
  • 网络a sort of philosophy
  1. “义利之辨”本质上是一种人生观之辨,它具有深厚的人学底蕴;

    The'debate over justice and benefit'is a kind of outlook on life and it has profound human being details .

  2. 同样有利子人们获得一种人生观,就是首先给予幽默感以应有地位。

    it conduces to a view of life in which humor , above all , has its due place .

  3. 中华民族自古就有忧患意识,但这常常被视为个体的一种人生观,而未像报告文学家那样把它作为国家民族整体的思维模式;

    Consciousness of suffering , often being regarded as an individual philosophy in Chinese history , has been taken by the reportage writers as the pattern of thought of the whole nation .

  4. 这并不是一种颓废的人生观。

    This is not a kind of decadent Outlook on life .

  5. 可以说傅山的宗教观代表了古代文人对社会的一种态度和人生观的一种追求,是全身避祸的一种途径,是文人的宗教观。

    Fu Shan can be said to represent the religion of the ancient Chinese literati on a pursuit of life , is a way of protecting of their own and avoiding the disaster , is a religion of literati .

  6. 反讽是一种文体表达方法,也是一种人生观,观察、领悟世界的一种方式。

    Irony is a way of style expression , and is a kind of philosophy and a way of seeing and perceiving the world , too .

  7. 等我长大成人后,我渐渐懂得了这不仅仅是一个小孩的游戏,而且象征着一种人生观。

    As I became a man , I grew to understand that this was not just a child 's game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life .

  8. 从其实践要求和理论品性来看,一种完整的环境伦理学理论必然包含着一种关于人生观的理解。

    Looked from its practical demand and theoretical character , an integrated theory of environmental ethics cannot but embody its understanding of life philosophy .

  9. 这一认识能够仁慈地缓和那份令人几欲崩溃的责任感,并防止我们太把自己或者他人当回事,还有助于形成一种尤其幽默的人生观。

    This realization mercifully mitigates the easily paralyzing sense of responsibility and prevents us from taking ourselves and other people all too seriously ; it is conducive to a view of life which , in particular , gives humor its due .