
  • 网络cultural expansion;cultural imperialism
  1. “在文化扩张方面,美国已成为世界上势力最强大,影响最广的国家。”IanRalston这样说。

    " The US has become the most powerful , significant world force in terms of cultural imperialism [ and ] expansion ," says Ian Ralston , American studies director at Liverpool John Moores University .

  2. 文化帝国主义实际上就是文化扩张。

    Cultural imperialism is actually cultural expansion .

  3. 论文化扩张主义与文化自治主义

    On the Relation of the Cultural Expansionism and the Cultural Autonomism

  4. 西方文化扩张视域下我国意识形态安全策略浅析

    Security Strategies of China 's Ideology under the View of Western Culture Expansion

  5. 但是,西方资本主义国家却借机大肆推行文化扩张政策。

    But the western capitalist countries try to carry out the cultural expansion policy .

  6. 冷战时期,文化扩张与政治经济结合在一起。

    In cold war period , culture expanding is combined with politics and economy .

  7. 美国的文化扩张在历史上由来以久,只是在冷战后表现得尤为明显。

    The expansion of the American culture has lasted for a long time in history .

  8. 近代西方拓展世界市场时具有的强烈文化扩张倾向。

    When expanding world market , western powers have strong culture expanding inclination in modern time .

  9. 西方发达资本主义国家在大力推进资本扩张的同时,不断加强文化扩张和意识形态扩张。

    Western developed capitalist countries vigorously promote the expansion of capital , while constantly expanding and strengthening the cultural ideology of expansion .

  10. 冷战后美国的文化扩张正是这一战略的重要组成部分。

    The expansion of the American culture after the cold war is just one aspect of the global strategy of the United States .

  11. 近年来,西方文化扩张战略和文化霸权主义愈演愈烈,中西方文化软实力的竞争逐渐白热化。

    In recent years , cultural expansion and hegemonism are becoming stronger and stronger and the competition of the soft power of Chinese and western is becoming hot .

  12. 加强亚洲艺术界内部的相互交流,是共同面对欧洲中心主义和西方强势文化扩张的有效策略。

    It is therefore an effective strategy to strengthen internal exchanges in the art world of Asia in order to confront collectively against Euro-centrism and the hegemonic Western culture .

  13. “热爱农村”看似农村人针对城市文化扩张的一种保存和高扬地域文化的自卫策略,并以此来反抗和拒斥城市的话语霸权。

    " Enjoying the rural life " seems to be a strategy for rural people to preserve and promote their local culture so as to resist the urban discourse of hegemony .

  14. 最近土耳其当局掀起一波文化扩张的浪潮,建造新的博物馆,修复奥斯曼时代的遗迹,准许新的考古发掘,在艺术方面加大投入。

    The Turkish authorities have recently launched a wave of cultural expansionism , building new museums , repairing Ottoman remains , licensing fresh archaeological excavations and spending more on the arts .

  15. 美国对外文化扩张是新的历史时期美国为实现不战而屈人之兵目的的新式外交手段。

    The U.S. foreign cultural expansion is the purpose of the new diplomatic means to " Defeat the Enemy Without Fighting " in the new historical era of the United States .

  16. 虚拟技术和网络世界,后现代的个性张扬、审美呈现、文化扩张、日常生活革命,以及后人类的出现给公共领域理想的实现提供了新的契机,也带来了新的挑战。

    Virtual technology and Cyberworld , post-modern advocating personality , aestheticization , cultural expansion , daily life revolution and Post-mankind apparent provide new opportunities and challenges for realizing the public realm ideology .

  17. 另一方面,又质疑和反思工业文明的生态破坏性与文化扩张性,向往自然质朴的生活。

    But in the meantime , he feels uneasy about the destruction of nature caused by industrial civilization and the aggression of human culture and longs to live a natural and simple life .

  18. 全球信息化为西方霸权主义大国提供了新的、更富欺骗性的殖民手段,而信息高速公路的建成,进一步促使西方文化扩张趋势明朗化。

    Information globalization provides new and more cheating means for Western Hegemonic Powers to carry out their colonialism policies , and the building-up of Information Superhigh Way further makes expanding tendency of western culture more obvious .

  19. 本论文致力于表述麦尔维尔对于美国对外扩张特别是文化扩张的负面影响的关注,对于被扭曲表现的东方的态度,以及对东西方关系的探寻。

    This thesis aims at demonstrating Melville 's concern for the negative impact of American expansion , especially cultural expansion , for the distorted picture of the east and for the relation between the Orient and the Occident in his works .

  20. 青岛名牌企业文化的扩张是发展的必然之道。

    Expanding and spreading the pioneering culture is the inexorable path of development .

  21. 西方经济的发达,带动着文化的扩张,这种状态严重影响到了各国设计的理念和表现形式。

    Meanwhile , economically developed western countries lead the cultural extension , which deeply influences the concept and expression of design .

  22. 在美国政府的大力扶植之下,作为美国大众文化全球扩张最佳载体的美国跨国传媒在全球范围内空前扩张。

    Under the support of American government , the multinational media groups expand greatly as an optimal carrier for realizing global expansion of American mass culture .

  23. 在全球化浪潮席卷的现代社会中,以西方工业国家为代表的理性文化的扩张遭遇了各民族国家的传统文化,并导致了冲突与社会动荡。

    In the wave of globalization , rational culture that is represented by western industrial states runs up against national tradition , which leads to confliction and social instability .

  24. 19世纪60至90年代传教士对中国法文化的扩张,进一步推进了中国法制现代化启蒙的进程。

    In the 1860s to the 1890s , the west missionary further expanded their legal culture in China , further facilitating the initiation course of legal system modernization in China .

  25. 而大众文化的扩张、文学生产机制的市场化转型所造成的消费性文化语境则构成了转型期市民小说写作的宏观文化背景。

    On the other hand , the expansion of mass culture and the cultural context , resulted from the market-oriented literature transformation stage , are the cultural macro-background for the writing of citizen novels in the transformation stage .

  26. 当代美国大众文化的扩张本质上是发达国家以自己的经济势力为基础,凭借其强大的文化优势,向在国际社会中处于文化弱势地位的发展中国家,强制推行自己的价值观念的行为。

    The nature of American mass cultural expansion is that the developed countries enforce the developing countries , which are culturally inferior to them , to accept their culture values by taking advantage of their powerful cultural superiority based on its economic strength .

  27. 文章论述了美国文化霸权扩张主义的历史基础和理论基础,着重探讨了美国通过经济技术援助、教育文化交流及大众传播媒介等基本方式进行文化霸权扩张的行径。

    The article discussed the historical basis and rationale of American cultural hegemony expansionism , focused on the United States ' behavior of economic and technical assistance , education and cultural exchanges and the mass media , and other basic forms of cultural dominant and expansive acts .

  28. 美国大众文化的全球扩张及其实质

    The Global Expansion of American Popular Culture and Its Essence

  29. 对于两种文化冲突的扩张型企业也有着借鉴意义。

    It is a reference for expansionary enterprise including two kinds of culture conflict .

  30. 扩张主义文化与文化扩张

    Expansionism and Cultural Expansion