
  • 网络post-modernism;post-modern society;Postmodern Society
  1. 消费社会是人类社会发展到后现代社会的产物。

    Consumption society is the product of postmodern society .

  2. 文章认为后现代社会是复杂的,它具有了复杂系统的全部特征。

    The thesis reveals that postmodern society is complex , there are all attributes of complex system in it .

  3. 自K·J·格根的后现代社会心理学观点提出后,学术界对其褒贬不一。

    There have been many different views towards postmodern social psychology since it was advanced by K · J · Gergen .

  4. 第三章以詹姆逊用作描述后现代社会的异化为基础,主要聚焦在Skipper,后现代异化形象的代表,他对于女儿和妻子的控制及她们作为反抗方式的死亡。

    Chapter Three is on the basis of alienation which Jameson uses to describe postmodern society , and it mainly focuses on the Skipper , a representative of postmodern alienated figures , his control over his daughter and wife and the death of the latter as a resistance against him .

  5. 后现代社会的城市规划:不确定性与多样性

    Urban Planning in the Post Modern Society : Uncertainties and Pluralism

  6. 从经济旅游到社会旅游:基于后现代社会的思考

    From Economic Tourism to Social Tourism : Based on Post-modern Society

  7. 后现代社会的诗性特征:生活的符号化&《白噪音》文本的对话式解读

    Symbolization of Life : A Dialogical Interpretation of White Noise

  8. 走出后现代社会危机的苦苦探索

    Persistent Quest for the Way out of the Crises in Postmodern Society

  9. 后现代社会工作理论的缺陷与启示

    The Flaws and Revelations of Postmodernism Theory for Social Work

  10. 马克思主义是后现代社会理论研究的核心课题。

    Marxism is the key subject for the theoretical study of postmodern societies .

  11. 走出现代之门:后现代社会学的兴起及其影响

    The Rise and Influence of Post - Modern Sociology

  12. 后现代社会的服装及消费特征

    Features of Garment and Consumption in Post Modernist Society

  13. 在现代社会学与后现代社会理论之间米尔斯的《社会学的想像力》再解读

    Between Modern Sociology and Postmodern Theory & Rereading Mills ' The Sociological Imagination

  14. 前现代、现代与后现代社会场合之交集&对《上海宝贝》面世风靡的一种文学社会学考察

    Intersection of Pre-modern , Modern and Postmodern Social Occasions

  15. 其中一个重要结果就是后现代社会心理学的出现。

    One important result is the emergence of post - modern social psychology .

  16. 论后现代社会休闲体育与民族体育的融合

    On Integration between Leisure Sports and the National Traditional Sports in Post-Modern Society

  17. 后现代社会中的个体,也只是法律上的个体,而不是真正的个体、事实上的个体。

    Individuals in post-modern society were legal ones , not real and actual ones .

  18. 后现代社会中的新马克思主义批评

    Neo - Marxist Criticism in the Postmodern Society

  19. 后现代社会心理学与新异端的征兆

    Postmodern Social Psychology and Sign of New Heterodox

  20. 后现代社会的仿像与内爆

    The Simulacra and Implosion in the Post-modern Society

  21. 试论后现代社会理论中的话语情结

    Language Complex in Post-modern Theory of Sociology

  22. 后现代社会建构主义心理学初探

    A research into post-modern social constructionist Psychology

  23. 小说揭示了后现代社会的爱情本质:功利与非浪漫。

    The work reveals the essence of love in postmodernist society : utilitarianism and non-romanticism .

  24. 后现代社会的构成设计教学

    The Constitution Teaching of Post Modern Society

  25. 在后现代社会背景下,现代企业的终结以及后现代企业的兴起是历史的必然。

    The background of post-modern society , modern enterprises will certainly give way to postmodern enterprises .

  26. 在该部分,主要分析后现代社会中公共知识分子存在的必要性与可能性。

    In this part , analysis the necessity and possibility of public intellectual in postmodern society .

  27. 进入后现代社会,大众文化与精英文化一起溶为后现代文化。

    In post modernism society , mass culture and elite culture dissolve into post modern culture .

  28. 后现代社会体育的发展趋势

    Post-Modernist Society Sports Development Tendency

  29. 在后现代社会中,社会形态的变化带来了设计美学的变革。

    In the post-modern society , the transformation of social ideology brings the change of design aesthetics .

  30. 小说最终揭示的是,在后现代社会,主体的存在只是一种幻像,永恒的虚空才是宿命的策略。

    Thus this novel reveals that the subjective existence is illusory and eternal void is the fatal strategy .