
ɡōnɡ qiú pínɡ hénɡ
  • balance between supply and demand
  1. 失业保险基金供求平衡模型研究

    Research on Model of Balance between Supply and Demand of Unemployment Insurance Fund

  2. 增长速度是实现总供求平衡的必要条件

    Growth Rate : the Prerequisite for Achieving Overall Balance between Supply and Demand

  3. 基于GIS的内河运输供求平衡系统的开发研究

    Study on the Balance System of Supply and Demand of Inland Water Transport Base on GIS

  4. 来自经合组织(OECD)发展中心的一份分析报告称,趋同正改变着全球资源的供求平衡。

    An analysis , from the development centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , argues that convergence has been changing the global balance of supply and demand for resources .

  5. 西安市水资源供需平衡预测天津市水资源供求平衡战略

    Balance Strategy Research of Water Resource Supply and Demand in Tianjin

  6. 我国税收调节社会总供求平衡关系的政策选择

    On Regulating the Aggregate Social Supply and Demand by Taxes

  7. 我国粮食生产能力与供求平衡的整体性战略框架

    Chinese Grain Production Capability and Strategic Framework of Supply-demand Balance

  8. 煤炭供求平衡的合理价格机制研究

    Study on reasonable price mechanism for coal supply-demand balance

  9. 中国在全球供求平衡中扮演着关键的角色。

    China plays a pivotal role in the global supply and demand balance .

  10. 基于供求平衡表的大豆市场预警分析及模拟

    The Pre-warning Analysis and Simulation of Soybean Market Based on Supply-Demand Balance Sheet

  11. 但是通过国际市场对国内的粮食供求平衡进行调节的又是不可避免的,它不会对我国长期粮食安全带来危害。

    Uses the international market is liable , cannot harm our country long-term grain security .

  12. 中国小麦的耕地竞争力及其对小麦供求平衡的影响

    Wheat Planting Aares and Its Influence on the Balance of Wheat Supply and Demand in China

  13. 关于市场化条件下粮食供求平衡问题的思考

    Imprison the thinking of supporting the balanced problem of supply and demand of grain at market-oriented termses

  14. 从市场的供求平衡方面来说,玉米价格必须上涨。

    For demand and supply to balance for the market to clear the price of corn must rise .

  15. 基于农作物需求的中国化肥资源供求平衡研究(Ⅰ)&中国氮肥资源

    Demand and Supply Balance of Fertilizer Resources in China Based on Agricultural Crop Demand (ⅰ) & Nitrogen Fertilizer Resources

  16. 严格的供求平衡并非推动油价上涨的唯一因素。

    The tight balance between supply and demand was not the only factor driving the increase in oil prices .

  17. 但更重要的是人们对铝供求平衡的看法发生了转变。

    More important , though , is a change in perceptions about the balance of aluminium supply and demand .

  18. 政府应将宏观劳动力的供求平衡作为经济和社会发展的优先目标来考虑,加大对城镇失业人员就业援助的力度。

    The government should take the equilibrium of the macroscopic labor force supply as the first aim of social development .

  19. 还有一个可能是,我们所有的凯恩斯主义提振措施干扰了自然的供求平衡。

    Or it could be that all our Keynesian tinkering is messing with the natural balance of supply and demand .

  20. 新时期我国重要农产品供求平衡与支持政策选择

    On the Supply-demand Balance of China 's Important Agricultural Products and the Choice for Supporting Policy in the New Period

  21. 社会总供求平衡的关键是货币均衡而不是实物均衡;

    The pivotal of balancing social aggregate sup-ply and demand lies in monetary equilibrium , not material equilibrium in kind .

  22. 分析了木材总供求平衡的内涵;选择了木材供求预测的基本方法&经济计量模型。

    An Econometric Basic Method Model is used to forecast the supply and demand of timber in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  23. 从商业角度讲,这家杀虫剂公司没能很好地理解供求平衡这一最基本的商业策略。

    On a business level , the pesticide company fails to understand the basic business strategy of balancing supply and demand .

  24. 粮食增产潜力及其转化,直接关系到我国粮食供求平衡能力和国家粮食安全。

    Grain production potential and its transfer mean a lot to the balance between demand and supply and the national food security .

  25. 古典经济学中的劳动价值论和现代西方经济学中的供求平衡价值理论是资产评估的理论基础。

    Labor Value Theory of classical economics and Supply and Demand Equilibrium Theory of modem western economics are the foundation of asset valuation .

  26. 当前,中国农业进入了一个崭新的阶段,农产品初步实现了供求平衡。

    The Chinese agricultural sector has entered into a new development stage . The supply of agricultural products can basically meet the demand .

  27. 市场经济经典理论认为,在市场经济中,个人利益的追求会自动调节市场的供求平衡。

    Classic market economy theory says that the pursuit of personal interest in a market economy will adjust the balance between the demand and supply automatically .

  28. 经济学理论认为,价格是调节供求平衡的杠杆,同时也是平衡买卖双方利益的关键,可见电动汽车产品定价的研究意义明显。

    Economic theory suggests that the price is the lever of the equilibrium of supply and demand , but also balance the interests of both two parts .

  29. 由于供求平衡向烟农倾斜,几个现有的种植者能增加他们的种植面积,许多新烟农进入了市场。

    With the supply-demand balance tilting in their favor , several existing growers were able to increase their acreage , and many new farmers entered the market .

  30. 经济持续高速增长和人口增加,使得粮食需求的刚性增长与耕地面积减少并存,粮食供求平衡的压力持续加大。

    Economic development and population growth causes the coexistence of grain demand growth and reduction of the cultivated area , and difficulty in balance in demand and supply .