it , not every tree can stand thirst , but alamo can do it , not every pig can read short message , but you can do it .

  28. 猪死都因身过肥;象以齿焚。

    A swine over fat is the cause of his own bane .

  29. 他说……这咖啡给猪喝都不行!

    He said ... This coffee isn 't fit for a pig !

  30. 猪什么都吃,却为别人长肥。

    The pig would eat anything but it gets fat for others .