
  1. 取得了显著的科研业绩,培育了一个发展势头良好的人文学科高等教育学硕士点,建立了一个以公开刊物为依托的学术阵地全国优秀社科学报,荣获首届全国高校优秀高等教育研究机构。

    A good development momentum of humane discipline The Site of Master of Higher Education has been cultivated , and an academic position has been built depending on the public publication .

  2. 30年来,编辑部经过不断努力,使刊物质量逐步提高,从内部刊物走向了世界,成为公开发行的刊物。

    For 30 years the editorial department has continually made great efforts to improve the quality of the periodical , which has advanced towards the world from a restricted publication to become one made public .