
  • 网络popular culture;folk culture
  1. 在社会习俗中,人们惯于称上层知识分子的文化为雅文化,称下层民众的文化为俗文化。

    In social convention , people are used to call the highbrow culture as refined culture , and call the demotic culture as popular culture .

  2. 华语戏曲属于俗文化的范畴,和华族的节日民俗息息相关,它在马来西亚的移植和发展,明显地表现出民俗性的特征。

    Chinese opera belongs to the popular culture category , closely related to Chinese festivals . Its migration to and development in Malaysia has shown the significant in folk-custom .

  3. 明代山东社会风俗与俗文化的传播

    The Custom in Shandong in the Ming Dynasty and Its Spreading

  4. 元剧俗文化特征探论

    On the popular cultural characteristics of dramas of the Yuan Dynasty

  5. 我国西南少数民族地区的茶俗文化

    The Culture of Tea in Minority Nationalities of Southwest China

  6. 独特的生活方式,形成了长白山区满族居民自己的年俗文化;

    Unique life style formed the Changbaishang mountain area Manchu inhabitant folk culture ;

  7. 宋代俗文化发展探源

    On Probing the Origin of Development of the Pop Culture During the Song Dynasty

  8. 家族小说往往蕴涵了伦理文化、度文化、俗文化的内容和特征。

    Sage novel always contains the content and characteristics of ethics , system and custom .

  9. 古代丧葬制度与丧俗文化

    System of Ancient Funeral and Obsequies Culture

  10. 《闽都别记》中陈靖姑形象的俗文化意识

    The Vulgar Culture Consciousness of the Charactor Jinggu Chen in the Folklore of Min Capital

  11. 唐朝琵琶音乐与俗文化的关系。

    Third , relation between pipa music and " vulgar culture " in the Tang Dynasty .

  12. 中国古代俗文化与士文化视野中的两种悲剧观

    Two Kind of Tragedy View in The Field of Vision of Ancient Chinese Vulgar Cultural and Gentleman Culture

  13. 节俗文化活动是《红楼梦》叙事话语的基本立足点。

    The activity of festival culture was the fundamental foothold of narrative discourse of The Dream of Red Mansion .

  14. 另外,从地名与市俗文化、地名与典雅文化等角度,对天津城市文化的品位进行阐释与评价。

    It also interprets and evaluates Tianjin Culture regarding how place names relate to folk culture as well as high culture .

  15. 记录在《古事记》和《日本书纪》中的古代歌谣是日本古代社会生活的产物,从《古事记》和《日本书纪》中的日本古代歌谣看,日本古代非常盛行巫俗文化。

    As products of social life of ancient Japanese , these ancient ballads reflected the popularity of Shamanism in ancient Japan .

  16. 论道教美学思想对明清俗文化的影响现代文学中关于女性民俗及其文化反思

    On Daoism Esthetics Reflected in the Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasty On the Female Folk Custom and Cultural Thinking in Modern Literature

  17. 从文化定位的角度来看,它是通俗文化与严肃文化的交融,雅文化与俗文化的整合。

    In view of definition , our national TV plays belong to the arts culture which conforms refined and vulgar into general taste .

  18. 对于打擂的热衷,既是现实中娱乐缺乏的反映,也是笑噱风格的张扬,还有下层平民心理和俗文化的影响。

    Regarding " Competition on arena " , since reality in entertainment deficient reflection , is also the populace smiles style making widely known .

  19. 再次,宋代城市经济的繁荣,市民阶层的壮大,为俗文化提供了充分的发展条件。

    Lastly , the prosperity of urban economy dung the Song dynasty , created full development conditions for enlargement of the townspeople class and for the secular culture .

  20. 作为一种俗文化,宋元戏曲大量地演述广大平民观众喜闻乐见的民俗事象。

    As a kind of folk culture , the dramas of the Song and Yuan Dynasties deal with a wide variety of folk customs popular with the audience .

  21. 这些独特的俗文化形态,是鱼木寨孝观念所赖以产生、存在和发展的生态根源,是中国传统道德中一份宝贵的民族文化遗产。

    These peculiarly popular cultivation are the roots of existence and development for Yumuzhai 's perception of dutifulness , they are one of the precious culture heritages in Chinese traditional morals .

  22. 理论层面,周密坚守代表正统文化之雅,但在创作实践中却出现了对异质俗文化的包容和借鉴。

    At the theoretical level , demi stick to represent the " elegant " orthodox culture , but in writing practice of heterogeneous there appeared in popular culture tolerance and reference .

  23. 至民国时期,哈尔滨俄侨文化已系统化,在建筑、俗文化、育、想以及语言等方面都有充分的反映。

    At the time of the Republic of China , the overseas Russian culture had formed a system , demonstrated in architecture , convention , education , thought and language , atc .

  24. 其保持了俗文化的一贯诱惑力,延续了传统俗文化的新奇内容和娱乐精神,并独创出了具有文人趣味的笑料,丰富了俗文化笑的内容。

    It maintains a temptation of folk culture in the long run and expands peculiar contents and entertainment spirit of traditional culture , creating the unique scholar-oriented japes and enriching them in turn .

  25. 它有大众文化的价值取向,以俗文化为其本质内涵,但也不缺乏传统文学的主要特点。

    The mobile-phone short-note literature has value inclination of the mass culture and has the essential connotation of vulgar culture , but it isn 't short of the main feature of the traditional culture .

  26. 狂欢与消解,可以说是注重节俗文化表现的中国经典叙事话语最突出的艺术精神之一,也是中国传统笑文化的一个最重要的内涵。

    Revelries and diversion may be the one of the most distinct artistic spirit of classical Chinese narrative discourse paying attention to express festival culture , also the most important intension of traditional Chinese laugh culture .

  27. 绵延几千年的鬼神文化是中国俗文化的根基,它间接反映了上古社会生活的各个层面,向我们展现精彩纷呈的上古文化风貌。

    The culture of ghosts is the foundation of Chinese vulgar culture , it reflects society and life in ancient times from each aspect indirectly and displays the rich culture form in ancient times to us .

  28. 但历史进入到二十世纪末,春节的年味开始淡化并出现了衰微的迹象,春节年俗文化的社会环境遭到破坏。

    However , as we enter into the twenty-first century , the annual Spring Festival and its taste begin to downplay signs of a decaying , the social environment of " Nian " culture is in destruction .

  29. 文化分为三个层次:人民群众生活方式的俗文化感性文化层次;

    There are three levels of culture & perceptual culture level of popular culture of people 's life mode , rational culture level of noble culture and political culture level of the political promotion of noble culture .

  30. 在依靠文化征服世界的今天,政府及有关人士也在积极努力地挖掘一度被忽视的传统节俗文化,重申它的价值和意义。

    Today when people to conquer the world based on their cultures , the government and those concerned actively make their efforts to explore the traditional culture which was once neglected and to reaffirm its value and significance .