
fēi shēnɡ chǎn bù mén
  • Non production department;nonproductive departments
  1. 质量控制参加的人员包括生产人员、管理人员、非生产部门的人员等一切人员。

    Production workers , management members and non - production staff are all involved in quality control .

  2. 我们非生产部门的员工太多了,而那些工作量增加的部门人手短缺。

    We 've got too many people working in non-productive departments and not enough people in those departments where the workload is increasing .

  3. 在新兴的物质生产部门中,尤其是在日益发展的非物质生产部门中,劳动力则往往是不足的。

    The rising industries in material production , and particularly the burgeoning industries in nonmaterial production , often run short of workforce .

  4. 能源足迹的部门分解发现,工业、交通运输通讯业、生活消费、非物质生产部门、农业是能源消费的主要部门。

    The main energy consumption sections are industry , traffic transportation and telecommunication , living consumption , nonmaterial production sectors , and agriculture .

  5. 在改革开放以前,服务产业在我国被当做是不创造价值的非物质生产部门,其发展受到了严重制约。

    Before reform and opening up , the service industry in our country was treated as non-material production department which does not create value , its development was seriously restricted .

  6. 因此,一国经济增长过程之所以能够增加就业,从长期趋势来看,主要依靠新兴物质生产部门的发展和各种非物质生产部门的发展。

    Thus in the long term , the emergence and growth of new industries in both material and nonmaterial production are major reasons why a nation can increase employment amidst economic growth .

  7. 建筑能耗的调查统计长期被分割汇集在能源消耗的各个领域,比如住宅的能耗被归入城乡人民生活能源消费,而其他各类建筑能耗被归入非物质生产部门的能源消费。

    Building energy consumption survey has long been mixed in various areas of energy consumption , such as residential energy consumption was classified as urban and rural living energy consumption , while other types of building energy consumption is classified into the non-material production sector energy consumption .

  8. 管理劳动创造价值的说法没有区分物质生产部门的管理劳动和非物质生产部门的管理劳动,没有区分资本家的剥削劳动和雇佣工人的被剥削劳动,没有区分剩余价值的生产和剩余价值的分配。

    The theory which management creates value does not distinguish management work of material department from non - material department and does not distinguish exploitation work of capitalists from exploited work of employees by capitalists and does not distinguish production of surplus value from distribution of surplus value .

  9. 鉴于非贸易品生产部门通胀相对较高,这些国家的实际利率也相对较低。

    With inflation in sectors producing non-tradeables relatively high , real interest rates were also relatively low in these countries .