
  1. StephenWalters拥有160名员工,年销售额约为700万英镑,其中半数产品供应出口。萨德伯里的其它丝绸厂商都有出口业务。

    Stephen Walters has 160 staff and sales of about 7m a year of which half are exports – a division shared by the other Sudbury companies .

  2. 我公司供应出口轮胎翻新设备,内销轮胎翻新设备;

    My company supplies tire retreading equipment exports , domestic tire retreading equipment ;

  3. 大量供应出口苏铁种子。

    Sell Cycas revoluta seeds for exportation .

  4. 本厂有近十年的金属工艺生产经验,是专门生产金属工艺和五金制品供应出口的厂家。

    All of metals handicraft and craft products are exported to America , Europe and east asia nations .

  5. 在本轮经济危机前,中国在拉美、非洲和澳洲等地都签有进口原材料的长期合约,以保障供应其出口拉动型经济。

    Before the economic crisis , China had locked up long-term contracts across Latin America , Africa and Australia for raw materials to feed its export-driven economy .

  6. 工业肩负着市场供应,出口创汇的重任,同时,也为生产积累资金两万五千六百四十一亿元。

    The industry now shoulders the task of supplying the Chinese market , earning foreign currency through exports and accumulating capital for the production of goods worth a total of2564.1 billion Yuan .

  7. 本公司供应内销及出口预应力钢绞线,质量保证,价格合理,有意者请联系。

    Our company supply PC Strand for domestic and abroad with high quality and competitive price .

  8. 基于联立方程模型的财政支出、广义货币供应量、出口与经济增长关系的研究

    Research on the Relations between Government Expenditure , Money Supply , Export and Economic Growth by a Simultaneous Equations Model

  9. 本公司长期供应内销及出口木钟,包括落地钟、布谷鸟钟、挂钟、座钟等。

    Our company supply wooden clocks for domestic and abroad , including grandfather clock , cuckoo clocks , wall clocks , table clocks , etc.

  10. 更多意见认为,需要减少贸易壁垒和取消出口禁令,在当前粮食危机中,有些国家为了保证国内食品供应而实施出口禁令。

    There was wider consensus on the need to reduce trade barriers and scrap export bans imposed by some countries in an attempt to safeguard domestic food supply during the crisis .

  11. 产品基本满足该省需要,部分产品供应外省并有出口。

    Basically speaking , it is self-sufficient and also has some snrplus products to supply other provinces and foreign markets .

  12. 颇合时宜的降雨令美国谷物获得大丰收,农业企业因而得以把谷物销往供应严重不足的出口市场。

    And well-timed rains have supported abundant cereal crop harvests , allowing US agribusiness to sell into hungry export markets .

  13. 出现空闲产能的中国制造商将会忍不住向本已供应充足的世界出口钢材。

    Chinese producers , left with spare capacity , would then be tempted to export into an already well supplied world .

  14. 预计到2008年苏州工厂将成为一个全球生产和供应基地,产品出口国家达55个。

    In 2008 , Suzhou plant will be the global manufacturing and supply base , exporting the products to 55 countries .

  15. 现在,一些《非洲增长与机会法》的受益国正处于向美国市场供应他们过去没有出口过的产品的初期阶段。

    Now , a number of AGOA countries are in the early stages of supplying the American market with products they had not supplied in the past .

  16. 影响最终出口量的关键因素是增加的全球饲用小麦的供应量和美国出口玉米之间的竞争平衡,和2011年美国对中国玉米出口的可能性。

    Key to final exports will be the balance between increase World feed wheat supply competing for US corn exports vs chance for China to import corn in2011 .