
  • 网络cultural transformation;cultural transition;cultural change;cultural turn
  1. 传媒时代的文化转型与知识分子的角色转变

    On Cultural Transformation and Intellectuals ' Role Change in Media Times

  2. 现代性、历史断裂与中国社会文化转型

    Modernity , Historical Break and Cultural Transformation of the Chinese Society

  3. 这位分析师遇到的是一个变化中的联想。联想去年收购了IBM的个人电脑部门,此后公司文化转型偶尔导致了一些困惑。

    What the analyst encountered was a Lenovo in flux where the transformation of a corporate culture has yielded occasional moments of confusion even within the company .

  4. 文化转型期文学想像力的失落

    The loss of Literary Imagination in The Era of Cultural Shift

  5. 农村文化转型及其化阻机制

    Analysis on the Mechanism of Romoving Hinderings of Rural Cultural Transition

  6. 中国报告文学,是近代文化转型的特殊产物。

    Chinese reportage is a special product of modern cultural transition .

  7. 我国西北少数民族现代化进程中的政治文化转型

    Political Culture Transformation of Northwest Ethnic Groups in Process of Modernization

  8. 文化转型期潮乐的生存与发展

    Survival and Development of Chaozhou Music During the Cultural Transition Era

  9. 严复与近代文化转型

    Yan Fu and the Transformation of China 's Modern Culture

  10. 文化转型下中国农村家庭养老探析

    Exploration on Old-Age Care in China 's Rural Household during Cultural changes

  11. 文化转型与鲁迅的直译理论

    Lu Xun 's Literal Translation Theory and Change of Culture

  12. 批评理论与文学研究的文化转型&以《文坛边上的搜索》为视点

    The Culture Transformation of the Criticism Theory and Literary Research

  13. 略论中国现代化进程中文化转型的影响因素

    Briefly on the Influential Factors of Cultural Transformation in China 's Modernization

  14. 论文化转型及新文化的价值取向

    My Views on Culture Shift and Choice of Value Sense

  15. 全球化背景下中国媒介文化转型与新闻专业主义重构

    The transformation of Chinese media culture and the reconstruction of journalism professionalism

  16. 试论文化转型与足球运动的相关性

    Study on the Relations between Cultural turning and Soccer Game

  17. 文化转型的核心是价值体系的转型。

    The core of cultural transformation is the transformation of value system .

  18. 论当代中国文化转型的运行机制

    On the Mechanism of the Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Culture

  19. 文化转型与百年文学变迁

    Cultural Reconstruction and the Literature of the Past Century

  20. 制度变迁是中国社会文化转型的内在动力机制。

    Institution changes are inner dynamical mechanism of culture transformation of chinese society .

  21. 这两个译本均诞生于中国特殊的历史时期,即文化转型期。

    Both versions were produced in special historical periods .

  22. 试论文化转型视域下的俄罗斯高等教育改革

    A Discourse of Russian Higher Education Reform in the Perspective of Cultural Transformation

  23. 春秋战国时期的文化转型

    Culture turning during the period of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States

  24. 文化转型中中职生知识结构的整合与建构

    The Integration And Construction of College Students ' Knowledge Structure In Culture Transformation

  25. 欠发达地区的文化转型与文化的现代化

    The Culture Shift of Less - developed District and the Modernization of the Culture

  26. 第一节阐述了社会文化转型的宪法意义。

    To elaborate the constitutional significance of social and cultural transformation in Section ⅰ .

  27. 20世纪中国的文化转型

    On Chinese Culture Transition in the 20th Century

  28. 文化转型是由一种文化类型或形态向另一种文化类型或形态转变。

    Cultural transformation refers to the change of cultural types from one to another .

  29. 海外建筑师与中国建筑文化转型

    Overseas Architects and Chinese Architectural Culture Transformation

  30. 经济全球化时代中国传统文化转型的哲学思考

    The Philosophic Consideration on the Transform of the Chinese Traditional Culture during the World-wide Age