
  1. 赵启正主任在中日媒体研讨会上答记者问。

    Questions and answers at the China-Japan media seminar .

  2. 我赞同赵启正,而不是宋哲对新闻业的观点。现在剩下的就是如何付诸行动了。

    Having agreed on the Zhao rather than the Song school of journalism , all that remains is to do it .

  3. 大会发言人赵启正在阐述中说道,周一提出的加强恢复经济问题,是当前经济危机带来全球影响的局势中首要关心的问题。

    Zhao Qizheng , spokesman of the session , told press Monday economic recovery topped the advisors'concerns while the impact of the global financial crisis unfolded .