
wén huà jī lěi
  • cultural accumulation
  1. 关于编辑文化积累意识的思考

    A Few Thoughts on the Cultural Accumulation of Editors

  2. 相信这次的文化积累,会给笔者以后的演奏和教学生涯带来很大的帮助。

    Believe that this will bring the cultural accumulation of teaching career after playing and great help .

  3. 文化积累和文化创新是文化变迁的核心要素,前者表现为文化元素和文化特质的不断充实增加,以及由此带来的文化结构的丰富完善和文化品位的不断提升;

    Culture accumulation and creation are the core elements of culture change .

  4. 颜色词的基本象征意义是一个民族文化积累的产物。

    The basic implication of color word is the outcome of accumulation of culture .

  5. 书籍是人类文化积累的结晶。

    Books are fruits of the human cultures .

  6. 还应加强对语言文化积累和课外阅读的考查。

    It should tighten up the language culture accumulation and the extracurricular reading examination .

  7. 风水及文化积累的局限&旧金山华人移民的文化认同

    Fengshui and the Limits to Cultural Accumulation

  8. 讲秦陵铜车马是青铜文化积累和青铜器发展的必然结果;

    First , the Bronze chariots and Horses come from chariots and horses culture and driving system .

  9. 创意是人类的一种智慧创造,是一种产生财富和文化积累的有效手段。

    Creativity is an intelligent creation of human being and an effective means to accumulate fortune and culture .

  10. 一个民族的服饰体现该民族的生活风貌、风俗习惯、审美意识、图腾崇拜及文化积累。

    National costumes show its life style , customs , aesthetic awareness , totem worship and cultural accumulation .

  11. 企业创新的效果如何,不仅取决于企业的技术积累与人才积累,还取决于企业的文化积累。

    The result of enterprise innovation depends not only on the accumulation of technology and talents , but also the accumulation of business culture .

  12. 耄耋之年,除坚持自己的科研外,还带领同志从事规模宏大的文化积累工程。

    In his later years , besides keeping his own study , he guided his colleagues to undertake the large projects of culture accumulation .

  13. 文学鉴赏是人们通过审美思维所实现的对于文学作品的欣赏和鉴别,它是一种创造性活动,是读者运用文化积累重建作品意象,并补充、丰富作品的意象。

    The appreciation of literary works is a creative activity , and a process of aesthetic thinking . The process consists of two stages-reestablishment and transcendence .

  14. 它对培养学生的阅读能力和表达能力,丰富学生的文化积累,提升学生的语文素养有着重要意义。

    It is of great significance for cultivation of reading and expression skills and enrichment of students ' cultural accumulation , improving of their language education .

  15. 其文化积累之丰厚、文化形态之多样和文化哲学之深刻,是世界上其他国家少有的。这是我们宝贵的文化资源,得天独厚的文化优势。

    Our precious cultural resources and exceptional cultural advantages with rich cultural accumulation , diverse cultural forms and profound cultural philosophy are incomparable in the world .

  16. 在多年的医学实践和文化积累中,中医已经发展为多国认可接受的综合医学体系。

    During several thousands years of medical practice and cultural deposit , it has developed into a comprehensive scientific system which has gradually accepted by many countries .

  17. 在人类社会科学文化积累、发展的过程中,它具有择优控制作用、精化促进作用和双向导向作用;

    In human race accumulating and developing social science and culture , it plays the roles of selection and control , simplicity and improvement , two - way guiding .

  18. 承载人类生命繁衍、文化积累的中心&城市,在其漫长的历史发展过程中,经历了一轮轮不同主题的变革。

    In its long historical development process , city & the center which bearing the human life multiplication and the culture accumulation , has experienced a round different subject transformation .

  19. 美国城市规划思想家刘易斯·芒福德认为城市的根本功能在于文化积累,文化创新,在于留传文化,教育人民。

    American thinker in city planning Lewis Mumford claims that the basic function of city is the accumulation and creation of culture and to educate people with the inherited culture .

  20. 核心层包括新闻传播、政府公关;中间层包括公关礼仪、演讲艺术;外围层包括所在部门的相关专业知识以及一定的文化积累。

    Core layer includes news media , public relations ; the middle layer consists of public relations etiquette , speech arts ; the outer layer involves relevant professional knowledge and cultural accumulation .

  21. 人文奥运提升中华民族凝聚力主要体现在人文奥运理念对人的价值引导、行为规范、舆论支持和文化积累等4个方面。

    There were four functions that humanistic Olympics can exalt the cohesiveness of Chinese nation , which present themselves in directing people 's social values , behavior criteria , supporting public opinions and maintaining cultural accumulation .

  22. 教育史学评论的标准包括社会的和学术的两个方面,社会标准包括选题的现实性、成果的社会效用、研究著述在文化积累和传播中的地位和作用等;

    It has the social and academic aspects , social standard includes the practical character of the studying object , the social function of the studying out-coming , the effect of writing in culture accumulating and transmitting ;

  23. 中国,这个伟大的民族,经历了数朝代的不断变迁和漫长的文化积累,如今已成长为一个大国,含有丰富的文化遗产和显著的民族特征。

    Having undergone constant changes of dynasties and gradual accumulation of civilization , China , this great nation , has grown into a big power in tremendous possession of abundant cultural deposits and salient national features till now .

  24. 楚人并不像齐鲁人那样有着三代深厚的文化积累,却能创造与齐鲁文化并驾齐驱的楚文化,这是楚人所特有的创造性。

    Chu people are not like the Qilu who has profound culture accumulations for three generations , but they can create the Chu culture that is the same as the Qilu culture . It is the special creativity for Chu people .

  25. 此外,作者还分析了影响译者适应性选择的其他因素,例如政治,译者所在单位历史文化积累,以及观众的结构组成。这些方面虽然是译文质量的影响因素,却也是评价译文的重要参考指标。

    In addition to that , some other factors are also mentioned . For example , the culture of the entity where the translator works for , the structure of audience and politics , all of which are important references for translation evaluation .

  26. 你的精神栖息地,透过物质的享受去获取文化的积累和生命的体验

    Unique Party , your spirit loft , collect the culture and enrich the life

  27. 同时,媒介也构成了文化资本积累和循环的符号经济空间。

    The medium also constitutes a cultural capital accumulation and cyclic symbolic economic space .

  28. 文化资本积累与转化视阈下的大学生考证热

    Analysis on the Certificate Fever : From the Angle of Culture Capital Accumulation and Transformation

  29. 进行市场细分,明确品牌定位,3.构建品牌文化,积累品牌内涵。

    Conduct market segments to define brand positioning , 3 . build brand culture and accumulation brand content .

  30. 要提高学生的阅读能力一定要做到以下二点:语言学习与背景文化知识积累并重;语言学习与阅读技巧训练并重。

    To enhance students ' reading ability involves combing English learning with background information and reading skills training .