
  • 网络bibliometrics;bibliometric
  1. 采用文献计量学方法统计分析1979-2001年间中国科研人员发表在《Nature》杂志上的全部论文的文献类型、发表年代、学科领域、论文作者、研究机构及合作度状况。

    The document types , publication years , subjects , authors , organizations , and cooperation degree of articles written by Chinese researchers in Nature in 1979 - 2001 are statistically analyzed by using the method of bibliometrics .

  2. 本文利用文献计量学方法,对世界权威科技文献情报源INDEXMEDICUS,ExcerptaMedica,BiologicalAbstracts和ScienceCitationIndex收录医学文献的情况进行了比较研究。

    This study was designed to make a comparative evaluation of the performance of Index Medicus , Excerpta Medica , Biological Abstracts and Science Citation Index covering medical literature with the method of bibliometrics .

  3. 期刊论文被引用及其Web全文下载的文献计量分析

    Bibliometrics Analysis on Cited Frequency and Downloaded Frequency of Journal Papers

  4. 基于文献计量分析的LED知识图谱及产业化对策

    Mapping Knowledge Domains and Industrialization Measures of LED Based on Bibliometric Analysis

  5. SCI收录生物安全相关论文的文献计量学分析

    Bibliometric analysis of biosecurity-related papers covered in SCI

  6. 从SCI引文案例看科学创造最佳年龄区&文献计量学的实用研究之一

    The Citation Analysis of Illustration in THE AREA THE BEST AGE IN SCIENCE CREATION

  7. 目的通过文献计量学方法分析阿尔茨海默病(AD)的研究现状、发展趋势和信息源等。

    Objective Explore the research trends , status and information resources on Alzheimer ′ s disease ( AD ) by bibliometric analysis .

  8. 近10年SCI人格心理学研究文献计量分析

    Research of Personality Psychology Bibliometric Analysis Based on the Database of SCI in the Recent Ten Years

  9. 本文运用文献计量学方法,以《EI》为检索工具,确定了复合材料领域的核心文献。

    The core documents in the field of composite materials have been determined with several bibliometric methods .

  10. 中国少数民族STR基因座遗传多态性研究的现状及特征&基于文献计量分析

    Present situation and characteristics of the study of China 's ethnic minorities STR loci & Based on document analysis

  11. 国际科技合作文献计量学研究综述&《科学计量学》(Scientometrics)期刊相关论文综述

    A Summary of Bibliometric Study on International Science and Technology Cooperation

  12. 谁在关注中国?SSCI、AHCI中国主题文献计量分析

    Who is Paying Attention to China ? Bibliometric of China Topic Documents in SSCI A HCI

  13. 利用MEDLINECD-ROM光盘数据库的检索、套录功能与FOXBASE+2.10数据库语言的自动统计功能相结合,完成对世界范围骨质疏松研究的文献计量学分析。

    S : The searching and downloading function of Medline CD-ROM and the statistics function of Foxbase + 2.10 is combined to fulfil the bibliometric study of the worldwide research of osteoporosis .

  14. 方法依据《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》(ChineseMedicalCitationIndex,CMCI),采用文献计量方法对《中华妇产科杂志》载文被CMCI来源期刊引用的情况进行统计分析及评价。

    Method According to the information of Chinese Medical citation Index ( CMCI ), I statistically analyzed the amount and distribution of the originals in Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology cited by the journal included by CMCI .

  15. 用SC(I扩展版)等工具,采用文献计量学方法,对1990&2004年世界军用光电技术研究论文进行了采集和分析,并提出了相应的对策和建议。

    This paper collects and analyzes on the papers of the international military photoelectric technology research during 1990-2004 with the tools of SCI , etc. by using biblio-metrological method , and advances some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

  16. 关节镜技术在Hoffa病诊断与治疗中的应用体会我国膝关节镜技术研究与应用文献计量学分析

    Arthroscopic diagnosis and treatment of Hoffa disease Metrological analysis of literature on knee arthroscope reported during 1989 ~ 2006 in China

  17. 利用文献计量学方法,统计分析了1975~2004年间WEBOFSCIENCE收录的禽流感(avianinfluenza)研究文献,探讨了禽流感文献研究的年代分布、语种、期刊分布、作者、文献类型和主题类目。

    By using bibliometric method , the paper has statistically analyzed research papers about " Avian Influenza " collected in Web of Science published during the period of 1975 ~ 2004 , including year distribution , language and periodicals distribution , authors , document type and subject categories .

