
  • 网络The Interpretation of Culture
  1. 特质、深描和理解&解读《文化的解释》的路径

    Characteristic , Deep description and Understanding & An Interpretation of Interpretation of Culture

  2. 界面文化的解释

    The Interpretation of Interface Culture

  3. 《文化的解释》是美国著名人类学家克利福德。

    Interpretation of Culture is the finest work of Clifford Geerz , a famous anthropologist in America .

  4. 温州民营企业职业经理人跳槽现象分析&基于温州区域文化的解释

    An Analysis of the Phenomenon of Professional Managers ' Job-hopping in Wenzhou Civilian-run Enterprises & An Explanation on the Basis of Wenzhou Local Culture

  5. 诺尔认为,以一种建设性认知文化的解释代替先前的科学知识建构论的解释更为实际和合理。

    Knorr holds that , it is more practical and reasonable to substitute a constructive epistemic cultural explanation for a previous constructivism of scientific knowledge one .

  6. 现在的中国人已经习惯了西方文化的解释系统,特别是习惯了西方直线历史进步观所解释的中国近代史。

    Now it seems that the Chinese people have accepted the ways of western-cultural interpretation , especially modern Chinese history interpreted with the notion of western straight-line historical progression .

  7. 这样可能会把中国文化的解释系统从西方文化解释系统独霸天下的压迫中解放出来,使中国人能够按照自己的文化看人生、看社会、看历史、看世界。

    In doing so , it is possible to liberate the Chinese cultural interpretation system from the hegemony of the western culture and guide the Chinese people to view life , society , history and the world from within their own culture .

  8. 民族妇女贫困:制度与文化的双重解释

    The Poverty of Minority Females : A Dual Explanation on Constitution and Culture

  9. 文化人类学的解释形态。

    And 3 . the pattern of cultural-anthropological interpretation .

  10. 基于文化适应的解释:儿童心理发展的成长论观点

    An Interpretation Based on Cultural Adaptation : Views on the Growth of Children 's Psychology

  11. 文化现象的解释

    The Interpretation of the cultural Phenomena

  12. 模因论对社会文化进化的解释力

    Meme and Social Culture

  13. 在理论上,对养育目标文化差异的解释呈现出从群体水平到个体水平、从单维到双维的发展趋势。

    Theories of these differences have been switching from group-level to individual-level , and from uni-dimension to dual-dimension .

  14. 艺术人类学是一个新的学科生长点,尤其它涉及文化功能的解释,或者叫文化深层解释。

    Artistic anthropology is a new branch of study , especially as it involves the interpretation of cultural function or the profound interpretation of culture .

  15. 本书有关文化传播的解释有些简单,显示出我们对人类的文化行为方式的认识还很欠缺。

    The interpretation of cultural dispersal seems to be simplistic , which reveals that we are far from a sufficient understanding of cultural behaviors of human .

  16. 而在于能展现一些新的艺术模式和在新的艺术模式影响下的建筑现象.并对当代生态建筑美学观念的作品体现进行了合乎当代文化语境的解释。

    The focus of this paper is to introduce some new art pattern and the relating architecture phenomena , that gives us a new angle to analyze and enjoy the contemporary arcology .

  17. 因此,本文从文化的角度解释英语重形合、汉语重意合的必然性。英汉语言的差异,反映了东西方不同的哲学渊源和思维方式。

    Therefore , a cultural analysis is made to explain that the hypotaxis of English and the parataxis of Chinese are the natural outcome of the disparities in their philosophies and modes of thinking .

  18. 以王东风提出的补偿策略为基础,本文以葛浩文的译本为研究对象,试图探讨关联理论对于处理翻译中的文化缺省的解释力。

    Based on the compensation strategies proposed by Wang Dongfeng , this thesis attempts to explore the interpretative force of relevance theory over the compensation of cultural default in Wolf Totem , translated by Howard Goldblatt .

  19. 文化差异部分的解释了这个问题。

    Cultural differences part of the interpretation of the problem .

  20. 社交语境在文化多元化中的解释功能

    Interpretation Function of Social Context in the Multicultural Communication

  21. 在前台与后台之间&关于教师职业文化的社会学解释

    Between the " Proscenium " and the " Backstage ": A Sociological Interpretation of Teacher 's Occupational Culture

  22. 企业品牌战略的制定,企业文化的提炼和解释,企业形象设计和推广。

    Consulting on company branding : We assist our customers to define brand strategy , create great company image and culture .

  23. 田中引用新舄地方文化的理由,解释她为何借调家族企业员工担任国会助理。

    Citing Nagaoka 's local culture , Tanaka explained why she hired employees of her family firm to be her parliament assistants .

  24. 最后,笔者从社会文化的角度进一步解释了,影响特岗教师职业认同形成的原因。

    In the end the author from the socio-cultural point of view further explained the reasons of impacting the formation of professional identity .

  25. 在文章的最后,我们运用认知语言学和文化人类学的方法解释了事件框架结构表征的语际差异。

    At the end of this paper we make an explanation of the above-mentioned diversity by referring to the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics and cultural anthropology .

  26. 文章试图从文化的视角来解释和分析英汉语言中性别歧视语的表现、存在原因、性别歧视词的规避以及语言与社会之间的作用与反作用关系。

    This article aims to points out the reasons for the occurrence of sexism , the way to avoid sexist word and the interaction between language and society .

  27. 其次,对学术界评价不高,大众却追捧的矛盾,论文从精英文化的角度给予解释。

    Secondly , the academic evaluation is not high , but the public pursues it , this paper gives an explanation from the elite cultural perspective for this contradictory .

  28. 譬如,有人从文化的角度做出解释,那就是,当男女分班时女孩的诸如数学的科目表现要比合班时更好。

    Some people put forward cultural explanations and note , for example , that when girls are taught separately from boys they often do better in subjects such as maths than if classes are mixed .

  29. 它表明激烈的拳教冲突并非两种信仰体系的绝然对立,而是在不同程度上反映了冲突双方根植于政治和经济事实的对于本土文化资源的分别解释和重塑。

    It reveals that the conflict between the Boxers and the Christianity is not an absolute opposition of two kinds of belief systems , but rather the different explanations and reconstructions of local cultural resources .

  30. 再通过意象在建筑形态中的作用与分类,进行节点与空间分析,用意识形态的哲学与文化的东西,解释中国传统建筑中的存在性特质。

    Through the imagery in the construction of the role of morphology and classification , and spatial analysis for the node with the philosophy and ideology of cultural things to explain the traditional Chinese architectural characteristics of existence .