
  • 网络theory of knowing and doing;views on knowing and doing;theory of knowledge and practice
  1. 中国哲学中知行观的争论和演变

    Arguments and Evolutions of the Theory of Knowing and Doing in Chinese Philosophy

  2. 知行观是中国哲学史上的重要命题。

    The views on knowing and doing is a very important proposition in the History of Chinese Philosophy .

  3. 中国古代知行观发微

    Expounding of the Ancient Knowing and Practicing Idea of China

  4. 中国哲学史上知行观的论争

    A Debate on Knowledge and Practice in the History of Chinese Philosophy

  5. 论孙中山知行观的辩证性

    On the dialectic of Sun Yat-sen 's Theory of Knowing and Doing

  6. 《实践论》与中国传统知行观

    On Practice and Chinese Traditional Theory on Knowing and Doing

  7. 荀子由行致知知行观的现代价值探析

    Inspect the modern value of the view of knowledge and practice of Xun Zi

  8. 知行观的不同导致其所领导的革命结果不同。

    Also , the difference results in the different results of the revolution they lead .

  9. 知行观是中国传统哲学中的一个基本问题。

    The knowing and doing view is a basic question in the traditional Chinese philosophy .

  10. 三是知行观上的知包括了近代科学的内容,行突破了传统的道德践履的范围。

    Thirdly , knowledge include content of modern science which doings break through the range of traditional moral practice .

  11. 我们只有采取正确的方法才能提炼出中国古代传统知行观的思想精华,也只有做到推陈出新,博采众长,我们才能继承和发扬优秀的传统文化精神,树立我们现代人正确的知行观。

    We only take the right way to refine the ancient Chinese traditional knowledge , ideas , we can carry on and develop the outstanding traditional culture spirit , establish a correct knowing and doing view .

  12. 正像具体事物随着时间可以不断发展壮大一样,中国哲学史上的知行观也随着历史的跌宕不断地趋于合理、完善。

    Just as the specific things were developing and expanding continuously with time passed by , the epistemology in the philosophical history of China tends to be complicated and reasonable by the history up and down .

  13. 从先秦到近现代,知行观一直是历史上各思想家们研究的一个重要内容,而知和行也是中国哲学史上不断出现的名词。

    From the pre-Qin dynasty to modern times , epistemology always to be a most important content that numerous thinkers in the history researched on , and the term knowledge , doing also constantly appeared in the Chinese philosophical history .

  14. 知行统一观在篮球比赛中的运用研究

    Research on the Application of Unification of Cognition and Practice in Basketball Matches

  15. 这就是辩证唯物论的全部认识论,这就是辩证唯物论的知行统一观。

    Such is the whole of the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge , and such is the dialectical-materialist theory of the unity of knowing and doing .

  16. 然后,着重探讨了道德认知发展学派德育观的理论枢纽&知行关系观。

    Secondly , the article emphatically explores the viewpoint on the relation between cognition and behavior that is the theoretical hub of the moral education view of the moral-cognitive-development school .

  17. 探讨了人的知识智慧形成的先天素质和后天习染等问题,指明智慧与道德是形成理想人格的相辅相成的两个方面,坚持了知行统一观;

    It also discusses the effects of inborn quality and the acquired habits on the formation of knowledge and wisdom , and points out that wisdom and morals are complementary in shaping the ideal character of human being , which insists on the unity of knowledge and behavior .

  18. 用知、行统一观指导思想道德修养与法律基础课实践教学

    The Application of View of Cognition and Practice as Guidance in the Practical Teaching of Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis Curriculum

  19. 以全国航空管理系统篮球赛14个队的知行能力获胜率为研究对象,运用问卷调查等方法,对知行统一观在篮球比赛中的运用情况进行研究。

    By using the investigation method and so on , taking the win ration of cognition ability and practice ability of 14 teams in National Basketball Games of Aerial Management System as research objects , this article studies the application of unification of cognition and practice in basketball matches .