
  • 网络perpetual check;element state
  1. 新州长将于下星期二到任就职。

    The new governor 's assumption of office will take place next Tuesday .

  2. 颇具影响力的巴基斯坦大使穆尼尔阿克兰(munirakram)表示,潘基文必须花更多时间来倾听它们的担忧:“这样,这位秘书长将获得如何处理好自己与成员国关系的第一手经验。”

    Munir Akram , the influential Ambassador of Pakistan , says Mr Ban has to spend more time listening to their concerns : " from this exercise the SG will gain first-hand experience how his relationship with the member states can be better managed . "

  3. 这些措施的实施时长将为60至90天。

    The measures would be enforced for 60 to 90 days .

  4. 联合国秘书长将与其一道在这方面做出努力。

    The United Nations Secretary-General had joined her in these efforts .

  5. 撤职;开除新州长将前任州长的职员全部解雇。

    The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor .

  6. 新州长将负责重划选区

    The new governor will oversee redistricting .

  7. 长将给黑方优秀的防御画上了句号,科瑞娜进入下一轮。

    The perpetual check crowns black 's excellent defense , which promoted Corina into the next round .

  8. 到了那边,监狱长将一张赦免书递给基米,这是本日早上州长签订的。

    There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon , which had been signed that morning by the governor .

  9. 前十名的分会,总会长将给予奖励,表彰这些分会的成就与付出。

    Those top10 clubs , district governor will award them for their great efforts in the last term .

  10. 协助总统和总检察长将所有的提案三和特定的提案一的法律空白补充完整;

    Assist the President and the Attorney General in filling all Article III and certain Article I judicial vacancies .

  11. 这里将是在纽约,秘书长将为纪念馆敬献了花圈。

    There is going to be a memorial in New York , where the Secretary General will lay a wreath .

  12. 现年76岁、曾任丰田董事长的藤尾长将担任名誉董事长,这一般是退休的前奏。

    Fujio CHO , 76 , who had been chairman , will become honorary chairman , normally a prelude to retirement .

  13. 每天日班护士长将不在班责任护士的病人分配给副责任护士。

    On every day shift the head nurse allocates the patients whose primary nurse is off duty to different associate nurses .

  14. 新馆长将于夏季就任,任职四年。

    The new directors are expected to be in place by the summer and will serve four-year terms before the positions reopen .

  15. 集团主要子公司的首席执行长将定期会面讨论重要事项,包括调整投资与品牌管理等事项。

    Chief executives from the group 's major affiliates will regularly meet to discuss key issues , including adjustments to investments and brand management .

  16. 柬埔寨两位首相要求联合国秘书长将其派驻柬埔寨的代表的留驻时间延长为6个月或更长一些。

    The two Cambodian prime ministers requested that the UN Secretary General extend the stay of his representative in Cambodia by six months or more .

  17. 一些著名的经济学家90年前曾经预测,随着技术的进步和生产力的提高,员工至今每周的工作时长将缩短至15小时。

    Nine decades ago , leading economists predicted that technological advances and rising productivity would mean that would be working a 15-hour week by now .

  18. 护卫长将耶利米叫来,对他说,耶和华你的神曾说要降这祸与此地。

    And the captain of the guard took Jeremiah , and said unto him , The LORD thy God hath pronounced this evil upon this place .

  19. 另外,时间一长将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来了不少的困难。

    In addition , a long time , will produce the massive documents and the data , for the search , the renewal and the maintenance has brought about a lot of difficulties .

  20. 设计了一个内核驱动程序,将应用程序的堆栈移动到代码区的上部,并修改代码段的限长将堆栈区排除在代码段之外。

    A kernel device driver is designed to relocate the application 's user-mode stack to the higher address and to modify the effective limit in the code segment descriptor , so the relocated stack is excluded from the code segment .

  21. 他表示,将部署安全部队前去支持专业医护人员,“对所有发病中心”以及“发现患者的地点和家庭采取隔离措施”。这些措施的实施时长将为60至90天。

    He said security forces would be deployed to support health professionals , and that " all epicenters of the disease will be quarantined " along with " localities and homes where the disease is identified . " The measures would be enforced for 60 to 90 days .

  22. 要是木炭确实着不了的话,使用一种特殊的液体喷剂,再用长木片将其点燃。

    If the charcoal does fail to light , use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper .

  23. 长时间将电话贴在耳朵上的用户可能会有手臂产生疼痛的风险。

    Users who hold the phone to their ear for long periods are at risk of developing a painful condition in their arm .

  24. 嗯,说到CNN上个月的独家,国际足联秘书长瓦尔克将假球现象比作可能杀死足球的顽疾,

    Well , speaking to CNN exclusively last month , the FIFA general secretary Jermoe Valke described match-fixing as a disease that could kill football ,

  25. 这周晚些时候,WHO总干事陈冯富珍和UN秘书长潘基文将与顶尖药厂的主管就制备针对H1N1疫苗的能力问题进行讨论。

    Later this week , WHO Director General Chan and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will be meeting with chiefs of the top pharmaceutical companies to talk about vaccine making capacity for H1N1 .

  26. 寰椎在受到无论何种方向的外力首先引起寰椎前弓骨折,如果外力足够大,持续时间足够长,将导致爆裂性骨折,如Jefferson骨折。

    The axial loading from any direction will cause the anterior arch fracture first if it is big enough . Enough big force or over long time of force will result in burst fractures , such as the Jefferson fracture .

  27. 即便报告最终认定维珍银行的“太空船2号”(SpaceShipTwo)不存在任何重大缺陷,该委员会的调查时间之长也将进一步打击李察爵士让该项目重新上马的希望,该项目已较原计划拖延数年。

    Even if it ultimately clears Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo of any major flaws , the length of the NTSB investigation looks set to complicate further Sir Richard 's hopes of getting back to development of the project , which is already years behind schedule .

  28. 用这个长铁棍将盖子撬开。

    Use this long bar to prise the lid off .

  29. 在这长日将尽之时,另一天又将破晓。

    At the end of the day there 's another day downing .

  30. 用长勺将搅拌好的果冻浆盛到玻璃碗中。

    Generously ladle the jelly syrups into separate glass bowls .