
  • 网络Power Supply Reliability;reliability of supply
  1. 供电可靠性管理信息系统(网络版)在配电GIS中的应用研究

    Application and Research of Power Supply Reliability MIS ( Network Edition ) in Distribution GIS

  2. 为了提高UPS供电可靠性,除选用高可靠性UPS外,另一有效的途径就是采用冗余配置。

    In order to increase the power supply reliability of UPS an effective way is to use redundant configuration except application of reliable UPS .

  3. 应用PLC新技术提高供电可靠性

    Application of the PLC New Technology to the Improvement of Reliability of Power Supply

  4. 文中还提出了将电压暂降纳入到供电可靠性定义中的思路,并探讨性地给出了计及暂降等效时间的供电可靠率修正指标RS。

    It also proposes that the definition of power supply reliability should consider the voltage sags , and represent a discussional RS index to revise the reliability .

  5. 分布式电源(DG,DistributedGeneration)具有缓解能源危机、降低环境污染、提高供电可靠性等众多优点,近年来在电力系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    Distributed generation ( DG ) has many advantages so that it can alleviate energy crises , reduce environmental pollutions and improve power supply reliability , which has been widely used in the power system recently .

  6. 长春城郊10kV农网现状及供电可靠性分析

    Present Situation of 10 kV Rural Lines and Analysis on Rural Service Reliability of Changchun Outskirts

  7. 配电自动化是保证供电可靠性和提高供电质量的重要手段,而馈线自动化远方终端(FTU)是整个系统的基础控制单元,对于实现馈线自动化乃至配电自动化起着十分重要的作用。

    Serve as the base control unit , FTU ( Feed Terminal Unit ) play an important role in the reality of Electric Automation to ensure power supply and quality .

  8. 基于FTU馈线自动化技术,对馈线配置分段开关进行分段,是提高配电网供电可靠性比较可行并且效益明显的一种措施。

    On basis of the FTU feeder automation technology , the power supply reliability is enhanced by a feasible and effective measure that is sectionalizing by the feeder configuration sectionalizer .

  9. 由于小电流接地系统(NUGS)有着供电可靠性高等不可替代的优点,我国及其他很多国家的配电系统均广泛采用小电流接地方式。

    Due to its irreplaceable superiority , non-effectively grounded system has been widely used in our country and other distribution networks in many countries .

  10. SF6高压断路器具有良好的灭弧性能,可提高供电可靠性及减少检修次数,使电气接线形式简单、运行维护方便;

    High voltage SF_6 breaker switch has an excellent arc extinguishing performance , which can promote the reliability of power supply , cut down the times of overhaul , and make the electricity connection type simple and run & maintenance convenience .

  11. 本文综合分析DG在降低线路损耗、环境效益、降低电价、延缓网络升级换代、减少购电费用、增强供电可靠性、改善气候等方面的效益并且对其产生的效益进行量化。

    In this paper , a comprehensive analysis of DG to reduce network losses , environmental benefits , lower electricity prices , slow network upgrading , reduce power purchase costs , enhance supply reliability , improve the climate and other aspects of effectiveness and to quantify its benefits generated .

  12. 探讨了通过建设220kV谏壁变来改善现有的网架结构,合理确定电网解环点,以提高电网供电可靠性的具体措施。

    Finally it discusses the specific measurements to improve the present network structure by constructing the 220 kV Jianbi substation , and to increase the power reliability by reasonably choosing the open-loop point of the power grid .

  13. 针对商丘电网220kV网架薄弱的现实情况,着重研究利用高低压电磁环网运行方式提高供电可靠性的可行性。

    Aim at the condition of 220 kV weak power network in Shangqiu , this paper studies emphatically the feasibility using the operation mode of HV and LV electromagnetic ring circuit to improve the reliability of power supply .

  14. 以利近期电网与远期目标电网相结合,形成一个能进一步提高500kV电网供电可靠性和有利于限制短路电流的目标网架。

    With a view to recent power network and in the future , the structure of power network can be formed , which is helpful for further improving the power supply reliability and restricting short-circuit current for 500 kV power network .

  15. 然而,如果PBR机制设计不当则有可能会对供电可靠性产生负面影响,为此,在针对配电公司设计PBR机制时,需要计及对供电可靠性的要求。

    However , if the PBR mechanism is not properly designed , the enforcement of the PBR may have a negative effect on the supply reliability . Thus , when designing PBR mechanisms for distribution systems , the effects on supply reliability should be considered .

  16. 炼油厂供电可靠性分析与对策

    Analysis of Power Distribution Reliability in Henan Oilfield Refinery and Measures

  17. 运行方式对供电可靠性的影响

    Analysis of the Effect of Operation Scheme on Power Supply Reliability

  18. 从供电可靠性看城、农网建设与改造的重要性

    Put an Eye on the City Rural Network Construction and Retrofit

  19. 低压供电可靠性故障及修复仿真研究

    Simulation and research of Fault & Repair in low-voltage power system reliability

  20. 珠海市供电可靠性管理现状及分析

    Management status quo and analysis of Zhuhai power supply reliability

  21. 提高配网供电可靠性的几点建议

    Some Suggestions on Improving Reliability of Power Supplying Net Work

  22. 电网规划,成本分析,概率的供电可靠性。

    Network planning , cost analysis , probabilistic reliability of power supplies .

  23. 提高城市配电网供电可靠性的措施

    The Measures for Increasing Operation Reliability of Urban Distribution Net

  24. 浅谈城市配网供电可靠性

    Talking about the Reliability of the Urban Power Distribution Network

  25. 输电网供电可靠性的实用化定量评估软件包

    Software package for quantitative evaluation of transmission systems supply reliability

  26. 基于失效模式分析的供电可靠性风险分析

    Power Supply Reliability Venture Analysis Based on Failure Mode Analysis

  27. 改善用户供电可靠性的技术经济分析

    Technical and Economic Analysis of Improving Reliability of Power Supply

  28. 供电可靠性与分级电价

    The Reliability of Electricity Supply and Priority Service Rate

  29. 配电网供电可靠性的递归算法

    Recursive Algorithm for Power Supply Reliability of Distribution Network

  30. 线路故障与供电可靠性措施探讨

    About the Breakdown of the Line and Measures of Electric Power Supply Reliability