
hù bù qīn fàn tiáo yuē
  • Non aggression treaty;nonaggression pact;nonaggression treaty
互不侵犯条约 [hù bù qīn fàn tiáo yuē]
  • [nonaggression treaty] 两主权国之间签订的互相不侵犯对方领土的条约

  1. 两国将签署互不侵犯条约。

    A non-aggression pact will be signed between the two countries .

  2. 上个月,他与德国签订了新的互不侵犯条约。

    Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany

  3. 他与德国的新关系受新的互不侵犯条约的保护。

    His new relationship with Germany is enshrined in a new non-aggression treaty

  4. 这使得两国签订了一项互不侵犯条约。

    This led to a non-aggression pact between the two countries .

  5. 这两个国家刚刚签署了一项互不侵犯条约。

    The two countries have just signed a non-aggression pact .

  6. 平壤方面表示取消与邻国签订的互不侵犯条约。

    Pyongyang says it 's calling off a non-aggression pact with its neighbor .

  7. 这种阴谋,被苏德互不侵犯条约击破了。

    The Soviet-German non-aggression treaty smashed this plot .

  8. 评《苏德互不侵犯条约》与第二次世界大战的关系

    On the Relationship between " Non-aggression Pact of Soviet-Germany " and the 2 nd World War

  9. 苏德互不侵犯条约订立于一九三九年八月二十三日。

    The Treaty of Non-Aggression Between the Soviet Union and Germany was signed on August 23 , 1939 .

  10. 最近几个月,朝鲜撕毁了与韩国的互不侵犯条约,并拒绝承认海界线。

    In recent months North Korea has torn up its non-aggression pacts with the South and refused to recognise a maritime border .

  11. 在合作的过程中,《中苏互不侵犯条约》和《苏日中立条约》等问题也要慎重对待。

    In the cooperation process , the Sino-Soviet non-aggression pact and the Soviet-Japanese neutrality Treaty and other problems have to be extremely careful .

  12. 最终,1939年8月23日苏德互不侵犯条约的签订给德日谈判和英法苏谈判带来致命打击,同时德意日苏四国联合构想也孕育而生。

    Finally German-Soviet non-aggression pact which signed on August 23 , 1939 had an deadly effect on the German-Japanese talks and Anglo-French-Soviet talks .

  13. 克林顿也说他支持多边的协定,包括互不侵犯条约,以此交换北朝鲜放弃核计划。

    Clinton also said that he supports a broad agreement , including a non-aggressionpact , with North Korea in exchange for it abandoningits nuclear program .

  14. 至于所谓日苏互不侵犯条约,在过去多年之前,苏联就要求日本签订,日本始终拒绝。

    As for the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty , the Soviet Union has been proposing it for many years but Japan has invariably rejected it .

  15. 当报纸上铺天盖地报道《苏德互不侵犯条约》时,艾伦已经离开剑桥,去享受为期一周的假期了。他和弗雷德·克莱顿一起去划船,同去的还有来英国避难的孩子。

    The news-stands were announcing the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact as Alan set off from Cambridge for a week 's sailing holiday , together with Fred Clayton and the refugee boys .

  16. 一直小心翼翼、避免激化波兰与俄罗斯紧张关系的图斯克回答道:“是《苏德互不侵犯条约》导致了波兰遭到攻击。”

    Mr Tusk , was has been careful not to play up tensions with Russia , responded , saying : " the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact led to the attack on Poland . "

  17. 对德绥靖开始于1939年8月《苏德互不侵犯条约》的签订,1940年苏联对德绥靖达到顶峰,在舆论上、行动上完全站在法西斯一边。

    Appeasing German began , when the Treaty of No Mutual Aggression between the Soviet Union and German , and a confidential agreement was signed On August 23 , 1939 . In 1940 , Appeasing German reached its climax but would end after a time .

  18. 那些有反苏成见的人,借着诺蒙坎停战协定的订立和日苏互不侵犯条约的传闻,掀风鼓浪,挑拨中苏两大民族间的感情。

    People who are prejudiced against the Soviet Union are capitalizing on the Nomonhan truce agreement and on the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty in order to make trouble and stir up ill feeling between the two great nations of China and the Soviet union .

  19. 《布列斯特和约》与《苏德互不侵犯条约》都是苏联外交史上重要的条约,都是在特殊国际环境和特定历史条件下签订的,但二者却有着本质的区别。

    Peace Treaties of Brest - Litovsk and The Non - Aggression Pact between the German Reich and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics were important treaties in USSR 's diplomatic history , and both were signed under special international surroundings and historical conditions , but their essence were different .

  20. 在该地区的国家签订了一个互不侵犯的条约。

    The countries in the region signed a non - aggression pact .

  21. 南非和莫桑比克互不侵犯和睦邻条约

    South Africa and Mozambique Non-aggressive and Good-Neighbourhood Treaty

  22. 与此同时,美国和韩国的高级官员警告说,有关终止北韩核武器项目的外交努力所剩时间已经不多。韩国少将权五淞向北韩军方发出信息,表示韩国仍然信守双方互不侵犯的主要条约。

    South Korean Major-General Kwon Oh-sung has sent a radio message to his North Korean counterpart , reassuring Pyongyang the South remains committed to a key non-aggression agreement between the two sides .