
  1. 目前,在更多的竞争者如雨后春笋般萌芽之前,在改革让高等教育变得更加多样化之前,将A-level成绩看做一考定终身的传统仍将保持。

    For the moment , until more competitors spring up and reforms diversify tertiary education further , the ritual of life-shaping A-level envelopes is here to stay .

  2. 贝塔:“一考定终身”恰恰是人类的悲剧。

    Beta : That 's exactly thy tragedy of human beings ( applause ) .

  3. 考一考他对圣经懂得多少。

    Test him on his knowledge of bible .

  4. 而所谓多元评价或多次机会的改革,也不会改变一考定终身的状态。

    Meanwhile the so-called multi-evaluation or multi-opportunity reformation can 't change the status of test deciding the lifelong .

  5. 于是,她一考完试就奔回家中,自以为一切还是老样子。

    So , upon finishing her exams , she fled home , thinking everything would be just as it used to be .

  6. 本文对先秦、秦汉时期大鸿胪官职的渊源及职能演变作一考略。

    The paper does a preliminary examination evolution strategy on the origin and function of this offcial in Qin and Han dynasty .

  7. 最后,通过五次每月一考以及期末的检验考试,将他们的成绩作为检验的重要指标。

    At last , they have five monthly tests and the final examination , the score is regarded as the important test rating .

  8. 高校自主招生是对一考定终身考试制度的有力抨击,也是选拔优秀创新人才的新探索。

    Self enrolment is powerful attack at " college entrance examination decides one life " test system and also explored new areas of selecting the outstanding innovation talented person .

  9. 课堂不听,课下不学,导致我一考语文就发晕,分数自然是全班倒数第一。

    Class did not listen , do not learn the next lesson , led me to a language test on the faint , the score is naturally the last first class .

  10. 那天早晨,我去上学,去得非常晚,我好害怕被责骂,特别是,阿麦尔先生跟我们说过,他要考一考分词规则,

    I was very late for school that morning , and I was terribly afraid of being scolded , especially as Monsieur Hamel had told us that he should examine us on participles ,

  11. 下个星期一要考英语。

    There would be an English exam next Monday .

  12. 最后一门考的是魔法史。

    Their very last exam was History of Magic .

  13. 我们下周星期一要考第二课。

    We are going to have a test on Lesson Two next Monday .

  14. 为什么?我们上星期一才考过呀!

    What for ? We had one last Monday !

  15. 还是就我一个考的这么差!

    Or test for my1 of so bad !

  16. 他在最后一门考完以后走了。

    He left after his last final .

  17. 最后一门考完了,身体很累,心情却轻松许多了!

    The last test is over , body is tired , but heart is light !

  18. 一听到考上大学的消息,他高兴得跳了起来。

    On hearing the news that he passed the college entrance examination , he jumped with joy .

  19. 在等电点聚焦分析中该成分为一条考马斯亮蓝染色带。

    Isoelectric focusing of STFC in thin-layer polyacrylamide gel obtained only one band as shown by Coomassie Blue staining .

  20. 面试的重要问题有三,一是考什么,二是怎么考,三是由谁来考。

    There are three important questions : what to test , how to test and who will conduct the test .

  21. “你在我妹妹身上演的那场小闹剧真滑稽。是不是巴茨尼哄骗你,你才捉弄一个考利昂?”

    " That little farce you played out with my sister , did Barzini kid you that would fool a corleone ?"

  22. 如题目所言,本文使关于陈子龙雅正诗学精神的一篇考论。

    As is said on the topic , this thesis is about the textual research on the study of Chen zilong ' grace poetry spirit .

  23. 我认为,学习就是一个考的过程,而思考又是学习的必要条件,学会思考很重要!

    I think studying is a process of thinking , but considers and is the essential condition of study , academic association thinking very important !

  24. “他的最近一次测验考得怎么样?”“不及格。”

    " how did he do on the last test ?"" he bombed . "

  25. 除了戴维斯,湖人队还增加了考辛斯,作为勇士队的一员,考辛斯从四头肌撕裂中恢复后,在NBA总决赛中展现了他曾经的统治能力。

    In addition to Davis , the Lakers have added Cousins , who as a member of the Warriors showed a hint of his once-dominating skills during the NBA Finals once he returned from a torn quadriceps .

  26. 已经被一种叫考齐的小青蛙所侵袭。

    Has been invaded by a small frog called the coqui .

  27. 把它作为一次期末考。

    By putting it on a final exam .

  28. 我妈说再等一年才能考驾照。

    My mother said I should hold off getting my license one more year .

  29. 最后一场考试考完我将打好的行装放进车里,跟大家告别时说秋天见。

    I packed my car after my last exam and said my good-byes until the fall .

  30. 这个模式提供了企业主客观且有效的方式來选择广告代言人,为决策者提供一个參考的依据。

    The proposed model helps businesses to effectively select a spokesman by providing the basis for their decision making .