
  • 网络price elasticity of supply
  1. 赋税如何在消费者和生产者之间分担,取决于该商品的需求价格弹性和供给价格弹性。

    How to share the taxes between consumers and producers depends on the price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply .

  2. 其中,客观测度之国民经济层面,逐步运用需求&供给价格弹性视角和国民收入分配视角对中国税负进行分析。

    In one aspect of objective measures which is on the national economy level , use demand-supply price elasticity perspective and the distribution of national income perspective gradually to analyze the tax burden in China .

  3. 在农产品供应不再短缺的市场经济中,农产品供给成为非价格弹性供给。

    In the market economy where the agricultural product is provided enough , and the supply of agricultural product does not depend on the price .

  4. 还呼吁通过各种金融与法律制度,引导企业加强与农户之间的垂直协作关系,以减少企业商品型农业技术供给对价格的弹性,进而提高企业对农户技术服务的质量。

    The vertical cooperation between enterprises and peasant household should be further strengthened through financial and lawful policies to improve the service quality provided by enterprises .

  5. 房地产出售市场与房地产租赁市场的均衡受房地产租赁资本成本、房地产租赁与买卖供给&需求价格弹性以及房地产开发周期的影响。

    The market equilibrium of real estate lease and rights market affected by three elements , including real estate leasing capital cost , the supply and price elasticity of real estate lease and buying , the real estate development period .

  6. 针对供应链时滞对产品供给定价决策的影响,研究了供给价格弹性Es≠1下供应链产品定价行为的非线性机制。

    Focused on supply chain delay which affects the pricing decision of supply production , the non-linear characteristic of pricing behavior in a supply chain condition on price elasticity E_s ≠ 1 is studied .