
  • 网络Supply changes;change in supply
  1. 为更好地分析干散货运价变化的内在机制,论文在一定理论假设基础上,依据供需结构建立联立方程(SE)模型,对市场供给变化如何判定,市场供需如何决定运价变化做出了分析。

    In order to analyze how the demand and supply of dry bulk market determines the freight rate , I proceed to establish a SE ( simultaneous equation ) based on some theoretical hypothesizes .

  2. 我国畜产品生产系统和供给变化趋势分析

    An Analysis on Production System , Supply and Demand of Livestock Products in China

  3. 预测了江苏省耕地供给变化趋势和耕地需求量。

    This paper estimated the trend of arable land supply and demand in Jiangsu Province .

  4. 农村养老资源供给变化及其政策含义

    The Changes and Its Policy Implications of the Supply of Old-age Support in Rural Area

  5. 我国外语人才市场需求与供给变化的回顾与展望

    Review and Forward Looking of the Demand and Supply Changes in the English Labor Market of China

  6. 建设项目大多建设在肥沃的土壤上,因此公路建筑面积的增加意味着生物生产量的明显降低,本文以生态生产性土地面积衡量当地的生态资源供给变化。

    The construction of expressway meant reduction of biological capacity in terms of the occupy of the fertile land .

  7. 本阶段近代工业的发展既得益于法权系统变革所释放的制度推动力,更受惠于市场需求和供给变化的有利影响,还有商民社会的促进作用。

    It benefit from the reform of political system , the change of supply and demand , and the promoting of the commercial society .

  8. 除了盆地形成、沉积充填序列受构造活动控制外,沉积层序的发育也受控于断层幕式活动引起的可容空间及沉积物供给变化的控制。

    Besides , sedimentary sequence is also controlled directly by the changes of accumulation space and sediment supply resulted from episode movement of faults .

  9. 如果货币供给变化导致真实宏观经济变量(如实际产出)的变化,则认为货币政策是有效的;

    If the change of money supplies leads to real macroeconomic variables ( such as real output ) change , then monetary policy is considered effectual ;

  10. 本文着重讨论了各种定量分析方法在耕地供给变化研究上的应用,包括驱动定量分析方法和空间分析方法,并给出了各种分析方法的应用实例。

    This paper is concentrated on a series of quantitative methods when analyzing on cultivated land supply change , including driving quantitative methods and spatial analysis methods .

  11. 在空间分析方法上,本文采用了叠加分析、缓冲区分析、空间统计分析等方法,对耕地供给变化的空间分布特征及空间分布变化趋势以及区域相关性进行分析。

    This paper studies on the overlap analysis , buffer analysis and spatial statistical analysis methods to analyze the spatial distribution features , spatial distribution change and region relativity .

  12. 货币供应量的变化难以解释价格水平的变动,价格水平的波动除受总需求变化的影响外,还受总供给变化的影响。

    The change in money supply cannot explain the change in price level . Except being affected by general need , price fluctuation is also affected by the change of general supply .

  13. 在教育市场中学校经营的产品是教育服务,教育服务产品生产经营受到教育需求和供给变化的影响,因此,教育服务产品在市场中均衡变化与价格决定密切相关。

    In education market , schools deal in educational services , the production and operation of which is subject to their supply-demand change . Therefore , the change in their equilibrium in the market is closely related to their price determination .

  14. 第三章是需求与供给变化的心理因素分析,主要内容是依据行为金融学的研究成果,解释供求关系变化不一致的原因所在;

    The third chapter is about the analysis of metal factors about the variation of demand and supply . Based on the study achievements of behavioral finance , the main contents of this chapter are to explain the causes that result in inconsistent variation of supply-demand relation .

