
  • 网络vendor managed inventory;Vendor Management Inventory;vmi
  1. 同时,论文运用供应链环境下的库存管理理论,在FC公司推行了供应商库存管理方法。

    In the meantime , by the theory of inventory management in the Supply Chain Management environmental science , we carry out the VMI Model in FC Company .

  2. 论文研究提出的需求预测方法和供应商库存管理方案,对解决具有季节性需求的企业需求预测和库存管理问题,具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。

    The demand predicting methods and VMI scheme researched in this thesis could be used as reference to other seasonal demand enterprises for solving their demand predicting and inventory management optimization .

  3. 本文还将J2EE架构和库存管理策略有机的结合起来,完成对后台数据库的设计及维护处理,最终实现供应商库存管理系统。

    It will combine J2EE and strategy of inventory management . Finishing DB design and maintenance on back end . Finally VMI is developed and realized .

  4. 现代供应商库存管理(VMI)是一种供应链环境下的新的库存管理方式,它能够对改善整个供应链库存状况、降低系统库存总成本起到积极的作用。

    VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory ) is a new method of inventory management under the environment of supply chain , which could make a positive contribution to improve the inventory situation of whole supply chain and reduce the gross cost of systematic inventory .

  5. 该系统提供了供应商库存管理、物料入库和出库、财务结算、用户权限控制等功能。

    The system provides vendor management inventory , export and import materials , financial balance , user right control .

  6. 针对不同企业,分析了适应不同营销模式的供应商库存管理策略和联合库存管理策略;

    To different enterprises , several inventory manage strategy such as VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory ) and JMI ( Jointly Managed Inventory ) have analyzed to be fit for different marketing mode .

  7. 而对于一般性货物,在达到相关要求的前提下,引入供应商库存管理或施工方库存管理的方法,由供应商或施工单位完成仓储环节,提高仓库周转率,缓解仓储压力。

    For general equipment , meet the relevant requirements of the premise , the introduction of vendor inventory management or construction management method of inventory from suppliers or construction organization to complete the storage areas , increase in storage turnover rate , alleviate storage pressure .

  8. 在此基础上,论文提出了宇捷电子采购管理的改进思路,即应用供应链管理思想来改革宇捷电子的供应商管理、库存管理以及绩效管理。

    Lastly , according to the actual situation of Yu Jie Group , the thesis suggests the idea of adopting supply chain management to reform the supplier management , inventory management and performance management .

  9. 第四章分析了军队采购站目前对于采购管理、供应商管理以及库存管理的策略,并结合相关理论提出了适合军队采购站的管理策略。

    Chapter IV analyses the purchase management , vendor management and inventory management strategy of the military purchase station , combining with related theory put forward the management strategy which is suitable for the military purchase station .

  10. 准时配送和供应商管理库存,这些管理思想都强调了时间管理的重要性。

    Many management thoughts such as just in time delivery and Vendor Management Inventory emphasizes the importance of time management .

  11. 并重点研究了采购成本控制,质量保证,供应商管理,和库存管理等四个方面的采购管理策略的改进。

    And focus on the improvement of purchasing management strategy of cost control , quality assurance , supplier management , and supplier relationship management .

  12. 提出的订货批量,阈值水平的确定方法及补货策略为供应商提供了进行库存管理的与以往的管理方法不同的技术。

    The methods of determine the order quality , threshold level and replenish policy provide the manufacture different methods from the traditional management techniques .