
  • 网络postmodernism
  1. 后现代主义思潮对女性主义的发展具有广泛而深远的影响。

    Postmodernism has an extensive and deep impact on the development of feminism .

  2. 后现代主义思潮对情报学基础理论的影响

    Postmodernism 's Influences on Basic Theory of Information Science

  3. 安东尼·吉登斯的结构化理论与后现代主义思潮

    Anthony Giddens ' Theory of Sociology and the Ethos of Post Modernism

  4. 后现代主义思潮对我国广告创意的影响

    Influence of Postmodernism Trends on the Advertising Originality in China

  5. 后现代主义思潮对音乐人类学深度意识的消解

    The Deep Consciousness Dispersal of the Later Modernism Thoughts to Music Anthropology

  6. 后现代主义思潮与中国当代绘画的关系

    Post-modernist Thought and the Relationship between Contemporary Chinese Painting

  7. 后现代主义思潮下的服装设计

    The Fashion Design under the Trend of Postmodernism

  8. 浅谈后现代主义思潮与后现代心理学

    A Brief Talk on Postmodernism and Postmodern Psychology

  9. 后现代主义思潮对当代服装设计的影响

    Impacts of Post-Modernism on the Contemporary Fashion Design

  10. 后现代主义思潮在这个技术统治时代使人类面临着道德虚无主义幽灵的困扰。

    In the time of technology , postmodernism involve contemporary people in moral nihilism .

  11. 后现代主义思潮对我国高等职业教育课程改革的宏观启示

    Macroscopical Enlightments of Post-modernism Thoughts to the Reforming of Higher Vocational Education Curriculum in China

  12. 后现代主义思潮视角中的教育反思

    Meditations on education in the postmodernism perspective

  13. 结论:基于以上的特征分析可以看出,个人化写作的出现是必然的,它是在九十年代后现代主义思潮和消费文化盛行之下的必然产物。

    Conclusion : The personal writing is a inevitable result of the post-modernism tide and consumption-culture .

  14. 后现代主义思潮,涉及文学、艺术、历史、哲学、教育等领域。

    Postmodernism , literature , art , history , involving philosophy , education and other fields .

  15. 女性主义与后现代主义思潮的融合,以独特的性别关注打开了一个崭新的文化视角。

    The combination of feminism and post-modernism opens a unique cultural perspective of special gender attention .

  16. 因此从这些方面,我们可以将其思想归于后现代主义思潮之中。

    So from these aspects , we can classify his thought in the category of postmodernism .

  17. 现实与实践:网络传媒文化和后现代主义思潮这两个方面探讨其形成的历史根源、现实基础和审美特征。

    From realistic and practical points of view , i.e. network media culture and post-modernism ideas .

  18. 解构主义是二十世纪六十年代末自法国兴盛起来的一股颇为引人注目的后现代主义思潮。

    Deconstruction is a post-structuralism trend of thought which inaugurated in the late 1960s in France .

  19. 他的权力意志论、超人理论、价值观等可视为后现代主义思潮的重要来源。

    His power will theory , superman theory and values are the important sources for the post-modernism .

  20. 后现代主义思潮的兴起

    The Rise of Postmodern Thoughts

  21. 对一切的反叛,怀疑和困惑催生了后现代主义思潮。

    The spirit of rebellion , skepticism , uncertainty and doubts led to the birth of postmodernism .

  22. 后现代主义思潮的产生、发展,是以后现代主义哲学为其理论基础和思想核心的。

    Postmodernism philosophy is the theory base and the thought core of the trend of postmodernism thought .

  23. 从后现代主义思潮到网络语言符号&网络语言符号动因论之一

    From Postmodernism To Cyber-language

  24. 网络本身的技术特点使其迅速与大众文化、后现代主义思潮和消费主义融合。

    The technical characteristics of network make it easy to integrate pop culture , post-modernist and consumerism culture .

  25. 后现代主义思潮与人类学、考古学的研究&地域文化研究要注意的一个理论问题

    Study on the Thought of Postmodernism , Anthropology and Archaeology & A Theory Problem about Regional Culture Study

  26. 拉康源自于精神分析治疗实践的独特的语言观是后现代主义思潮的重要理论之一。

    The unique view of language of Lacan is one of the most important theories of postmodernism thoughts .

  27. 这主要得益于后现代主义思潮所赋予翻译和译文的前所未有的重要性。

    Thanks to the postmodern currents , translation has acquired a significance that it has never expected before .

  28. 刑事和解运动是西方后现代主义思潮在刑事司法领域的反映。

    Criminal reconciliation movement is the reflection of post-modernism thoughts in the field of criminal judicial in the west .

  29. 不过要对后现代主义思潮做出确切而全面的描述是一件很困难的事。

    However it is a very difficult matter to make accurate and the comprehensive description of its ideological trend .

  30. 复杂性科学与后现代主义思潮有着一定的关联。但是复杂性科学绝非后现代主义得以成立的科学基础。

    There are the certain connections in complexity , science and postmodernism current , but postmodernism no based complexity science .