
  1. MIS(ManagementInformationSystem)是现代企业管理思想和计算机应用技术的结晶,通过MIS系统的实施可为企业在市场上获得优势,并取得最大的利润。

    MIS ( Management Information Systems ) is the combination of modern enterprise management philosophy and computer application technology . Carrying out MIS system , the enterprise will be more competitive in the market and could gain the maximized profit .

  2. 在综述现代企业管理思想和方法的基础上,指出了质量功能配置(QFD)的桥梁作用及其局限性。

    On the basis of summarizing modern business management thinking and methods , the bridge function and limitation of quality function deployment ( QFD ) is pointed out .

  3. 尤其在中国加入WTO之后,面对民营企业管理思想的封闭,管理手段的落后,生命周期短暂等诸多问题,如何将技术、人才与管理的三者整合为核心竞争能力迫在眉睫。

    Particularly China entry WTO , facing management means behind schedule , management thought outing of date , and many problems of brief life cycle , It is the utmost urgency how to integrate technique , talented person and management into the core competition ability .

  4. ERP系统作为IT技术和先进企业管理思想结合的产物,已经成为西方发达国家企业成本管理的一个必要工具,它可以帮助企业实现全面成本管理。

    As a product combining the IT technology and advanced enterprise management thought , ERP system has already been a necessary tool for the cost management of enterprises in western developed countries , and it can also help enterprises to realize comprehensive cost management .

  5. ERP,是在先进的企业管理思想的基础上,应用信息技术实现对整个企业资源的一体化管理,是解决企业中信息孤立的最佳方案,但是传统的ERP模块的设计与开发相对独立。

    ERP , is on advanced business administration thought basis , the integration that IT applying realizes to entire enterprise resource manages , is to resolve the isolated preferred plan of enterprise middle information , the tradition ERP module design and exploitation are relatively independent .

  6. ERP是著名信息咨询公司Gartner上世纪90年代提出来的概念,经过若干年的发展逐渐成为一种成熟的企业管理思想和管理模式,被称为下一代企业级信息系统。

    ERP is the concept that is put forward by the leading information consulting firm Gartner last century . After several years of development , ERP has become a mature business management idea and management model , which is known as the next generation of enterprise information system .

  7. 现代企业管理思想演变的系统视角

    A Systematic Perspective of the Evolution of Modern Business Management Thought

  8. 更新观念,树立现代企业管理思想

    Update mode of thought and foster a modern business management concept

  9. 新的企业管理思想在崛起&从海尔的发展看企业文化建设的重要性

    Haier 's Development and the Rising of New Industrial Management Thoughts

  10. 信息时代我国大中型铜加工企业管理思想变革浅论

    A brief talk on changing ideology of administration of medium and large-scaled

  11. 张謇的文化观与企业管理思想

    Zhang Jian 's Cultural View and Thought of Business Management

  12. 德鲁克企业管理思想的社会哲学解读

    A Socio-philosophical Interpretation of Drucker 's Philosophy of Business Management

  13. 高校管理也要贯彻企业管理思想

    Business Management Ideology Should Be Applied in Managing Universities

  14. 四大名著与现代企业管理思想

    Four great classical masterpieces and modern business management thought

  15. 马克思企业管理思想述评及其启示

    Marx 's Business Administration Thought Review and Enlightenment

  16. 改革30年来企业管理思想演进路径探析

    The Path of the Evolution Management Though for 30 Years of Reform & Opening Up

  17. 易学理论对现代企业管理思想的影响

    On the Effects of the Theories from THE BOOK OF CHANGES on the Management of Modern Enterprises

  18. 现代企业管理思想是在过去一百年间不断发展和逐步完善起来的。

    The thought of modern business management has evolved and perfected gradually in the past 100 years .

  19. 以事务为中心的企业管理思想,向以经营灵魂为中心的管理思想转变。

    The idea of management with business as a centre is turning to which with management soul as a centre ;

  20. 目前,以资金集中管理为主线的新一代企业管理思想正在一些大型集团企业中悄然兴起。

    At present , as the main line of next-generation enterprise management idea , centralized management of funds is quietly rising .

  21. 管理创新是对企业管理思想、管理方法、管理工具和管理模式的创新。

    Management creativity is the creativity in management ideology , management methods , management instrument and management model of the enterprises .

  22. 随着企业管理思想和信息技术的发展,传统企业资源计划面临着新的挑战。

    With the advancement of the ideas of enterprise management and information technology , traditional ERP is confronted with new challenges .

  23. 在分析企业管理思想运作高等职业教育的可行性,高等职业办学的市场定位,高等职业教育所面对客户的特性之后,从几个方面具体阐述如何以企业管理思想运作高等职业教育办学。

    How to operate higher vocational education with enterprise philosophy is discussed in detail from several aspects , after analysis its feasibility , market orientation and customer characteristic .

  24. 随着网络计算技术的飞速发展,电子化企业管理思想的出现,企业管理软件也进行着不断的调整。

    With the fast-speed development Of network-computer-technology and the appearance of electric-administrate-idea , enterprise 's managing software is adjusting and consummating continuously to adapt to the practical needs .

  25. 本文从现代企业管理思想的发展着手,论述了跨企业信息系统集成的必要性;

    This text sets about from the development of the modern business administration thought , and expounds the fact that the necessity of integration of information system of enterprises ;

  26. 随着市场竞争的加剧,现代化企业管理思想不断深入企业内部,成为企业降低生产成本,提高效益的重要途径。

    With the more severe competition of the market , modern management thoughts go into the inner of enterprises deeply , which would be an important way of reducing costs and improving benefits .

  27. 环境的变化产生管理的问题和需求,导致企业管理思想、方法、模式以及企业组织发生变革,并对会计决策提出了更高的要求。

    The changes in environment generate new questions and demands for management . They also bring about a series of revolution to the enterprise organization and management idea , method , and mode .

  28. 本文阐述了IT时代企业管理思想的变化,在此基础上,探讨了知识管理、组织创新和人文管理的发展趋向。

    This paper introduces the change of enterprise managerial ideology in the IT age . On this base , the developmental trend of knowledge management , organization innovation and humanities management are discussed .

  29. 现代全面预算管理渊源于企业管理思想、管理会计理论,它与企业经营方式、企业经营环境等内外部变量密切相关。

    The contemporary Comprehensive Budgetary Management System originated from business management philosophies and managerial accounting theories , and it has profound interrelations with internal and external variables such as company group management style and operating environment .

  30. 作业成本管理思想与各种先进的企业管理思想相结合,形成了现代企业管理的重要方法,在现代企业管理中将发挥出越来越重要的作用。

    Homework cost management thought and various kinds of advanced ideas of enterprise management should be combined to form a modern enterprise management important method , the modern enterprise management will play a more and more important role .