
  • 网络Oxytocin
  1. 女性在生产和哺乳过程中也会大量分泌后叶催产素——它能增进母亲和婴儿之间的感情。大量研究证明,情侣在刚刚确定关系时,体内的后叶催产素含量会大幅上升。

    New mothers are awash in oxytocin ( which is involved in the labor process ) , and it is believed that the hormone promotes bonding between mother and infant.New-formed romantic couples also have augmented bloodstream levels of the peptide , many studies show .

  2. 后叶催产素就会释放出来加强这种关系

    a new release of oxytocin and this reinforces the bond .

  3. 众所周知的“拥抱化合物”(cuddlechemical)后叶催产素就能够帮助我们将社会接触与愉悦感联系起来,而一些自闭症患者自体产生的后叶催产素就很少。

    The hormone oxytocin , also known as the cuddle chemical , helps us connect social contact with feelings of pleasure , and some people with autism produce less of it .

  4. 后叶催产素在两者身上释放绝佳途径

    nice way of triggering oxytocin release in the two of them .

  5. 狗的血样也表现出类似的后叶催产素爆发

    Blood samples taken from dogs reveal a similar burst of oxytocin .

  6. 研究了后叶催产素(荷尔蒙的一种)

    has been studying the role of the hormone oxytocin

  7. 后叶催产素使得母亲能迅速地

    And oxytocin helps the mother quickly

  8. 即使只是想象着帮助别人就已经足以刺激我们大脑某些部位,那些部位会产生让人感觉良好的化学成分,比如说后叶催产素(脑下垂体后叶荷尔蒙的一种)。

    Even thinking about helping others is enough to stimulate the part of our brain associated with feel-good chemicals like oxytocin .

  9. 忧郁的蓝色,另一方面而言,则是和分泌后叶催产素挂钩,你会让你觉得平静。

    Cool blues , on the other hand , have been linked to the release of oxytocin , making you feel of calm .

  10. 他们写道:捐款的意愿可能受5-羟色胺对后叶催产素水平影响的调控。

    They wrote : ' It may be likely that the willingness to donate money to a charity is modulated by the effect that serotonin exerts on oxytocin levels .

  11. 情侣间的原始吸引力促成后叶催产素的释放,后叶催产素又反过来加强和稳固彼此间的吸引力。

    The original attraction between the lovers seems to prompt the release of oxytocin , and , in turn , its actions in the brain intensify and solidify the allure .

  12. 为什么一种食品添加剂可以产生这样效果目前还不清楚,但科学家们认为这可能与后叶催产素有关,后叶催产素是女性在哺乳和性交期间会产生的一种所谓的“拥抱”荷尔蒙。

    Just how a food supplement could have such an effect is not clear , but the scientists suggest the involvement of oxytocin , the so-called ' cuddle " hormone produced by women during breastfeeding and lovemaking .

  13. 但是分娩后立即给予后叶催产素的注射可十分有效地减少出血的风险。

    Injecting the drug oxytocin immediately after childbirth reduces the risk of bleeding very effectively .

  14. 看到身边的人在喜欢的球队得分后击掌相庆,或者在客厅里欢呼跳跃,就算你不那么喜欢体育,你的身体也会释放后叶催产素。

    Even when you don 't much like sports , he says , watching others high-five and leap about the living room after their favored team scores will lead your body to release oxytocin .