
tè zhǒnɡ bù duì
  • special force;corps;special troops;special technical units
  1. 你们也不是特种部队的杀手。

    And you guys are not special force hitmen either .

  2. 美国特种部队结束第一阶段东南亚反恐任务

    US special force ends the first stage anti-terrorist task in South-east Asia

  3. 美联社(AssociatedPress)报道称,加拿大还将派遣特种部队前往喀布尔,帮助使馆工作人员撤离。

    The Associated Press reported Canada would also deploy special forces troops to Kabul to help in the evacuation of embassy workers .

  4. 那一年也见证了《使命召唤》系列的首款成功游戏《现代战争》(ModernWarfare)一炮打响。该游戏以特种部队的任务为题材。

    That year also saw the first big hit of the Call of Duty franchise : Modern Warfare , which centres around special forces missions .

  5. 事实依据:IBM公司派遣领导力特种部队(SWAT)奔赴世界各地,指导当地员工。

    Fact : IBM sends leadership SWAT teams around the world to coach local staff .

  6. 这支部队参照英国SAS部队和美国特种部队建立而成,其规模是最高机密。

    This force was modelled on the British SAS and US special-forces and its size remains highly classified .

  7. 美国海军海豹突击队,简称海豹突击队(NavySeals),其中Seals是“Sea、Air、Land”即“海、空、陆”的简称,是美国海军最主要的一支特种部队。

    The United States Navy SEa , Air and Land ( SEAL ) Teams , commonly known as Navy SEALs , are the U.S.Navy 's principal special operations force .

  8. 一走进班里,法国企业家、美国特种部队(USSpecialForces)指挥官、火箭科学家、油轮船长、体育明星以及我撞见的每一个人,都让我充满了敬畏之情。

    Entering the class , I was awed by the French entrepreneur , the US Special Forces commander , the rocket scientist , the oil tanker skipper , the super athlete and just about everyone else that I bumped into .

  9. 另一方面,根据《SnakeEater》结尾,大首领在1971年建立了猎狐犬特种部队,却在1972年离开成为了一名佣兵。

    Snake , on the other hand started FOXHOUND in1971 according to the ending of Snake Eater , but left in1972 becoming a mercenary .

  10. 冷战初期,SSG部队与美国特种部队一道训练,并肩作战。

    During the early Cold War , SSG forces trained and served alongside US special-forces .

  11. 单飞的流行艺人李升基(LeeSeung-gi)是本次活动的主持人,他比大部分同伴更进一步,在特种部队服役。

    Lee Seung-gi , a solo pop artist who served as master of ceremonies at the festival , went further than most of his peers and is serving in a special forces unit .

  12. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,嫌疑人是前美国特种部队驻瓦尔达克省的翻译人员,该省位于喀布尔附近。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports that the suspect is a former interpreter for US Special Forces in Wardak province near Kabul .

  13. 1981年,电影《D·B·库柏的冒险旅程》(ThePursuitofD.B.Cooper)问世,由崔特·威廉姆斯(TreatWilliams)领衔饰演一位名叫J.R.米德(J.R.Meade)的前美军特种部队成员。

    In 1981 , the movie " The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper " opened with Treat Williams in the lead role as a former Green Beret named J.R. Meade .

  14. 对于好莱坞而言,中国仍然充满机遇,中国电影观众也依然喜爱美式风格:本周中国票房榜上前两名的影片均为好莱坞出品,分别是《特种部队:全面反击》(GIJoe:Retaliation)和《疯狂原始人》(TheCroods)。

    China remains a rich opportunity for Hollywood and its movie-goers continue to embrace American fare : the two films that topped the box office this week were GI Joe : Retaliation and The Croods .

  15. 这些部队中包括精锐的阿尔法小组(spetsnaz)特种部队、装甲旅、以及炮兵和防空部队。

    Those present include elite spetsnaz forces , armoured brigades and artillery and anti-aircraft units .

  16. 由于面临美国特种部队发动突袭将本拉登击毙的尖锐问题,巴基斯坦三军情报局局长艾哈迈德•舒亚•帕夏(AhmedShujaPasha)有意辞职。

    Pakistan 's intelligence chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha has offered to resign after facing tough questioning about the US Special Forces raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden .

  17. 在BPRD特种部队总部的一个玻璃柜里可以看到第一集中纳粹刺客克罗恩的受损的面具。

    The damaged mask of Kroenen from the first film can be seen in a glass case at the BPRD headquarters .

  18. 那时,可能你正和《特种部队》或者《星球大战》里的动作人物一起玩呢。

    This was probably the same time you were playing with G.I.

  19. 也许显得有点严厉,有点过于“特种部队”了。

    Maybe a bit severe . a bit too green beret .

  20. 威廉·达布尼自愿参加了威名赫赫的特种部队

    William Dabney volunteers for the exciting-sounding " Special service . "

  21. 为此,特种部队现在正在转换战略。

    In response , the special forces are now shifting strategy .

  22. 外军特种部队格斗训练特点

    The Training Characteristics of Special Military Troops from Others Country Army

  23. 俄罗斯特种部队解救人质的经验教训及启示

    Lesson from and revelation of Russian Special Forces ' rescuing hostages

  24. 我们将加倍特种部队的力量来进行反恐行动。

    We will double our special forces to conduct anti-terrorist operations .

  25. 这支雪橇队伍是丹麦特种部队的一支

    This sled team is part of the Danish Special Forces .

  26. 队长,此人是特种部队狙击手。

    Captain , the man 's a special forces sniper .

  27. 他正是塞尔维亚特种部队的首领。

    He was the leader of the Serbian special forces .

  28. 首先,让我们看看三角洲特种部队。

    First , let 's look at the Delta Force .

  29. 三角洲特种部队将会护送他们前进至城镇。

    Delta Operators will be escorting them to the town .

  30. 召特种部队和救护车来,快点!

    Get me the SWAT team and an ambulance , double quick .