
  • 网络Long term communication;long-term intercourse
  1. 长期交往的人往往相互之间有着某种共同之处。

    People long in association tend to identify with one another .

  2. 我们仅接受ABC有限公司的一笔定货,很遗憾我们不能提供具有长期交往经历的资信情况。

    ( 2 ) We have had only one order from ABC Co. , Ltd. , so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience .

  3. 你认为你们会长期交往吗?

    Do you really see this as a long-term thing ?

  4. 听我的话,我…从来没跟别人长期交往过。

    Take it from a guy who 's never had a long term relationship ......

  5. 国际惯例,指的是各国在长期交往的实践中逐步形成的具有法律拘束力的默示行为规则。

    International practices are the legally binding implicit rules which form in the long-term contacting practice between various countries .

  6. 下个赌注吧,来决定这个人是不是真的适合长期交往。

    Wager the pros and cons of getting involved with someone who may not be all that good for you long-term .

  7. 此人名叫哈卡拉,来自西雅图,他拍摄了一场盛大的求婚仪式,献给他长期交往的女友斯特拉·绮,如今他已在互联网上大红大紫。

    The Seattle man Hakala has now gone viral after filming a grand marriage proposal to his longtime girlfriend , Stella Yee 。

  8. 所以在第一次约会的时候,一定得花心思让她们感到自己被重视,而且为了维持长期交往,在以后的每一次约会中都该如此。

    So take the time to make her feel valued on your first date * and then continue that on every date afterward , for the rest of your relationship .

  9. 该理论认为银行在与企业长期交往过程中可以了解到许多内部信息,克服信息不对称,这构成关系银行相对于其他贷款人的比较优势。

    In the course of the long lasting relationship with firms , banks can get lot of internal information to overcome the informational asymmetry , which grant lender more competitive advantage .

  10. 对他们而言,最主要的找到一个合适的猎物,而不是找到一个你真的有可能长期交往下去(甚至只是在白天也能看)的人选。

    The problem is that for them , it 's all about the hunt , and not at all about finding someone with whom you would actually be compatible in the long term ( or even just in daylight ) .

  11. 商业保险代理人的集体行动逻辑,指代理人群体在长期交往互动中形成的思维同一性及其在展业行为中体现出来的行为一致性,它是思维方式和行为模式的有机统一。

    The collective action logic of the commercial insurance agents refers to the identity in their thoughts formed from the long-term contacting among them and the uniformity of their behavior . It is the unification of the thinking mode and the behavior pattern .

  12. 无论是仅有七条规定的汉谟拉比法典,还是现代国家浩若烟海的各类法律法规,所有的制度,就其本质而言,均是人类在长期交往过程中演化出的关于协调的一种共同知识。

    As we have known , either Hammurabi code only with seven rules or the complicated system in modern society , any institution is a kind of common knowledge about the coordination that the mankind evolves out in the long-term course of associating with each other .

  13. “一些男人自己也没定性,在网上也会那些没有诚意长期交往的女孩——原因很简单,他们自己都没有将这次约会看得很重要。”对于这类男人,钱也许也不是问题。

    Men waste money and energy dating the wrong people . " They don 't have purpose or focus , and they go out with folks who possess dealbreakers - simply because they 're not taking the dating process seriously . " For these men , it 's not about the money either .

  14. 握手是人类在长期的交往中逐渐形成的。

    Handshaking has gradually formed in the long course of human communication .

  15. 你可以轻易地打动任何一个星座的人与你发生一段激情,但长期的交往就是另外一回事了。

    You can easily persuade any sign to have a passionate affair with you , however a long-term relationship is another story .

  16. 依恋是一个个体与另一个个体在长期的交往中形成的一种强烈的、持久的情感联结。

    Attachment is a type of strong and long term emotional feeling which one person may have towards another after years of communication .

  17. 它是现实经济基础的反映,也反映了同一地区内各个民族在长期的交往实践中所形成的交往关系。

    It is realistic of economic foundation , also the various ethnic area in a long-term relationship formed by the practice of interact .

  18. 但相同的文化背景与长期的交往,造成了孙吴两大地域士人群体的逐渐融合。

    However , these two groups of bureaucrats from different regions integrate gradually because of the same cultural background and long term communication .

  19. 从一次在短袜专卖店的邂逅发展到长期的交往,这在现实生活中可没那么容易发生。然而唯有机场给那些渴望爱情的旅客提供了同样浪漫奇遇的机会。

    The practicalities of carrying out a long-term relationship based on a meeting in Sock Shop are slender , but only an airport offers the love-hungry traveller the same unique romantic possibilities .

  20. 而乡村社会资本即农民长期相互交往形成的关系网络、组织以及体现于其中的信任、互惠、网络、宽容、同情、团结,它们能够促进农民合作。

    Whereas , rural social capital , a long-term interaction of relationship networks , and the positive relationships in trust , reciprocity , network , tolerance , compassion , and solidarity , can promote cooperation among farmers .

  21. 当你长期跟某人交往时,这一切就不再成为可能。

    When you are with someone in a long-term relationship , that is no longer a possibility .

  22. 由于苗族与汉族长期接触和交往,苗语和汉语之间的相互影响十分明显。

    The inter influence between Hmong language and Chinese is conspicuous as a result of the long time contacts between the two ethnic groups .

  23. 由于民族间的长期共居和友好交往,使这一带的文化艺术呈现出多姿多彩、丰富多样的特点。

    Due to ethnic coexistence and their friendly contacts , cultures and arts there are of great variety and color .

  24. 但是由于两族长期以来与汉族交往频繁,所以社会文化在一定程度上存在相似性。

    However , because the both nationalities have exchanged with Han nationality for long term , both are similarities in social and cultural aspects .