
  • 网络cultural adaptability;cultural compatibility;Culture Fitness;cultural fit;Cultural Flexibility
  1. 翻译的文化适应性原则及其实践探讨

    On the Cultural Compatibility Principle of Translation and Its Practice

  2. 试论文学作品翻译中的文化适应性问题

    On Cultural Compatibility in Translation of Literary Works

  3. 美国护理教育标准在中国护理教育中的文化适应性调查

    Adaptability study of the United States standards for nursing education at Chinese Cultural

  4. 开展网络文化适应性教育的思考

    Reflection upon Network Cultural Adaptability Education

  5. 加强英语文化适应性教学

    Strengthen English Teaching Apt to Culture

  6. 组织文化适应性对创业导向&组织绩效关系的影响

    The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance : The Adaptability of Organization Culture as Moderator Variables

  7. 遵循文化适应性原则是文学翻译的一个重要特点。

    It 's an important feature of literature translation to comply with the principle of cultural adaptation .

  8. 职业技能固然很重要,但如果团队规模很小,文化适应性则更加关键。

    While skills are important , if the team is still very small , cultural fit is essential .

  9. 文化适应性是翻译过程中的一个重要现象,在文学作品翻译过程中必须充分考虑文化适应性问题。

    Cultural compatibility is an important phenomenon in translation . It should be under consideration in translation of literary works .

  10. 研究结果显示,模型可以解释大学生消费者对国外品牌手机的购买行为,但是在手机产品上的消费经验会对模型的适用性产生影响,而文化适应性也会直接影响购买意愿。

    Results show that Fishbein Model can significantly explain the buying intentions , and that acculturation directly influences buying intentions .

  11. 多发性硬化症患者生活质量问卷的跨文化适应性和有效性:一项在土耳其多发性硬化症样本中进行的研究

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of multiple sclerosis quality of life questionnaire ( MSQOL - 54 ) in a Turkish multiple sclerosis sample

  12. 跨国经营面临的重要挑战之一就是如何做好文化适应性工作。

    A deep and comprehensive analysis of impacts that cultural adaptability has on multinational operation means a lot to a better multinational operation .

  13. 本文期望采用文化适应性和细分目标受众等策略,来树立一个独特的、受人尊敬的现代中国形象,使之易于被世界各族人民认可和接受。

    Some strategies like cultural adaptation and target-audience segmentation are expected to produce a unique and respectable image of modern China easier for the world to accept .

  14. 在遵循文化适应性原则的基础上,采取灵活稳妥的办法处理翻译问题具有一定的实际意义。

    On the basis of following the principle of cultural adaptability , it is significant to deal with the problems of translation in a flexible and reliable way .

  15. 最后一个冰川时代结束以来,人类的文化适应性和创造力并没让我们摆脱进化力量的影响,而是为这种力量开辟了令人吃惊的新路径。

    Our cultural flexibility and creativity since the end of the ice age have not freed humans from evolutionary forces , but have opened up novel and startling paths .

  16. 隐喻的翻译,应该遵循文化适应性原则,将隐喻作为一个传递的文化符号,是从文化上对原文喻源进行重新诠释的意义表达方式。

    The translation of metaphor should follow the principle of cultural compatibility , taking metaphor as a sign of cultural transmission is to reinterpret the allegorical origin of the text culturally .

  17. 第四章是本研究的核心,针对企业战略转型这一特定发展阶段,提出从人力资源管理的战略支持性维度和文化适应性维度两个方面对企业人力资源外包进行决策。

    Viewing from business strategic transforming , a particular stage of development , it gives decisions on human-resource outsourcing management from the human resource management strategic supporting dimension and cultural adaptability dimension .

  18. 江南文学家族多有相应家学背景,又能根据形势的变化对家学内容进行相应的调整,家族之间也有着紧密的联系,具有灵活的文化适应性。

    They had flexible cultural adaptability , for many of them could modulate the contents of family learning according to the change of the situation , and there was close relationship among them .

  19. 东盟留学生对广西办学条件、教育质量、文化适应性等评价较高,但和全英授课教师一样,也认为广西医学教育面临着语言障碍、师资队伍建设、临床教学质量等突出问题。

    Association of ASEAN students on school conditions in Guangxi , the quality of education , culture , adaptability evaluation of high , but also that of Guangxi Medical education faces language barriers , faculty , outstanding clinical teaching quality issues .

  20. 可移性是学习软件的一个有价值的特征,它有助于CBI的经济使用,学习经验和智力资源的共享,学习者对多元文化的适应性,以及教育全面性的实现。

    The portability is a valuable characteristic to the learning software , as it contributes to economical use of CBI , promotes the sharing of learning experience and intelligent resources , improves the adaptability of pluralistic culture , and fulfills the educational entirety .

  21. 课程是社会文化的适应性产物,课程的价值以其文化适宜性为前提。

    Curriculum is an adaptable product of social culture , so its cultural appropriateness is prior to its value .

  22. 任何一种组织,其战略目标的改变必然要求组织结构、功能与组织文化作出适应性的改变。

    In any kind of organization , its structure , function and organization culture will change with its strategic objectives adjusted .

  23. 这阻碍了他们对本地文化生活的适应性,增强了群落的孤独感。

    All of these have hindered their adaptability to local cultural life and high-leveled their sense of loneliness .

  24. 论文结论是:广告翻译不单纯是从源语到目标语的语言运作,更是参照译入语文化的特殊适应性转换过程。

    We conclude that translating advertisements is not just a SL-TL linguistic operation , but often a specialized adaptation process according to factors of the target culture .

  25. 利玛窦来到中国后,以文化和解的适应性传教方式揭开了基督教传教史上最迷人的一章。

    After coming to China , Matteo Ricci and his adaptive way to preach marked the beginning of a new fascinating chapter in the history of Christianity 's missions .

  26. 在目的论指导下,其翻译应以目的受众为中心;翻译者应充分参照译入语文化的特殊适应性,采用相应的翻译方法,已实现其宣传和赢利的目的。

    In light of Skopos theory , the translated version should be target-reader-oriented and the translator should fully consider the particular cultural factors in the target market . Hence , suitable translation methods should be adopted to transmit information while gaining commercial profits .

  27. 我国竞技体操运动员文化素质与社会适应性的研究

    Research on Cultural Qualities and Social Adaptability of Chinese Competitive Gymnasts

  28. 加强人力资源管理与企业文化建设,塑造适应性文化;

    Secondly , strengthen the management of HR and corporate culture .

  29. 语言是文化的载体。适应性数据分割

    Language is the record of culture . Adaptive Data Partitioning

  30. 以企业环境因素作为驱动力的文化改进要求以适应性、并融性、动态性和共识性作为根本原则。

    The enterprise culture improvement requires adaptability , and financial , dynamic , and consensus as a fundamental principle .