
  1. 要扛稳粮食安全的重任,稳步提升粮食产能,要深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,要深化农业农村改革,激活乡村振兴内生动力,深入研究接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴有效衔接。

    We should shoulder the heavy responsibility of ensuring food security , and steadily with rural vitalization .

  2. 会议提出,要扭住供给侧结构性改革,同时注重需求侧改革,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。

    Reforms on both supply and demand sides should be carried out to achieve a dynamic equilibrium on a higher level , in which demand and supply can boost each other , said the meeting .

  3. 刘焕鑫表示,由于农业部门的供给侧结构性改革,主要农产品的供应一直在增加。

    Liu Huanxin says the supply of major agricultural products has been increasing the supply-side structural reform in the agricultural sector .

  4. 降低汽车进口关税,将有利于推动供给侧结构性改革,促进汽车产业升级,引导汽车产品提质增效。

    It says cutting auto import tariffs will help supply-side structural reform and the upgrade of the auto industry , bringing greater quality and efficiency .