
  • 网络backward linkage
  1. 后向关联促进了纺织业内资企业的全员劳动生产率提高,前向关联则对纺织业内资企业全员劳动生率的影响是负的。

    Backward linkage promotes the all-personnel labor productivity of domestic firms , while forward linkage has negative effect .

  2. 需求的基准包括后向关联、需求收入弹性、比较优势。

    The criterias of demand are backward linkages , elasticity of demand to income , compare advantage .

  3. FDI后向关联对本土企业创新能力影响机制研究

    The Study on Impact Mechanism of Backward Linkages to Local Enterprises ' Innovation Capability of FDI

  4. 本论文主要探讨是否在纺织业和食品业存在FDI的水平关联、前向关联和后向关联而产生的技术溢出。

    The aim of this paper is to determine whether there are potential FDI spillovers through horizontal , backward and forward linkages for the textile and foodstuff sectors of the Chinese economy .

  5. 通过建立FDI与对辽宁省后向关联溢出效应关系的回归模型,本文选择辽宁省制造业2003-2008年30个行业的面板数据进行实证检验。

    It establishes a regression model to reflect the relationships between FDI and its backward spillovers , and makes an empirical analysis , Based on the data of 30 industry sectors in Liaoning from 2003-2008 .

  6. 同时解决了以下几个问题:每个企业在应对后向关联市场和前向关联市场中的n多个企业时,企业将选择靠近两市场中需求量最大那个企业;

    At the same time , It is haven solved the following several problem : The enterprise should choose close to which its demand is the most largest when it faces lots of enterprises in the backward related and forward related markets ;

  7. 跨国公司在建立后向关联当中,对上游产业管理知识、技术、人力的溢出。

    FDI establish backward linkages through the management of the upstream industry knowledge , technology , human overflow .

  8. 外商直接投资的技术转让和扩散效应,以及前向关联和后向关联等间接作用在江苏省也很小。

    The technology transfer and diffusion effect , and the forward-relating and afterward-relating effect of FDI were very small .

  9. 一般结构换热网络的两种优化方法&目标协调及后向关联协调法

    Two kinds of optimization method for heat exchanger network with arbitrary structure & Object coordination and backward relation coordination

  10. 后向关联外商投资企业通过采购,直接引致上游产业的需求。

    Backward linkages is that FDI purchase from the host industry , directly attributable to the demand for the upstream industry .

  11. 跨国公司子公司与发展中东道国企业之间的后向关联对于这些发展中国家十分重要,对其影响也十分复杂。

    The consequent relevance between transnational corporations and host nation 's businesses plays a more important role on these developing countries , and the impact of it is also complicated .

  12. 研究结果表明,云南省旅游业后向关联作用明显强于前向关联作用,且内部关联作用不明显;

    The results show that the role of backward linkages of tourism in Yunnan Province are stronger than the forward linkage effects , and the internal correlation is not obvious ;

  13. 从后向关联产业的发展严重滞后、行业的进入与退出壁垒一定程度失效、环境保护要求的日益提高等几个方面分析了我国铅锌冶炼行业发展所面临的威胁;

    It also analyzes the threats in the aspects of relatively hysteretic development of backward related industry , ineffective barrier of entry & exit in some extent , increasingly strict requirement of environment protection .

  14. 第一,后向关联和规模形成的加权后向关联具有弹性的含义;加权后向关联和需求收入弹性,动态比较优势形成了拉动作用。

    Firstly , the weighting back linkage , which is formed with back linkage and scale , means elasticity . the weighting back linkage , elasticity of demand to income , and dynamic compare advantage forms driven power .

  15. 第四章为本文的重点,对三省市房地产业后向关联效应、前向关联效应、总关联效应及主要关联产业进行动态对比分析。

    Part four is the most important part of this paper . In this part , dynamic analysis is conducted on the total linkages , backward linkages and forward linkages of real estate sector , and the linkages between real estate and other sectors of all the three provinces .

  16. 道路运输业是国民经济的重要基础产业,道路运输业的发展方式不仅关系到行业自身的发展,而且通过基础产业所具有的很强的后向关联效应影响到国民经济的持续、健康发展。

    Road transportation Industry is the basal industry of national economy , so the ways of development of road transportation is not only connect with the development itself , but also have relation to the sustainable and sound development of national economy by the strong backwards connection of basal industrial .

  17. 研究结果显示,我国钢铁产业对黑色金属矿采选业后向直接关联效应明显高于其它七国;

    The findings show that the backward linkage effect of iron and steel industry on ferrous metal industry in china is pronounced than the relative effect in other seven countries ;

  18. 针对相控阵雷达目标跟踪和资源调度问题,给出了基于后向概率的后向递归概率数据关联滤波(PDAF),以及基于后向概率最大的多维数据关联(N-D)方法。

    For phased-array radar target tracking and resource scheduling , two algorithms based on multi-dwell measurements are presented . One is backward recursive probabilistic data association filtering ( PDAF ), and the other is maximum retrodicted probability-based n-dimensional ( N-D ) association .