
  • 网络Intertextuality;intertexuality;inter-textuality
  1. 在互文性理论中,它们仿拟的零度原词即是底文,而它们自己则是偏离了的超文

    They are called deviant hypertexts parodying zero-degree hypo-texts in the intertextuality theory .

  2. 罗兰·巴特(RolandBarthes)对这一概念作了重要的阐释和引申,使互文性研究扩展到文本关系的研究上。

    Roland Barthes expounded and explicated the concept greatly , which made the research extend from Intertextuality to text-relation .

  3. 第三章的第二部分介绍了该论文CDA研究框架中的一些重要概念&意识形态,人称代词,情态和互文性。

    The second section in Chapter Three introduces some useful concepts of CDA in this framework-ideology , personal system , modality and intertextuality .

  4. 基于互文性对英语新闻标题翻译策略的研究

    A Study on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines-Based on Intertextuality

  5. 第二章集中讨论了互文性理论。

    Chapter Two focuses on the theory of " intertextuality " .

  6. 新闻标题的话语互文性解读&批评话语分析视角

    Interpretation of Discourse Intertextuality in News Headlines : A CDA Perspective

  7. 新诗创作中的互文性法则及创造性变形

    The Rule of Cross-textual Reference in Modern Poetry and Creative Transformation

  8. 论美国自白诗的自传性中美自白诗:一个跨文化互文性个案

    Chinese and American Confessional Poetry : A Case of Cross-Cultural Intertextuality

  9. 互文性对语境动态研究的重要性分析

    The Significance of Intertextuality for the Dynamic Study of Context

  10. 三是互文性,传统文化的价值再生发。

    Three is the intertextuality , traditional culture revival tour .

  11. 广告文本创作与传播中的互文性分析

    Try to Discuss the Intertextuality in the Text of Advertising

  12. 本文试图从互文性的理论来解读该作品。

    This thesis tries to interpret Possession from the perspective of intertextuality .

  13. 中国民事诉状中通过互文性对信息的有效呈现

    Effective Presentation of Information Through Intertextuality in Chinese Civil Complaints

  14. 专家学者们倾向于研究互文性理论与翻译之间的关系。

    Many scholars and experts incline to study its relationship with translation .

  15. 互文性是当代文学批评的重要术语之一。

    Intertextuality is an important term in contemporary literary criticism .

  16. 这就是词语(或文本)的互文性。

    This is the intertextuality of a word ( or text ) .

  17. 在互文性的指导下进行广告套译

    How to Parody-translating Advertisements under the Guidance of Intertextuality Theory

  18. 一脉相承,各放异彩&从三个文本的比较看互文性和独创性的统一

    On the Unity of Intertextuality and Creativity by Comparison of Three Texts

  19. 互文性理论是当代文论中最为复杂的理论之一。

    Intertextuality is one of the most complex theories in modern literature .

  20. 互文性是批判研究中一个常见的术语。

    Intertextuality is a term often used in critical studies .

  21. 本文的重点在于阐明互文性是文本的根本属性。

    It emphasizes that intertextuality is the basic attribute of any texts .

  22. 本论文也探讨了互文性会话中的问句与权势关系。

    Besides , questions and power relations in intertextual dialogues are discussed .

  23. 这两种方式对于中国小说的深度建构有着互文性功效。

    These two modes have reciprocal effects to Chinese novel depth construction .

  24. 从顺应的角度解析新闻语篇的互文性

    Analysis on the Intertextuality of News Discourse from the Angle of Adaptation

  25. 大学英语写作教学中互文性整合模式研究

    An Integrated Model of Intertextuality for College English Writing Pedagogy

  26. 文本的狂欢世界:诺曼·梅勒作品中的互文性策略解读

    The Carnival World of Texts : Intertextuality in Norman Mailer 's Biographical Works

  27. 从互文性角度看翻译的文本解构和重构过程

    On Text Deconstruction and Reconstruction in Translation From the View Point of Intertextuality

  28. 此后,互文性成了许多学者研究的重要课题。

    Since then it has become a popular topic broached by many scholars .

  29. 但到目前为止,国内尚无研究互文性问题的专著。

    But up to now , there is no domestic monograph on it .

  30. 它具有表意性、互文性、历史性和模式性的特征。

    Ideographic , intertextuality , historic and mode are all its characteristics aswell .