
  • 网络cultural globalization;Globalization and Culture;Cultural Globalisation
  1. 本文根据德国功能翻译派的目的论和Venuti的后殖民翻译理论,在文化全球化的语境下,对商业广告和中国古典文学的翻译策略进行理论方面的探讨。

    This thesis probes into how to carry out the translation strategies of commercial advertisement and our traditional literature on the theoretical level in the context of cultural globalization according to the Skopos theory of German functionalism and Venuti 's postcolonial translation theory , particularly in Chinese-English translation .

  2. 文化全球化背景下翻译中的杂合

    Exploration of Hybridity in Translation in the Context of Cultural Globalization

  3. 国外文化全球化研究述介

    The Review on the Study of Culture Globalization in Foreign Countries

  4. 试论奥林匹克运动对文化全球化发展的推动作用&兼谈2008年北京奥运会人文奥运战略

    On Olympic Games Promoting Function for the Development of Cultural Globalization

  5. 合而不同:文化全球化的途径与归宿

    Accordance and Difference : The Way and Goal of Culture Globalization

  6. 这个趋势是文化全球化的必然结果。

    The trend is an inexorable consequence of the cultural globalization .

  7. 文化全球化语境下的当代中国文化建设

    Contemporary Chinese Cultural Construction in the Context of Cultural Globalization

  8. 文化全球化与本土化的内在逻辑辨析

    Analysis of the Internal Logic of Cultural Globalization and Localization

  9. 文化全球化的前景:乌托邦还是敌托邦?

    The Prospects of Cultural Globalization : Utopia or Dystopia ?

  10. 论文化全球化语境下中西文化的碰撞

    Collision of Chinese and Western Cultures in the Context of Cultural Globalization

  11. 文化全球化语境中的心理学研究的前瞻

    On A Prospect of Psychological Studies in Language Contexts of Cultural Globalization

  12. 文化全球化与当代中国文化的战略抉择

    The Strategic Choice between Cultural Globalization and Modern Chinese Culture

  13. 文化全球化对当代中国文化建设的影响是双重的。

    Cultural globalization has the dual influence on contemporary Chinese cultural construction .

  14. 文化全球化背景下内群体意识的发展变化研究

    Research on the Development of Ingroup Awareness in the Context of Cultural Globalization

  15. 文化全球化与西部文化创新

    Globalization of Culture & Innovation of West Chinese Culture

  16. 经济全球化必然导致文化全球化。

    Economic globalization must lead to the cultural globalization .

  17. 首先是在文化全球化情境中的重要价值。

    First important value is on the cultural globalization .

  18. 文化全球化不等于西化。

    The culture globalization is not equal to westernization .

  19. 文化全球化:文化冲突与和谐发展

    Cultural Globalization : Cultural Conflicts and Harmonious Development

  20. 文化全球化与文化多样性辩证论权利与义务的关系

    The Dialectical Unity between Cultural Globalization and Diversity Of the Right - duty Relationship

  21. 文化全球化与全球性文化公共领域

    Cultural Globalization and Globalized Public Sphere of Culture

  22. 文化全球化背景下加强党领导的对策

    The effect of cultural globalization on the leadership of the Communist Party of China

  23. 经济全球化必然包含着或者本身就是某种意义上的文化全球化。

    In a certain sense , economy globalization itself is or means culture globalization .

  24. 对文化全球化研究中几个问题的思考

    The Reflections on the Studies of Cultural Globalization

  25. 伴随经济全球化的进程,文化全球化对国家文化主权形成了挑战,并削弱了文化主权。

    The cultural globalization challenges the cultural sovereignty in the process of economic globalization .

  26. 文化全球化的历史透视与现实分析

    Historical thinking and real analysis of culture globalization

  27. 文化全球化并不是同质化,更不是西方化。

    Cultural globalization is neither homogenization nor westernization .

  28. 文化全球化与先进文化建设

    Cultural Globalization and the Advanced Cultural Construction

  29. 文化全球化带来了新的发展机遇,同时文化全球化也给我国民族文化带来了严峻的挑战,如发达国家强势文化的渗透、中西价值观的碰撞、网络传播和英语全球化的影响。

    The cultural blending and collision bring both opportunity and challenge to our national culture .

  30. 文化全球化的形成及其后果

    The Formation and Consequences of Cultural Globalization