  18. 本文以MEDLINE为数据源,检索1984-2004年间被MEDLINE收录的汕头市作者发表的学术论文,从论文发表年限、核心作者、期刊国别、研究机构与研究内容等方面进行文献计量分析。

    Based on MEDLINE database , retrieve Shantou academic literature from 1984 to 2004 and make bibliometric analysis on them by publication year , major author , country of publication , research institution and investigation contents .

  19. 本文以CNKI数据库为数据来源,对1994~2003年的数字图书馆研究论文进行统计,用文献计量学方法分析其时空分布、作者分布及主题分布。

    With CNKI database as its original data , the paper sums up digital library research papers from 1994 to 2003 , analyzes time and space distribution , writer and key theme distribution through literature metrology .

  20. 本文从文献计量学的角度,以ISI出版的研究前沿数据库(ResearchFronts)为主要数据来源,分析概括了有关空时编码技术目前的研究重点、国内外研究现状和今后的研究方向。

    In this paper , we mainly study the database of Research Fronts published by ISI from the angle of document metrology . Then we analyze and generalize the emphasis , actuality and trend of the research on the technology of space-time coding .

  21. 方法利用文献计量分析法对CHKD数据库收录的1994~2002年间郑州市23家医疗机构发表的医学论文进行统计分析。

    Methods The articles , which were published in 23 medical institutes from 1994 to 2002 and collected by CHKD , were analyzed with the method of literature computation analysis .

  22. 采用文献计量学方法,利用JCR对2004年SCI、SSCI收录的455种心理学期刊进行了统计分析与对比研究,以揭示其基本特点与存在的问题,并引发了关于心理学学科分类的思考。

    Based on bibliometric methods , the authors made statistical analysis and contrastive research on the 455 journals in psychology from 2004 SCI / SSCI by means of JCR in order to find their characteristics and existing problems .

  23. 方法:依据CNKI《中国引文数据库》,采用文献计量分析方法对《情报学报》载文被CNKI来源刊引用情况进行统计分析及评价。

    Method With the database of Chinese Citation Index , We statistically analyzed the amount and distribution of the originals in Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information cited by the journal included by CNKI .

  24. 方法对CMCC收录该刊1995~2004年论文进行文献计量学分析。

    Methods According to the information of Chinese Medical Citation Index ( CMCC ), Bibliometric method was used to analyze its publications and the authorship between 1995 to 2004 . Results 3333 articles were published during ten years ;

  25. CD44的研究正处于基础研究阶段,理论研究深入,有待通过CD44结构和功能的研究来指导临床实践,共词聚类分析是一种有效可行的文献计量学研究方法。

    It is concluded that the study would be rapidly developed and deepened . Clinical practice will be guided by the study on the structure and function of CD44 . It shows that the clustered analysis of co-words is an effective and practicable method of bibliometrics .

  26. 运用文献计量学方法,对1954-2003年SCIE收录的106种力学专业期刊近20万篇文献文末所附的2856324条参考文献进行研究,考察了力学专业领域文献老化速度在50年间的变化趋势。

    This paper uses bibliometrics to research ( 2 856 324 ) references of nearly ( 20 000 ) documents in 106 mechanics journals from SCIE , and explores mechanics literature obsolescence trend over the past 50 years .

  27. 本文采用文献计量法和引文分析法,对《福建林学院学报》近10a文章的外文引文数量、文献类型、语种分布、时间分布、主要被引用外刊、学科分布等进行量化统计分析。

    Foreign language quotations from Journal of Fujian Forestry College published during 1996 to 2005 , were statistically analyzed on the aspects such as citation amount , document type , language and time distribution , main cited foreign periodicals and their subject distribution .

  28. 作者用文献计量学的线性回归分析法,对19801994年的MEDLINE光盘文献数据库中有关Intralipid的研究和应用文献进行了定量分析,发现年度文献量与时间变化有显著的线性相关关系。

    After retrieving the papers on Intralipid form MEDLINE CD ROM database from 1980 to 1994 and analysing them by linear regression analysis in literature metrology , We found a significant linear correlation between the yearly literature quantity and the dynamic time course ( year ) .

  29. 佛山科学技术学院学报近年文献计量分析

    Statistic Analysis of the Papers Published in Journal of Foshan University

  30. 我国学习困难儿童工作记忆研究的文献计量分析

    An Analysis on Working Memory in Learning Disabled Children in China