
  1. 利用复数域上二次型的理论,给出了复数域上多元二次多项式可分解为两个一次因式的充要条件,并给出了分解的方法。

    Using the theory of quadratic form the necessary and sufficient condition for complex quadratic polynomials in several elements to be decomposed into two one order factors and the decomposable method are obtained .

  2. 分析了实二次齐式和厄米特齐式的分解因式,并确定了实二次齐式和厄米特齐式能分解为两个一次因式乘积的条件。

    The article analyzes decomposition of the real quadratic form and Hermite quadratic form , and ascertain the condition which the real quadratic form and Hermite quadratic form can separate the product of two linear polynomials .