
  1. 新世纪福建水产科技发展趋势

    The trend of Fujian aquatic science development in the new century

  2. 当代科技发展趋势与高等教育改革

    Development trend of contemporary science and technology and higher education reform

  3. 省区影响因子&中国各省区科技发展趋势评价

    Province Impact Index : Evaluation of Development Trends in Chinese Science

  4. 当前世界科技发展趋势和我们应采取的对策

    Tendency of Science and Technology Development in the World and Our Measure

  5. 世界化学化工科技发展趋势和对策

    Scientific and technical development of the world chemical industry and our policy

  6. 上海城市公共交通科技发展趋势

    Scientific and Technological Trends in Shanghai 's Urban Transit

  7. 中国奶业科技发展趋势研究

    A Study on the Scientific and Technical Development Trends of Chinese Dairy Industry

  8. 公路环保科技发展趋势与战略对策的探讨

    Discussion on development tendency and strategic measures of science and technology of highway environment protection

  9. 地质测绘科技发展趋势与对策

    Geological Surveying : Development Prospect and Countermeasures

  10. 21世纪中国油脂科技发展趋势

    Development Trends of Oils and Fats Science of China in 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  11. 90年代世界林业科技发展趋势与我国的对策

    The Development Trends of the World Forest Science and Technology in 1990s and the Policy in China

  12. 以节水灌溉为中心的农村水利科技发展趋势与研究重点

    Development Trend and Research Emphases of Science and Technology of Rural Water Conservancy Centering on Water Saving Irrigation

  13. 在总结当今基本有机原料科技发展趋势的基础上,展望了未来此领域内的技术发展状况。

    Prospects for future technology developing status of basic organic chemicals based on summarizing their recent science and technology developing trends .

  14. 发展我国风险投资是顺应世界科技发展趋势,适应国际竞争的需要。

    Developing our country 's venture capital complies with the technology development tendency of the world and adapts to the need of international competition .

  15. 知识经济、现代科技发展趋势、经济全球化和现代信息技术革命,构成了企业创新网络形成和发展的时代背景。

    The developing knowledge economy , contemporary science and technology , economic globalization , and modern information technology revolution , jointly constitute the research context .

  16. 本文回顾了国际上关于科技发展趋势及信息通信技术在旅游业中应用的最新发展趋势。

    This paper reviewed contemporary trends in science and technology development in international context and the most updated trends of the application of information communication technology to tourism .

  17. 我们要在充分认识食品安全科技发展趋势基础上,通过加强食品安全科技能力和专业队伍的建设,推动食品安全科技进步,确保实现食品安全。

    On the basis of knowing its trend of development , we should impel its progress and ensure food safety by tightening up its scientific and technological ability and the building of specialized personnel .

  18. 同时和铬酸盐等缓蚀剂相比聚苯胺是一种没有环境污染、符合时代和科技发展趋势的防腐蚀材料。

    Polyaniline as a corrosion inhibitor has no any environmental side-effect compare with other conventional corrosion inhibitors , such as chromate , and it is a green corrosion inhibitor accord with times and science development .

  19. 走新型工业化道路是对我国工业化发展阶段准确定位后,在总结传统工业化经验教训的基础上,作出的符合我国国情和世界科技发展趋势的正确选择。

    Following the new-type route of the industrialization is the right choice on the base of summarization the experience of the traditional industrialization and true orientation to the phase of the development of industrialization in our country .

  20. 当代科技发展趋势,使单个企业无法完成整合地区乃至全国的资源,推动国家层面技术创新的使命,使得原来以企业为唯一主体的技术创新模式发生了根本改变。

    With the development of contemporary science and technology , single corporation cannot integrate local or countrywide resources and bring forward national technical innovation , and thus original technical innovation model that regards only corporations as innovation subject has been changed radically .

  21. 遵循区域科技发展趋势与科技高地形成规律,提升天津科技在全国的地位、形成天津科技创新的集成优势具有重要的战略意义。

    Following the rules of forming the regional science and technology development tendency and the technical height , it will have important strategic meaning to promote Tianjin status of science and technology in the nation , and to form Tianjin integrated advantage on science and technology innovation .

  22. 天文CCD的技术现状与发展机械科技近期发展趋势

    The Current Status and Progress of the CCD for Astronomical Observations in Recent Years DEVELOPMENT TREND OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN RECENT YEARS

  23. 微纳米技术及微光机电系统(Micro-Opto-Electro-mechanicalsystem,MOEMS)代表着未来科技的发展趋势。

    Micro / Nano technique and Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical System ( MOEMS ) represent the research tendency of future science and technology .

  24. 新经济时代的科技发展大趋势

    Big Trend of the Technology Development in the New Economic Ages

  25. 机械科技近期发展趋势

    Development trend of mechanical science and technology in recent years

  26. 未来科技的发展趋势是智能化,简捷化,节能化。

    The future trend of technology is intelligent , simple and energy-saving .

  27. 浅议矿业类科技期刊发展趋势

    Simply Discussing on Development Trend of Mine Industry Science Journal

  28. 在此基础上,进一步分析了21世纪石油科技的发展趋势。

    On the basis of those , the tendency of the development of petroleum science and technique in the twenty first century is proposed .

  29. 目前,经济全球化和科技发展新趋势,为世界各国的产业结构调整带来了重要机遇和严峻挑战。

    Today , along with the economic globalization and the new tendency in science & technology , the industrial structures ' modulations in all countries are facing significant opportunities and serious challenges .

  30. 高校负担着为国家培养高层次人才的重任,高校的发展要紧紧把握时代发展的脉搏,掌握现代科技发展的趋势。

    Colleges burden the task to develop high-level talent for the country , so the development of colleges must firmly grasp the pulse of the development of the times and the trend of modern technology development .