
  • 网络Government;special district government
  1. 特区政府应该好好反思。

    This is something our own government should carefully reflect on .

  2. 现阶段,特区政府大概只能这样取态。

    Perhaps the SAR government can only take such a stance now .

  3. 专家组包括重庆市选派专家15人和澳门特区政府选派专家5人。

    They include 15 medics from Chongqing and five from Macao .

  4. 这将由澳门特区政府决定。

    This will be a decision for the Macao government .

  5. 这些地方均十分都值得特区政府深刻反省。

    This is what the SAR government would do well to examine carefully .

  6. 近期,特区政府在这方面加强力度。

    The SAR government has recently stepped up its efforts in this area .

  7. 特区政府对这点极为重视。

    The SAR government is extremely mindful of this .

  8. 特区政府食品安全方面的最高官员称抢购食盐“完全没有根据”。

    The government 's top food safety official called the salt run'totally unfounded .

  9. 特区政府会继续给予配合。

    We will continue to provide the necessary support .

  10. 香港特别行政区的土地,全属国家所有,特区政府负责土地的批出及管理。

    All land within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is state property .

  11. 香港特区政府驻粤经济贸易办事处。

    The economic and Trade Office of the government of the HKSAR in guangdong .

  12. 这或许说明了特区政府从来没有认真地面对这个问题。

    That may show the SAR government has never seriously look at the question .

  13. 特区政府应该马上寻找沉积物的来源。

    The government needs to act immediately to identify the source of the runoff .

  14. 他们代表他们所属省份或特区政府。

    They represent their provincial or territorial government .

  15. 香港特区政府太平洋经济合作香港委员会成员。

    Member , Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation , Government of the HKSAR .

  16. 特区政府致力在港商开拓内地商机的过程中,提供支援。

    Government is committed to facilitating businessmen 's efforts in tapping opportunities in the Mainland .

  17. 在此期间,特区政府会依照法定程序,处理司法覆核的案件。

    Meanwhile , the government would deal with judicial review cases according to legal procedures .

  18. 这是未来特区政府应坚持的财政原则。

    This is the principle which will be adhered to by the future HKSAR Government .

  19. 该办事处亦为访问内地的特区政府代表团提供后勤支援。

    The Beijing Office also provides logistical support to visiting delegations of the HKSAR Government .

  20. 扑灭罪行,是特区政府的重要工作。

    To combat crime is a major task of the government of the special administrative region .

  21. 该声明发表前,香港特区政府与“占中”代表在周二举行了预备会议。

    The announcement follows preliminary meetings between the Hong Kong government and Occupy representatives on Tuesday .

  22. 香港人对特区政府和香港前景的信心亦日益增加。

    Hong Kong peoples ' confidence towards the HKSAR Administration and the future is running high .

  23. 特区政府将与各位一同努力,使香港成为更成功的商业中心。

    My Administration will work with you to make Hong Kong an ever better business centre .

  24. 特区政府运作透明,敢于承担责任,积极照顾市民各方面的需要。

    The Government is transparent , accountable and responsive to the needs of Hong Kong people .

  25. 数据显示,特区政府推动经济转型的政策已初见成效。

    Figures show that the economic restructuring policy implemented by the SAR government has borne fruit .

  26. 特区政府应有心理准备去面对另外一次管治危机。

    The SAR government should better prepare itself , at least mentally , for another governance crisis .

  27. 特区政府已表示,它正在进行一项更详细的研究,结果将于7月份发布。

    The government has said it is conducting a more detailed study to be released in July .

  28. 特区政府是一个对市民负责任的政府。

    The government of the special administrative region has to be a government accountable to its people .

  29. 香港特区政府说,奥运期间在香港的安全威胁程度中等。

    Hong Kong authorities say the security threat level for the Olympics in the city is moderate .

  30. 香港维基媒体协会已于2007年9月18日向香港特区政府公司注册处注册。

    Wikimedia Hong Kong had been approved by the company registry of the government of HKSAR on18sept2007 .