  15. 从人口年龄结构变动分析我国未来劳动力供给的变化

    Analysis on the Change of Population Age Influences the Supply of Work Force

  16. 中国水果供给结构性变化的实证研究

    Studies on Structural Change of China 's Fruit Supply

  17. 本区A/S值的变化主要受沉积物供给量变化控制。

    The decrease of sediment supply is the primary reason for the change of A / S value .

  18. 仍需要进行更多的研究去明确这种关联背后的机制及卫生资源供给的变化。

    Further work is now required to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms behind this relationship and the implications for health provision .

  19. 并且,泥沙供给的变化以及潮流特性的改变分别是贯穿于整个响应过程的直接媒介和主要动力因素。

    Running through the whole responding process , the change of sediment supply plays as the direct medium and flow property as the chief motive force .

  20. 本文分析了历年来我国粮食生产与供给的变化情况,包括播种面积、粮食产量、粮食生产的地区差异以及非粮食食物的生产情况。

    The analysis cover the years changes in China 's grain production and supply , including food acreage , food production , food and non-food production areas differences food production .

  21. 其次说明了我国稀土产业面临的稀土供给格局变化,国外稀土储备,稀土替代和回收技术和国内产业链利润倒挂四大挑战。

    Secondly , it explains four challenges including change of rare earth supply pattern , overseas rare earth reserves , rare earth alternative and recovery technology and upside down profit in domestic industry chain .

  22. 研究区内主要为三角洲和湖泊相沉积,随着湖平面的变化和沉积物供给的变化,三角洲由东北向西南不断推进或收缩。

    In the study area , delta and lacustrine sediments are developed , and with the change of lake level and sediment supplies , the delta was pushed forward or backward incessantly from northeast to southwest .

  23. 总的来说货币供给的变化对虚拟经济的影响更大,对实体经济的影响更持久,但是最终货币供给带来的冲击都会消失。

    Overall , the impact of changes in the money supply on the fictitious economy is greater , the impact of changes in the money supply on the real economy is more lasting , but finally the impact of the money supply will be gone .

  24. 在国际垄断条件下,国际市场价格以最劣生产条件的垄断厂商仍然能够得到平均利润为基础,并受不同国家市场的需求和供给的变化影响,差别定价成为国际垄断寡头定价的一般方式。

    In international monopoly , international market price is based on the most low-grade monopoly producers getting the average profits and it is affected by the demand and supply in different countries , and the discriminatory pricing has become the general pattern of oligopoly pricing of international monopoly .

  25. 在交通需求与交通供给持续变化和剧烈冲突下,很多大中城市均出现了不同程度的交通拥堵。

    With the supply and demand of traffic constantly changing and fiercely interacting , most and medium-sized cities have traffic jams to varying degrees . Under the circumstances of increasing traffic demand , many metropolises in china and abroad are now taking effective measures to improve urban traffic conditions .

  26. 取消农业税政策手段的执行,通过财政政策的传导机制和财政政策乘数效应,使社会总需求或总供给发生变化,与政府的政策所期望实现的目标相一致。

    The execution of the policy means of cancel the agricultural tax , pass the conduction mechanism of the financial policy and financial policy multiplier effect , make the total social demand or supply change , compatible with the goal that the policy of the government expects to be realized .

  27. 农产品供给形势的变化、买方市场的形成以及中国加入WTO新形势的出现,增加了农民增收的难度,也赋予了研究农民增收问题极其重要的现实意义。

    With the appearance of the new situation , the problem of the peasants ' income growth becomes an important and realistic research subject .

  28. 外商直接投资(FDI)通过在短期内影响投资、消费、净出口等即期需求的变化和长期内影响生产能力和供给能力的变化,进而影响经济增长。

    Through influencing short - term demand of investment consumption net export and long - term supply , the FDI accelerated the economic increase .

  29. 在当前的情况下,重要的是相对于供给的需求变化。

    What matters at such times is changes in demand relative to supply .

  30. 供给随时间变化条件下多项目施工时的资源动态分配模型

    A resources distributing model under multi-projects construction and its supply changing with time