
  • 网络Cultural Logic
  1. 经济发展的文化逻辑:关于市场经济伦理的探讨

    The Cultural Logic of Economic Development : On Market Economy Ethics

  2. 安全经济学:农民工市民化行为的文化逻辑

    Security Economics : The Cultural Logic of Action in Migrant Workers ' Urbanization

  3. 中国传统财产继承背后的文化逻辑&家系主义

    Stirpism : The cultural principle behind the traditional Chinese family inheritance system

  4. 大学教师身份认同的文化逻辑&后殖民理论的视角

    Cultural Logic of College Teachers ' Status Identity : A Perspective of Post-colonial Theory

  5. 网络文学的后现代文化逻辑

    Post modern Cultural Logics of Cyber Literature Networking

  6. 马克思哲学革命的文化逻辑及其现代启示(英文)

    Cultural logic of Marx s philosophical revolution and its implications in modern times ;

  7. 论中国现代启蒙文学思潮的深层文化逻辑

    On the deep cultural logic of trends of thought in modern Chinese enlightening literature Culture

  8. 中国古代经济思想的文化逻辑

    Cultural Logics of Chinese Ancient Economic Thoughts

  9. 本土化实际上与全球化一样都是在遵循资本主义商业逻辑与文化逻辑的前提之下存在的。

    Both localization and globalization must comply with the business and cultural logics of global capitalism .

  10. 侗族传统林业经营方式的文化逻辑探寻

    A Probe into the Cultural logic Embodied in the Traditional Forestry Operation Way of the Dong People

  11. 为此,詹明信将他的后现代主义称为晚期资本主义的文化逻辑。

    So , Jameson 's idea of " postmodernism " corresponds to the stage of late capitalism .

  12. 科学发展与文化逻辑&从杨振宁论中国无科学的观点说起

    Science development and culture logic : To discuss from YANG Zhen-ning 's viewpoint that China has no science

  13. 全球化背景下我国高等教育发展的文化逻辑应当是和而不同。

    The cultural logic of higher education under the background of globalization should be " harmonious but different " .

  14. 第四章对少数民族居民所反映的几个方面的问题进行了现实因素和理论因素的分析,探讨了政治逻辑、商业逻辑和文化逻辑在其中发挥的作用。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the real factors and the theoretical factors on the issues reflected by the minority residents .

  15. 网络文学所依凭的后现代主义文化逻辑,导致传统诗性的价值消解。

    The postmodern culture background of Internet literature is will lead to the logical dispersion of the traditional poetics value .

  16. 徘徊在幻想与真实之间的魅影&后现代文化逻辑与现代性人格异化

    DEMON PACING UP AND DOWN BETWEEN ILLUSION AND REALITY & On Post-Modern Culture Logic and Personality Alienation of Modern Human Nature

  17. 解构不仅是一种文本的话语分析,更是对既有文化逻辑和社会建制的颠覆;

    Deconstruction is not only a discourse analysis of various texts , but also subversion of cultural logos and social institution ;

  18. 因此透过仪式所展现出来的神灵信仰与日常生活的文化逻辑是本文重点研究的一个部分。

    Belief in the deities and daily life through the ceremony unfolded cultural logic is a part of the paper focuses on .

  19. 这种文化逻辑为哲学的文化批判奠定了坚实的基础并提供了创新的主题。

    This kind of culture has laid a solid foundation for cultural criticism in philosophy and set forth a theme of creation .

  20. 他旨在把文本、意识形态和辩证法统一起来理解晚期资本主义的文化逻辑。

    He aims to integrate texts with ideology and dialectics in order to interpret the culture logic of capitalism in its late stage .

  21. 由于探究后现代主义,或晚期资本主义的文化逻辑,因而可作为文化的后现代理论。

    Which refered and researched postmodernism or the cultural logic of late capitalism , can also be respected as the postmodern theory of culture .

  22. 沙文主义对国家的军事效忠以及美化;狂热的爱国主义中国传统财产继承背后的文化逻辑&家系主义

    Militant devotion to and glorification of one 's country ; fanatical patriotism . Stirpism : The cultural principle behind the traditional Chinese family inheritance system

  23. 男尊女卑与儒家孝的文化逻辑,以及长幼有序的礼教观存在着的矛盾与冲突,使得孀妇脆弱性与独立性共存。

    " A woman is vulgar " conflicts with the cultural logic of the Confucianism " filial piety " and the social morals view of respect for seniority .

  24. 在阶级话语的形成空间中,话语主体的行为方式和话语倾向是商业逻辑、文化逻辑和权力逻辑复杂作用的结果。

    In the space of class discourse informed , the different behaviors and tendency of people is determined by the commercial logic , the cultural logic and the authority logic .

  25. 包亚明认为,消费主义的逻辑不仅成为了社会运用空间的逻辑,而且也成为了主导日常生活的文化逻辑;

    To Bao Yarning , however , the logic of consumerism not only becomes the logic of our social space operation , but also the cultural logic dominating the daily life .

  26. 传统的文化逻辑与现代文化意识猛烈冲撞的文化背景,导致了中国当代小说反讽形式的勃发。

    The cultural background that results from the strong bump between the traditional cultural logic and the modern cultural consciousness leads to the rise of the rhetoric-irony type of modern Chinese novels .

  27. 在他的认知测绘理论指导下,詹姆逊进行了两种目的性测绘尝试即为晚期资本主义的文化逻辑测绘和为当代全球化的现状和趋势测绘。

    Under the guidance of his " cognitive mapping " theory , Jameson is trying to carry out the mapping of the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism and the mapping of contemporary globalization .

  28. 我能理解比莉的感受,她按照要求需要在奶奶面前隐藏悲伤,但我对这些谎言背后的文化逻辑缺乏清晰的理解。

    While I could relate to Billi , who was instructed to hide her grief in front of Nai Nai , I lacked a clear sense of the cultural rationale behind the lies .

  29. 本文以松桃苗族自治县鸡爪村苗族寨神为例,试图用宗教人类学的视角来揭示这种信仰的原神象征及其文化逻辑。

    By taking the numen 's religion of Jizhao village in Songtao Autonomous County as example in this article , the author revealed its original symbol and cultural logics from angle of religious anthropology .

  30. 具体说来,就是将资本-效率逻辑置换为公正逻辑,将资本-消费逻辑置换为生态逻辑,将资本-文化逻辑置换为人本逻辑。

    To be specific , the capital-efficiency logic should be transferred into justice logic , the capital-consume logic should be transferred into ecological logic , and the capital-culture logic should be transferred into human logic .