
  • 网络Cultural Empire;cultural imperialism
  1. 我们从报纸上了解到,这里不会有带有文化帝国主义色彩的“小小世界”(SmallWorld)之旅。

    We had learned from newspaper reports that there would be no It 's a Small World ride smacking of cultural imperialism .

  2. 西方人反对外阴割礼是文化帝国主义吗?

    Is it cultural imperialism for Westerners to oppose genital mutilation ?

  3. 从文化帝国主义看美国的文化扩张

    On America 's Cultural Expansion from the Angle of Cultural Imperialism

  4. 现代资本主义与文化帝国的因果联系

    The Causal Relationship between the Modern Capitalism and the Cultural Imperialism

  5. 文章分析了网络文化帝国主义的起源与成因;

    Analyzing the origins and causes of cultural imperialism of the internet ;

  6. 美国的文化帝国主义也起了良好的推动作用。

    Add on the benevolent effect of American cultural imperialism .

  7. 全球化背景下教育中的文化帝国主义表征

    Representations of Cultural Imperialism in Educational Field under Globalization Background

  8. 它还创造出一种双刃的文化帝国主义。

    It also creates a sort of two-edged cultural imperialism .

  9. 萨义德与汤林森关于文化帝国主义的讨论略论中国古代帝王主流称谓的文化意义

    On the Cultural Significance of the Mainstream Title of the Chinese Emperors

  10. 论经济全球化和文化帝国主义

    A Brief Account of the Globalization of the World Economy and Cultural Imperialism

  11. 文化帝国主义与文化霸权思想考察

    A Survey of Cultural Supremacy Thoughts in Cultural Imperialism

  12. 文化帝国主义与民族文化、民族认同

    Cultural Imperialism and National Culture , National Identity

  13. 或许,从远古伊始,文化帝国主义一直是人类文明的一个因素。

    Cultural imperialism has been a factor in human civilization probably since time began .

  14. 新的历史时期赋予文化帝国主义更多批判的内涵。

    In the new historical period , Cultural imperialism has been endowed more critical contents .

  15. 全球化语境下的文化帝国主义&从詹明信文化理论出发的一个考察

    Cultural imperialism in the context of globalization

  16. 文化帝国主义实际上就是文化扩张。

    Cultural imperialism is actually cultural expansion .

  17. 论英语霸权与文化帝国主义

    On English Hegemony and Cultural Imperialism

  18. 第二,本论文对翻译中文化帝国主义的研究属于后殖民翻译理论框架下的理论探索。

    Secondly , this theoretical exploration of cultural imperialism in translation is within postcolonial translation theory .

  19. 我相信,在某些时候,文化帝国主义确实存在过。

    And at some point I 'm sure there was a question of cultural imperialism involve .

  20. 美国常常因为其文化帝国主义受到谴责,但更应该受指责的是英国。

    The US is often castigated for cultural imperialism , but Britain is the worse offender .

  21. 全球化时代的文化帝国主义

    Cultural Imperialism During the Globalization Age

  22. 文化帝国主义理论研究

    Research on Cultural Imperialism Theory

  23. 最好还是把那些特殊的饮食习惯消灭,这样谁也不会说谁是文化帝国主义了。

    Far better that species should go extinct , than anyone be guilty of " cultural imperialism " .

  24. 虽然法国和其他一些国家对此提出抗议,但这一现象并不属于“文化帝国主义”范畴。

    Despite complaints from France and elsewhere , it was not a matter of " cultural imperialism " .

  25. 制度转型论的实施显示中国从古典文化帝国转变为现代民族国家,并建立起相应的社会制度;

    Third , the Chinese nation is changed from empire to modern country , having its own social system .

  26. 19世纪德国新教的中国传教具有明显的文化帝国主义性质。

    The German protestant missionary work in China in 19 th century was provided with obvious " cultural imperialism " character .

  27. 中国大陆一直被看做一个独特的市场:不那么西方化,或许对文化帝国主义更加敏感。

    Chinese mainland has long been seen as a different market - less Westernized , and perhaps more sensitive to matters of cultural imperialism .

  28. 本文尝试用萨义德的文化帝国主义理论来分析美国好莱坞电影在全球的文化扩张。

    This paper ventures to analyze the expansion of Hollywood movie culture by using the theory of cultural imperialism expounded by Edward W. Said .

  29. 帝国、帝国主义、文化帝国主义、全球化,一系列的演变表现了帝国的不同特点,也是权力话语在不同时期的不同声音。

    Empire , imperialism , and cultural imperialism , globalization , which performance different characteristics of the Empire in the evolution of the Empire .

  30. 文化帝国主义正是全球化的衍生物,它的入侵,对中国民族文化的发展提出挑战。

    With this trend comes the cultural imperialism , which constitutes an invasion and great challenge to the preservation and development of native Chinese culture .