
zhōnɡ wén xìn xī chǔ lǐ
  • Chinese information processing
  1. 随着国民经济信息化的不断发展以及Internet的普及应用,中文信息处理成为一种热门的研究领域。

    With the continuous development of national information technology and the popularization of Internet , Chinese information processing becomes a hot research field .

  2. UNIX中文信息处理系统实现的方案和技术

    The implementation strategies and technologies of UNIX Chinese information processing systems

  3. 建设高质量的大规模语料库是中文信息处理领域的基础性工程,目前,在机器翻译、语音识别、信息检索、Web文本挖掘等许多领域对语料库的使用越来越多,要求也越来越高。

    Constructing high-quality and large-scale corpora has always been a fundamental research area in the field of Chinese natural language processing .

  4. 在自动答疑Agent模型中:引入了中文信息处理技术,实现了对自然语言描述问题的分词,关键字的提取与相应权重的计算;

    The Automatic Answer Agent model accomplishes picking up the participles , key characters which describing natural language , and calculating the corresponding key weight ;

  5. 文语转换系统(Text-to-Speech)是人-机交互接口的重要组成部分,也是中文信息处理中的一个难题。

    Text-to-Speech ( TTS ) is an important part of human-computer interface and it is also a difficult problem in the Chinese information processing .

  6. 目前,中文信息处理领域吸引了众多计算机学界和语言学界专家投入了大量相关研究,但针对中文未登录词语POS猜测的研究还相对较少。

    At present , the Chinese information processing has attracted many linguistics and computer experts who put a lot of research on it , for POS guessing of Chinese unknown words studying was relatively small .

  7. 本文从作者多年开发UNIX中文信息处理系统的实践出发,系统地介绍了UNIX中文处理的基本原理和主要工作,比较了系统实现各种的方案,并且介绍了实现时采用的主要技术。

    Based on the development projects of UNIX Chinese processing information systems for many years , The principles and tasks of UNIX Chinese processing are introduced . The several different development strategies are compared , and implementation technologies used are presented .

  8. 本文基于汉语词典学界和中文信息处理界重词轻语的现象,对词组研究、熟语研究进行了反思,提出熟语单位(IdiomUnit,IU)的概念。

    Based on the phenomenon of emphasizing " words " but neglecting " idioms " in lexicography and Chinese information processing , this paper reflects upon the research of phrases and idioms , and puts forward the concept of Idiom Unit ( IU ) .

  9. 现代汉语语义词典(SKCC)是一部面向中文信息处理的语义知识库,1998年底完成一期工程,收词48835条。汉英机器翻译中基于大型语义词典的汉语词义消歧

    The Semantic Knowledge-base of Contemporary Chinese ( SKCC ) is a large machine-readable dictionary developed by the Institute of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Department of Peking University . A Study of Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation in MT Based on Semantic Knowledge-base

  10. 汉语自动分词是进行中文信息处理的基础。

    Automatic Chinese segmentation is the basis of Chinese information processing .

  11. 中文信息处理国际化研究(上)

    The Study on the Internationalization of Chinese Processing ( ⅰ )

  12. 句管控与中文信息处理

    On the Theory of Clausal Government and Chinese Information Processing

  13. 计算机中文信息处理系统代码系列设计

    Design of Coding Series for Computer - based Chinese Information Processing Systems

  14. 中文信息处理与词汇研究概述

    A Summary of The Relation Between Words and Information Process in Chinese

  15. 语料库是研究中文信息处理的基本语言资源。

    Chinese Corpus is a language resource of the essence .

  16. 中文信息处理技术在当代有广泛的应用。

    Chinese Information Processing technology has broad applications in modern .

  17. 中文信息处理交换用编码字符集代码结构

    The code structure of character sets for Chinese information processing and interchanging

  18. 中文信息处理在数字图书馆中的应用

    Application of Chinese Information Processing in the Digital Library

  19. 中文信息处理系统内部处理码设计问题

    On the Design of Internal Processing Code for Chinese Character Information Processing Systems

  20. 基于中文信息处理的现代汉语三音词研究

    A Study of the Three-Syllable Words in Modern Chinese for Chinese Information Processing

  21. 中文信息处理系统手动输入的现状与发展

    Manual Input in Chinese Information Processing Systems : The Present and the Future

  22. 再探中文信息处理系统的设计

    Exploration on the design of Chinese information processing system

  23. 本文讨论了电子政务文档的中文信息处理方法。

    This paper discussed the method of Chinese information processing for E-Government document .

  24. 中国在中文信息处理技术方面一直处于世界领先水平。

    In the area of Chinese language processing , China leads the world .

  25. 多文种处理已成为中文信息处理的新热。

    Mulit-lingual processing has become the new focus of Chinese Character Information Processing .

  26. 中文信息处理中自动分词技术的研究与展望

    A View of Chinese Word Automatic Segmentation Research in the Chinese Information Disposal

  27. 中文信息处理系统及其集成支撑环境

    Chinese information processing system and integrated supporting environment

  28. 中文信息处理、计算机自动分词与计算语言学;

    The Chinese language information process , the automatic word recognition and computational linguistics .

  29. 希望对字母词语的规范和中文信息处理有所裨益。

    The paper attempts to bestead the Chinese information processing and the lettered-words standardization .

  30. 中文信息处理技术的现状和发展

    Status and developement of Chinese information processing technology