
  • 【电】chinese input method
  1. Linux中文输入法服务器的分析和设计

    The Analysis and Design of a Chinese Character Input Method Server Based on Linux

  2. 目前,相对于Windows操作系统而言,Linux下的中文输入法比较少。

    At present , compared with the Windows operating system , Linux has less input method .

  3. 基于Linux和XIM协议的中文输入法服务器的实现及其应用

    The Implementation and Application of Input Method Server Based on Linux and XIM Protocol

  4. 嵌入式数字视频录像机是一种典型的嵌入式应用,其人机界面和中文输入法等应用均需要GUI系统的支持。

    Embeded Digital Video Recorder is a typical embedded application , in which man-machine interface and other applications require the support of GUI system .

  5. 论文最后提出了一种嵌入式中文输入法的解决方案,并在嵌入式Linux上基于Qt/Embedded实现了一种软键盘拼音输入法。

    The paper describes the design of an embedded Chinese pinyin input method which uses a software keypad as an input device . The input method is based on Qt / Embedded on embedded devices running Linux .

  6. 使用户方便地通过Windows95/98或NT内置的输入法生成器生成完全具有Windows95/98或NT特征和功能的中文输入法。

    It can make the users more easily obtain the Chinese input method with the characteristics and functions of Windows 95 / 98 / NT through Windows 95 / 98 / NT which has a built in generater of input method .

  7. 隐式分词的中文输入法及其实现

    A Chinese Input Approach Implicating Word Segmentation And its Implementation

  8. 基于Qt/Embedded技术的中文输入法设计

    A Chinese Charater Input Method Based on QT / Embedded

  9. 一种结合分类模型的中文输入法

    A New Chinese Input Method Combined With Classification Model

  10. 我刚刚卸载了我的中文输入法,抱歉造成您的不便。

    I 've just uninstalled my Chinese input method , sorry for the inconvenience .

  11. 我们在上海游玩,因宾馆房间的电脑没有中文输入法,只能英语发博了。

    The computer in the hotel has no Chinese inputting , sorry for the English .

  12. 嵌入式中文输入法设计

    Design Chinese Input Method in Embedded System

  13. 因为还没有中文输入法,我不得不用英文书写。

    Because there 's no Chinese imput method , I have to write in English .

  14. 快速高效的中文输入法对于此类应用在中国的推广是非常重要的。

    The effective Chinese input method is important for the promotion of these kinds of applications in China .

  15. 很抱歉的英文帖子,都没有安装中文输入法我重新安装。

    Sorry for the English posting , didn 't bother to install Chinese input method as I am re-installing .

  16. 介绍全拼、软拼音及南极星字词拼音等中文输入法的安装和使用方法。

    Incomplete Pinyin codes refer to the Chinese character Pinyin input codes with omissions in syllable initials , finals or tones .

  17. 谷歌公司昨天道歉,因为使用了另一家公司的技术,并应用于谷歌的中文输入法产品中,该产品发布日期是一周前。

    Google Inc yesterday apologized for using another company 's technology in a Chinese input method product it released a week ago .

  18. 事实上,我系好懒去学中文输入法,兼且我公司系外资公司,所以通常我都系用英文同其也人沟通。

    Actually I 'm lazy to learn the Chinese typing and my company is a foreign company , so usually I use English for communication .

  19. 本软件结合了强大的中文输入法和便笺,旨在帮助简体中文语言用户使用中文快速地编写和保存便笺。

    This app combines the powerful Chinese Input Method and Notes together , to help Chinese users saving notes , Powerful and Advanced Chinese Input Method .

  20. 通过研究运用人机交互知识进一步完善中文输入法的设计,降低用户由于按键失误而产生的负担,提高用户对输入法的满意度。

    This paper introduces the implement of a satisfying Chinese input method by using the windows IMM-IME architecture and the core algorithm of the conversion engine .

  21. 第三、四章分别介绍按键模糊的中文输入法的设计方案与其核心算法的设计。

    In both the third and the fourth part , presenting the design of imprecise key-pressed Chinese Input Method and the core algorithm of the conversion engine .

  22. 现在于市面上,仓颉、速成及笔划输入法为智能手机最常用及标准的繁体中文输入法。

    Currently on the market , for a smartphone , Cangjie , Quick and Stroke are the three most standard and commonly used Traditional Chinese characters input method .

  23. 搜狗是由中国的互联网巨头搜狐在2006年开发的中文输入法软件,它易于使用,每天的数据库更新使其很快成为互联网用户最喜爱的。

    Sogou , is a Chinese input software developed by the Chinese Internet giant Sohu in2006 , its easy-to use and everyday-based updating of its word database soon became a favorite amount internet users .

  24. 增加中文Windows输入法初探

    Primary Discussion on Adding User-define Chinese Characters Input Methods for Simplified Chinese Windows

  25. 中文Linux输入法引擎标准研究

    Research on Chinese Linux Input Method Engine Standard

  26. 单片机中文拼音输入法的设计及实现

    Design and Implementation of Chinese Input of PINYIN on MCU

  27. 嵌入式系统下中文拼音输入法的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Chinese Spelling Input Method in Embedded System

  28. 分析和研究中文键盘输入法的区位码/国标码源代码,可以推广到其他语言输入法的研究和编写。

    Analyzing and studying the source code of QW code / GB code can greatly contribute in studying and programming input methods of other languages .

  29. 本论文主要阐述了区位码/国标码输入法源代码的分析和研究,即对中文键盘输入法&区位码/国标码源代码进行了全面和系统的分析和研究。

    The paper mainly introduces the analysis and study on program of QW code / GB code , namely the program of Chinese keyboard input method-QW code / GB code is analyzed and studied detailedly and systematically .

  30. WI输入法是哈尔滨工业大学计算机学院语言技术中心网络智能研究室研发的一款面向苹果平台的中文语句级输入法。

    WI input method is developed by Web Intelligence Research Center of computer science department of Harbin Institute of Technology . And it is a statement-level Chinese input method .