
gòng zhuō
  • altar
供桌 [gòng zhuō]
  • [altar] 祭祀时摆放供品的桌子

  • 供桌上摆满了供果

供桌[gòng zhuō]
  1. 墓前有石五供,设供桌以摆放祭品。

    In front of the tomb , there is an altar for offering .

  2. 妇人跪在供桌前祈祷:保佑她儿子平安归来。

    The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son 's safe return .

  3. 要常常在供桌上,在我面前摆上供饼。

    And thou shalt set upon the table loaves of proposition in my sight always .

  4. 供桌,祭坛牧师从圣餐台上拿起一座烛台。

    The vicar took a candlestick from the

  5. 在这一天,人们常常照传统习惯将供品陈列于老式庭院里的供桌上。

    On the day , food offerings were traditionally placed at altars set up in old yards .

  6. 路上很多车,供桌上很多菜,女人不高兴。

    Too many cars on the road , too many dishes on the table , too much stress on the women .

  7. 该书还说:“香炉下有草鞋&双,供桌上有旧书一本”。

    " the book said : " incense burner under the straw sandals-pairs , for there are books on the table one .

  8. 棺材前摆着供桌,上面燃着香和白色的蜡烛。

    An altar , upon which burning incense and a lit white candle are placed , is placed at the foot of the coffin ..

  9. 再制造供桌上的盘、碟、杯和奠祭用的爵,全用纯金制造。

    Thou shalt prepare also dishes , and bowls , censers , and cups , wherein the libations are to be offered of the purest gold .

  10. 又制造了新的圣器,将灯台、香坛、供桌,搬进圣殿。

    And they made new holy vessels , and brought in the candlestick , and the altar of incense , and the table into the temple .

  11. 供桌上摆放着柿子、糯米点心、一个香烟缭绕的香炉、一盘猪肉和一堆纸钱。

    Persimmons , sticky rice flour sweets , a cup with incense sticks , a platter of pork , and a pile of paper money appear on the table , placed by an invisible hand .

  12. 全部接完后,主人和伙计依次向财神礼拜,拜后将原供桌上的马幛火化,表示恭送财神。

    All access exhausted , the owner and waiters turn to worship the God of Wealth , thanks to the original for the table after the cremation of horses hanging scroll that escort the God of Wealth .