
  1. 计算机辅助汉字编码系统

    Computer aided Chinese character coding design system

  2. 基于N-Gram模型的高速汉字编码识别系统

    N-Gram Based High Speed Chinese Encoding Recognizing System

  3. 汉字自动编码系统ACCS

    Auto Chinese Character Code System ACCS

  4. 汉字编码自动化系统

    An automatic Chinese character encoding system

  5. 汉字编码与地理信息系统建设

    The Development of the Chinese Characters Coding and Geographic Information System

  6. 该文提出了一个应用n元语法模型(N-Gram)自动识别文档中汉字编码的方法,并介绍了一个已投入使用的汉字编码自动识别系统的设计和具体实现。

    This paper describes a new algorithm based on N-Gram which can automatically recognize Chinese internal encoding . The design and implementing of a completed system based on the algorithm are introduced .

  7. 文章详细论述了从特征码汉字信息库到字、词编码生成的程序处理方法,从而证实了在汉字编码系统中建立字、词码表是没有必要的。

    In the new system , it is necessary to set up a data base of feature information of the Chinese character .