
  1. 只要做一点工作,我们将可以扩展JAAS,使其包含一个通用的、类实例级的授权框架。

    With a little bit of work , we can extend JAAS to include a generalized class instance-level authorization framework .

  2. 所以,如果您想要使用RESTfulAtomPub绑定编写将跨所有遵循CMIS的提供商工作的代码,那么您在客户端还有一点工作要做。

    So if you want to write code that will work across all CMIS compliant providers using the RESTful AtomPub binding , you have a little more work to do on the client side .

  3. 他想找个好一点工作的希望破灭了。

    His hopes of finding a better job were shattered .

  4. 我们刚处理完所剩余的一点工作。

    We 've been working off what little we have .

  5. 多做一点工作对他算不了什么。

    It wouldn 't kill him to do a bit more work .

  6. 20年来我一点工作也没做。

    For twenty years I haven 't done a lick of work .

  7. 我说,做一点工作对你没有害处。

    I should say a little work would do you no harm .

  8. 她一点工作都不做。

    She won 't do a stitch of work .

  9. 他一点工作也没做。

    He didn 't do a stroke of work .

  10. 境遇好的时候做一点工作,在境遇不好时,会是很大的帮助。

    A little work when times are good isa big help when times are bad .

  11. 他们的每一点工作都要经过层层官僚机构。

    Every element of their work will be pored over by multiple layers of bureaucracy .

  12. 但这正是为什么孩子们应该做一点工作--学习的责任。

    But that ' exactly why kids should do a little work --- to learn responsibility .

  13. 这正是适当处理一点工作的完美心态。

    Which is the perfect frame of mind in which to tackle a bit of proper work .

  14. 整个过程并没有太多的兼容性破坏问题,而只是相对简单地修补应用程序。事实上想要利用新的功能,多花一点工作是在所难免的,也是意料之中的。

    There wasn 't a lot of compatibility breakage , and fixing apps was a relatively easy task .

  15. 我相信,华人社区在照顾长者的问题上,其实是可以多作一点工作,为有需要的人付出一点。

    I believe that there is much that the community can work together to help taking care of the aged .

  16. 观众将不知道他们也需要做一点工作从而进入这出戏里。

    The audience won 't know that you have to do a bit of work to get into the play .

  17. 一直以来都有人指出(或者是这么想但是么说出来),认为我们之所以引入自动加点系统只是为了让自己可以少做一点工作。

    There is a continuing idea that we have either said or stand behind the notion that auto-stats are either partially or in-whole being implemented because it makes the game easier to balance .

  18. 从这些简短的描述中,我希望你能够理解从衡量IBMRationalRequisitePro的能力的很少一点额外工作中,你将获得多大的收益。

    From this brief description , I hope you are able to understand how much value you can derive from doing a small amount of extra work to leverage the capabilities of IBM Rational RequisitePro .

  19. Frankel建议在面试之前做一点基本工作这样才能够在面试中准确回答这个问题。

    Frankel recommends doing a little groundwork before your interview so that you are best equipped to answer this question .

  20. 每天做一点清洁工作从而将工作负担分散开来。

    Spread the load by doing a little cleaning every day .

  21. 他们去深圳以寻找好一点的工作。

    They went to Shenzhen in their search for better jobs .

  22. 资格并不是最重要的,但有一点过去工作经历却有帮助。

    Qualifications are not essential , but some previous experience is useful .

  23. 你也可以用每天下午1点工作来取代下午一点不工作。

    You replace not working out at1:00pm with working out everyday at1:00pm .

  24. 他工作很认真,这一点在工作中已显示出来。

    He is very careful , as his work shows .

  25. 我想做一些稍微低调一点的工作。

    I want something with a little lower profile .

  26. 通过一点额外工作,您也可以生成美观的电子表格。

    With a bit of extra work , you can also produce nice-looking spreadsheets .

  27. 除了向医生咨询,人们还可以自己做一点研究工作。

    Along with talking to a physician , people can do their own research .

  28. 理论艺术:给我们透露一点你工作的进展情况。

    Art of Theory : Tell us a little bit about your work process .

  29. 为这么一点钱工作就是不值得。

    Working for so little money just isn'tworthwhile .

  30. 而自己仅仅是一点文书工作?

    Just to ditch a little paperwork ?