
sú zì
  • popular form of characters;characters in popular form
俗字 [sú zì]
  • [characters in popular form] 俗体字,异体字的一种。过去文字学家称流行于民间的文字为俗字,别于正字而言

  • 晋宋以来多能书者,故其时俗,递相染尚,所有部帙,楷正可观,不无俗字,非为大损。--《颜氏家训.杂艺》

俗字[sú zì]
  1. 俗字的存在由来已久。

    The existence of the folk characters has a long history .

  2. 江苏北部地区方言俗字的考察

    The Investigation of the Dialect Characters in Northern Jiangsu Province

  3. 宋代笔记中的俗字研究

    A Study of Characters in Popular Formin the Notes of Song Dynasty

  4. 汉语俗字新考

    A Series of New Studies on Common Chinese Words

  5. 在傅世的刻本文献中,存在着大量的俗字。

    Handed down edition literature , there is a lot of folk characters .

  6. 吐鲁番出土文书释词吐鲁番出土文书俗字研究

    The Study of the Common Chinese Words in the Unearthed Documents in Turfan

  7. 第三,俗字具有时代性。

    Third , The Folk Characters has times .

  8. 五十年来的汉语俗字研究

    50 Years ' Research on Abnormal Chinese Character

  9. 本文主要从七个方面对唐代“三书”中的俗字类型进行梳理。

    This paper sort out and analyze seven types of nonstandard forms of characters .

  10. 俗字俗语与明清白话小说校勘

    Collation of Vulgar Words and Idioms Novels in the Vernacular in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  11. 这些俗字在使用中容易被认可,成为文字发展大潮的有力推动者。

    These Folk Characters are easily recognized in the use , to become the agents of developmen of characters .

  12. 我们试图从字形和字用两个方面对方言俗字进行考察、分类。

    We try to investigate and classify in two aspects , that is in words form andin words application .

  13. 第四,俗字主要在非正式、非官方文体中使用,但是俗字是不分阶层的。

    Fourth , The Folk Characters mainly used in the informal , unofficial style , but The Folk Characters regardless of class .

  14. 《说文》俗字的类型体现其时空性、通俗性、简易性和表音性的特点。

    The type of folk characters in Shuo Wen reflects the features of time and space , popularity , simplicity and phonic .

  15. 俗字研究是文字学研究的重要内容,而方言俗字的研究一直是个薄弱环节。

    Althoughthe research on it plays an important role in the characters study , it hasbeen a weaker link all the time .

  16. 谜语中的字谜作为一种历史悠久的语言现象,与俗字的产生和应用有着长久而密切的联系。

    Chinese character riddles which relate closely with the emergence and application of folk characters have a long history as a linguistic phenomenon .

  17. 俗字主要有以下四个特点:第一,俗字都是异体字,但异体字不一定是俗字。

    Folk Characters have the following four characteristics : First , Folk Characters are Variant , but Variant is not necessarily Folk Characters .

  18. 参照统一的分类依据封俗字进行划分,才不致出现分类上的混乱,但是很多俗字研究著作的分类依据并不统一。

    Dividing Folk Characters in uniform classification , so as not to be confusion , but many classification of Folk Characters are not uniform .

  19. 然杂字之中保留俗字、俗读为研究文字的演燮、地方方言提供素材。

    However , among the miscellaneous word reservations folk characters , commonly read to study the evolution of the text , the local dialect material .

  20. 总之,深入研究唐代三书的俗字是研究近代文字的起点;

    In short , the study on nonstandard forms of characters in three dictionaries in the Tang Dynasty is a starting point for studying modern characters .

  21. 俗字存在於汉字史上的各个时期,每个时期有每个时期的俗字,各个时期的正俗字关系是变化的。

    Folk Characters exist in the various periods of Chinese history , the relationship between Folk Characters and Standard Chinese Characters in each period is different .

  22. 由于不明俗字俗语,在白话小说整理过程中,常常出现失校、误校、擅改的情况。

    In collating the novels in the vernacular , errors often occurred in the wrong use of words , missing of words and wrong choice of words .

  23. 借此来强调敦煌俗字研究要尊重材料、全面客观,尤其要具有历史的观念。

    Take this to emphasize the the Dunhuang folk characters studied to respect the material , a comprehensive and objective , in particular with the concept of history .

  24. 二是俗字和通假字的影响和作用不同,俗字的产生使整个汉字体系变得更加庞大,而通假字不舍。

    Second , the effects of Folk Characters and Interchangeable Characters are different , The generation of the Chinese Folk Characters made The Character System bigger , but Interchangeable Characters did not .

  25. 《说文》最早提出“俗某字”这一概念,但由于重正轻俗传统观念的影响,历来对《说文》中俗字这种珍贵的汉字化石重视不够。

    With the influence of the traditional idea that the standard form of Chinese characters was thought highly , the folk characters in Shuo Wen , the precious Chinese character fossil , was not valued .

  26. 打印机活字的尺码,每英寸字行十个字体欧阳询行楷《千字文》俗字与敦煌俗字异同考辨

    A type size for typewriters , providing ten characters to the inch . A study on the similarities and differences between vernacular words in the running-regular script " Qianziwen " written by OUYANG Xun and Dunhuang Manuscripts

  27. 尽管前人对此书的评价不高,但该书于近代汉语语音研究,特别是明代上海方言研究,俗字研究等还是有一定的参考价值。

    Although people were not so highly apprised of this book , it has certain value for the study of recent period Chinese Phonetics , especially for the study of Ming Dynasty Shanghai dialect and studies of common words .

  28. 同时,对异体字的正字和俗字演变的原因进行探讨,试着从文字学、音韵学、训诂学等多个角度来探析,力图对其演变的原因做出合理的解释。

    Meanwhile , the variant forms of popular form of characters and regular script discusses the evolution , try reason from philology , phonology , exegesis study to explore different angles , trying to make the evolution of reason reasonable explanation .

  29. 研究唐代三书的俗字,可以了解唐代的用字情况,也可以在一定程度上扭转汉语文字学研究头重脚轻的不良局面,从而建立完整的汉语文字学体系。

    Knowing the situation about usage of characters in the Tang Dynasty , we can reverse the bad situation which is top-heavy and unsteady in the research of Chinese philology to some extent , so as to establish an integrated system of Chinese philology .

  30. 越南俗字中虽然有许多字不符合文字性质的要求,对构字理据造成了破坏。但是,不可否认的是越南俗字中也有许多既符合社会发展,也方便书写和使用的俗字。

    Although many Vietnamese Folk Characters in the text do not meet the requirements and damage the justifications , However , it is undeniable that there are a lot of Vietnamese Folk Characters consistent with social development , and also facilitate the writing and the use .